Wednesday, December 31, 2003


Still sick. Sore Throat. New Year's Eve is not looking like a party - and yet I am still determined to go : ) what a tropper huh? I'm currently listening to Tori Amos' "Little Earthquakes" which is a delight as I bought it in 1991 when I was a freshman in highschool but it's still brilliant.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003


I'm fighting off a nasty cold. Blahk. I hate it when my throat is sore. Things are falling into place for CD #4 and my website is going through some changes. I'm car shopping and it makes my eyes cross but it's still kind of fun. Tonight I plan on slamming some B&B and going straight to bed (after a bubble bath of course)

*sigh* How awfully girly huh?

Monday, December 29, 2003


Due to the generosity of family and friends I have replenished my book list of 'to read's. Currently I'm smack dab in the middle of "Holy Blood Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln. Marvelous read. Full of intrigue surrounding the Cathars, Clement V and the Knights Templar. Love it. I've already highlighted some 30 passages because I'd like to review them later on or at least pick up some of hte reference material. Fascinating stuff. I recorded some initial tracks at Third Ear on Sunday and am quite excited about doing the CD this month, well, January anyway.

Now I'm tired, it's nap time...

Saturday, December 27, 2003


It's Mr. Manager's birthday today. I'm recording some initial songs tomorrow at Third Ear, so I can pass it off to the band for when we rehearse. Fun. Tons of driving this holiday season but all my gifts were a huge success - it truly is more fun to give. But I did make out with some cool presents from family and friends. I even got a monogramed scarf - I love it. First time for everything. Off to breakfast.

P.S. I'm thrilled to be back in Minneapolis.

P.S.S Smaller show than anticipated but we still filled two rooms last Tuesday for the hosue concert. Good times.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

In Green Bay

Gig tonight at the parent's house. Good be 20 people could be 200. Should be interesting. At least the pets are happy with the tree : )

Saturday, December 20, 2003


For quite some time, I've had callouses on my left hand fingertips...compliments of the Taylor guitar. But this week has created callouses on my callouses and now I've split my fingers open. Possibly a combination of cold and dry and snow and song, but a strange part of me feels like Jimi Hendrix. Rock star...woo hoo!

I've written 6 or 7 complete new songs and fragements of a dozen others. This poses an interesting question - do I record them in January or not? I usually like to settle into a song by playing it at least 500 times and most of those times live by the way. However, new songs bring an excitement so unique that it's hard to stay away from them. Hence, the bloody broken fingertips. Subsonsciously I believe I'm trying to play the new songs 500 times all in one week to make them fair game for CD number four. I'm weird...I know.

I might have fuond a drummer and Mr. Possible Bass Player is stopping by the afternoon for an audition. Fun.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Snow and stuff

Last night was an interesting x-mas party with free CD take-aways. Strange, but good. I think. Then it snowed, but everything was light, fluffy and pretty. I'm in the middle of a so-so book and looking forward to something I can really enjoy. Suggestions? Maybe this is a good thing with all the music writing and guitar splurging.

I've decided I want to learn how to play the drums, but haven't told my dog about it yet.

The holidays tire me out, but I do love presents. Buying them is most often the best part for me, but today I received a Christopher Radko kitten ornament that is absolutely to die for. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Sweet huh?

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Emmylou Harris - Stumble Into Grace

I just finished a CD review and thought I would post it on my journal as well hand it in. I finished writing another song last night too. It's called 'Something to Betray'; despite the title it's a happy song. Honest. The only problem is wanting to add all these new tunes to my CD next month. Don't worry...I'll figure it all out...

Emmylou Harris
Stumble into Grace

I know it’s girly but I have to say that the CD jacket for ‘Stumble into Grace’ is beautiful. After seeing Emmylou perform last year I was amazed at her poise and elegance. Well, that vibrant dimension of her character shows through in every picture, every promo, and every video clip. She’s a stunner, there’s no two ways about it. That being said…how she looks has nothing to do with her voice, but lucky for us – it fits. My exposure to Emmylou began with ‘Red Dirt Girl’. You might be wondering what hole I lived in during the 1990’s when ‘Wrecking Ball’ soared over mainstream radio. Uhm, I was still listening to Madonna. Needless to say, I’ve been making up for lost time. A word of warning though: fans of ‘Red Dirt Girl’ might be a bit surprised by the bare bones sound and soft production woven through the music. Emmylou’s voice is clear as a bell and somewhat eerie at times. Her knack for poignant lyrics that romanticize the mundane hook the listener with the usual degree of force, but her newest release is quite different from her previous recordings. Recently, she appeared to be moving towards pop music, but ‘Stumble into Grace’ yanks her back to folk with a vengeance. ‘Stumble’ is a beautiful creation full of life and vivid imagery. Well worth the listen and delightfully full of surprises. (Killer track: number four - Time in Babylon)

Monday, December 15, 2003

Linda Eder - so so

Saturday night, my mother and I went to see Linda Eder at the State Theatre. I first heard Eder's music in high school from a Broadway CD, Jeckel & Hyde. She had such a clear, powerful voice that I got hooked. So when I heard she was passing through Minneapolis this December, I thought it worth while to check her out LIVE. Well, yes, she is a gifted performer. Eder plays to the audience, sucking a song for all it's worth, but...I guess I'd skip her Christmas show. Anyone can sing 'Silent Night' or 'Here comes Santa Claus' but why would they want to? And who wants to hear that?

Orginally from Brianerd Minnesota (I didn't know that until Saturday - and spelling?) Linda Eder has connections and heart strings woven into the Twin Cities. As a result, a Minnesota choir joined her on stage this weekend and it was absolutely disasterous. This choir was from some western suburb and had the word 'gospel' in their name but they were uneven, tone deaf and literally wretched. What an awful way to ruin a beautiful concert. Eder's band was a perfect fit but the choir oozed into the crevice of any song they were allowed to sing. I couldn't get out of the theatre fast enough. The sad part about my post is that I'm not being very fair. Why should an amateur choir be held up to the same standards of a professional entertainer? They shouldn't...unless of course the audience forked up $50 per person for a ticket price. A local 'hobby' choir just shouldn't have been invited or allowed to perform with a Broadway/Recording artist. Not a good fit.

I am glad I went to see the show as I've wanted to hear Eder live for quite a while, but maybe I'll post some requests for a solo show on her message board...

Saturday, December 13, 2003


I got some pictures from the Barking Spider and Xhedos...I'll try and post them. Too bad many of you will not be able to feel the sensation from the shows. It was an indescribable tour. My mother and I are going to see Linda Eder this evening (She's the vocals from Jeckel and Hyde the musical) Stunning voice. I've always liked her singing. Fun Christmas event. Recording is looking great for next month. Woo Hoo!!!!

More later...

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Can't talk...too busy writing...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Spectacular blizzard in the Twin Cities yesterday. Driving was a slow go, but the view was worth it. Plus I turned on my heated matress pad and crawled into bed looking out at the pretty snow. I finally slept last the dead. It's official - I can only last 5 days on four hours of sleep a night. Good to know huh? Christmas party tonight, but I will make time for my guitar. Songs are just swirling inside my head. It's a wonder I haven't started speaking in rhyme and verse. Odd.

I'm still listening to Kyle Vincent. Good thing he lives on the coast, otherwise I'd have to worry about a restraining order. By the way, I trust you're all amused instead of frightened. No worries, I'm as close to sane as is humanly possible....for me that is.

I'm off to work a fundraiser. Toodles.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Kyle, Kyle and more Kyle

I didn’t want to come back. Returning to Minneapolis was the hardest thing to do. Kyle Vincent, LIVE, is beyond description. Who would have thought it was possible to fall in love at first sight? Because I did…I fell in love with his songs, his voice. His music is love to me. If you check into my web journal you know that I caught a glimpse of Kyle in Boston at NEMO back in September and immediately ordered every CD he composed because my first impression of the performance was breathtaking…and I was right.

My heart is, as most of you know, already owned and operated by Mr. Manager, so there’s no room for anyone else. But the strange thing about music is that it opens up the spirit and makes your heart bigger. Do you believe in past lives or souls that keep meeting up over and over again regardless of time or circumstance? I have always believed, or better yet, known. There have been people who seem familiar before a handshake or even a hello. Kyle is one of those souls. He and I both joked about being long lost siblings. I even called my parents to double check if there was a secret love child, possibly missing for 20-some years. No such luck…I can still hope though.

Every night, hearing Kyle play, feeling him sing, I just radiated happiness. For 3 nights straight I didn’t get more than 4 hours of sleep per night because I was still high from the music. Kyle is a drug. All of you lucky bastards in Pittsburg get to see his show tonight. I hate you. I want to be with you. Monday was a vacation day so he rested while I drove back to Minnesota. Through rain and snow I constantly fought the urge to turn the car around and follow him to the next show. Opening for him was lovely, but hearing him play is religious. I played ‘Solitary Road’, his newest release about 7 times back to back to back on the drive home and I still want more.

If Kyle didn’t have a cat, a rabbit and a girlfriend, I’d kidnap him and keep him safe and sound in a spare bedroom, or I’d build him a studio and shower him with presents so that he would sing for me. Visitors could come and listen of course because it would be selfish and wrong to stifle his genius, but I want him closer, I want him here, I want his music to be mine. Go see his shows, go hear his voice and experience his music – you will be forever changed for the better.

Yes, I’m insane. What do you expect after having a spiritual ZEN moment?! An epiphany! I’m only human. Kyle’s the god. It sounds surreal…like propaganda…can it be true? Yes. Yes. Yes, it’s true and it gets better. His ‘people’ are tremendous workers – they define the meaning of support!

Carolyn – goddess of merchandise. Thank you for all of your help. Kyle is blessed to have you around. I wish I could have said good bye one more time.

Candy – lovely to meet you. Thanks for all your help and cooperation. I am now determined to visit Nebraska.

Carl – (does anyone else sense a theme?) I suspect you gave me a very, VERY generous music tip at the fabulous Case bar, the Barking Spider. You hot piece of yummy construction….don’t change and rock on with your music.

I need to rest. I need to write music. I need to listen to Kyle Vincent again….

Thursday, December 4, 2003


Byebye. See you in Chicago, or Detroit or Cleveland - where ever. I can't take my puppy along with me this time because of the weather. *sigh* I'll be fine...I just haven't traveled without a companion for a while...thank goodness I got an MP3 player as an early Christmas gift to keep me company on the road. I have shopping to do in Chicago (just an excuse to spend money) and I have Christmas gifts to drop off at every tour stop. It's called multi-tasking. Gotta Love it. I bought tickets for me and my mother to see Linda Eder in Minneapolis when I return to the Twin Cities. Now my only problem is finding a tree and decorating the whole damn thing before I leave town. Possible? Probably not, but I'm still going to try.


Sunday, November 30, 2003

Played for hours

I played the guitar for hours and hours today and then I went shopping. I talked to the brilliant photo genius Faith Brown a little while ago and we're trying to find a good time for her to come to the Twin Cities for pictures. Scheduling sucks. I finished two books over the weekend and walked the dog at least 30 times. Who knew I was ever going to be this domestic? I plan to do yoga tonight and then try on every piece of clothing I bought without checking first in a dressing room. Smart I know. I'm going to post some pictures of my little pets once I figure out how to do that. Could be a while...don't hold your breath. I started the Stephen King 'Gunslinger' series this week too. Weird, but really good. I'm getting into it, but I'm so freaked out. He does that to me...kinda like clowns. King's fault again.

Friday, November 28, 2003


New guitar strings always make for a beautiful night of playing music. And and even better night for making music. As a result, I'm desperate to record as soon as possible. Hearing myself reminisce through song about my life is all well and good but putting something solid down in hard copy is quite an accomplishment. Studios, CD's, recording - music suddenly becomes authentic. It makes my music real in a way live music never can. Vice versa too, recording will never give me the same satisfaction as playing live. Go figure. I have a piano player, a bass player and of course, my own voice and guitar. But I can't decide what else to do...get a drummer? Hire a percussionist? Or take my chances doing another acoustic. I feel the urge to grow though - so my search for a beat begins.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Turkey Day and shows and stuff

Last night I played BOOM for a benefit. Fabulous crowd and wonderful people. The evening started out on a rotten note because while we were loading in some people stole a bunch of my CD's. Unbelievable. My only thought was that bad karma would probably kick them in the ass every time they listened to my stolen CD's. I was still happy to do the show and felt great about the night. Tina was up after me but we couldn't stay to listen because Mr. Manager and I were headed off to First Avenue to see Ike Reilly! He's funny and strange and talented, plus he played the favorite songs first. That rarely happens. I didn't stay as long as anticipated though because, even with ear plugs, the music was loud enough to wake the dead. My body is still beating to the rhythm of the bass 16 hours later.

I just returned from Thanksgiving brunch celebrated with friends at the local tavern. Good times, good times. Also, I just received word that my college buddy Ann (aka McCondom) got engaged at the top of the Empire State Building. Wild. So, an eventful couple of days and this week proves to be busy and enjoyable. Kyle Vincent and I kick off the mini-tour in Chicago on Friday night at UnCommon Ground playing with Anne E Dechant. This is gauranteed to be a beautiful start to the holiday season. I'm forgoing a trip to Madison to meet up with a gifted photographer to take care of things on the home front this weekend, but I promise that my next CD will showcase stunning photos by the lovely and talented Faith Brown of Phoenix, Arizona.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2003


St. Louis was wonderful, flying there and back in snow storms was not. I finished 2 Kay Hooper books over the weekend, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Luckily a friend brought some Stephen king novels for me to soak up as I was mysterously out of reading materials. (that never happens!)

I'll be playing Boom this Wednesday night, the day before Thanksgiving - should be fun! Stop's not like you have to go to work the next day...

Friday, November 21, 2003

And STILL sick

Sniffles. I'm off to St. Louis. Hopefully I'll make it back before the supposed Minneapolis snow storm.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Still sick...

I slept 14 hours last night, but my head is still close to exploding. I miss reading...At least my sweet puppy enjoys having a nap partner.

Monday, November 17, 2003


I seem to have developed a cold. If I have one more depressing post, I myself might stop checking into Ugh. Saturday's show at First Ave started out on a horrible note, but once M. Doughty hit the stage, the evening was saved. Mike with a band was good, but not as good as solo. He's terribly amusing though and he made me smile...

Sunday was spent in my new, enormous reading chair with 4 teas, 3 water bottles and I got up twice to make soup. Yuk. I leave for St. Louis this weekend so keep your fingers crossed that I feel better. Thanks.

Saturday, November 15, 2003


The world is a strange place. One of my favorite people in the whole wide world is having the most bizarre and heart wrenching life trauma. If you have prayers to say...say them for Lisa. Please.

Thursday, November 13, 2003


My junior year at Northwestern, on a rainy afternoon, I walked to an independent movie theatre and bought one ticket (of only six total sold in the near empty room) to see a movie called "Kama Sutra". I was mesmorized from start to finish and on my way out the door had to fight the impulse to buy another ticket to see the next showing. Visually stunning and achingly amazing...the last line of that movie has never left my mind.

"My heart is as open as the sky..."

I guess Twyla Tharp's quote is painfully accurate:

"Art is the only way to run away without every leaving home."

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


I witnessed a frightening four-car accident this morning right after passing some sort of police bust at a nursing home of all places. Very strange day. Perhaps I should have stayed in bed...?

I'm going to crack the cover of Anne Rice's new book "Blood Canticle" in about 5 minutes...after I finish my hot cocoa and have an apple of course. It's my friend's birthday today, but I think we celebrated with enough last night to bleed into today.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


It's funny how connected we are. I posted on Saturday and received a wealth of concern from all over the world. I love that and thank you to everyone who sent emails or called. Thanks to those of you who read religiously and care enough to stay in touch. Nothing is ever perfect but hopefully we make the right choices at the right time. That's all I'm trying to do. Music is my consolation, as always, and emotion breeds creativity, at least in my case. So many thoughts and songs just waiting to be expressed.

Saturday, November 8, 2003


My heart hurts today.

Friday, November 7, 2003


Seattle is's still fall wacky. A little emotional turmoil in my life right now but I'm hoping things work out for the better. I constantly struggle with the choices involved with keeping quiet vs speaking up. Is it whining and hurtful to speak up or stupid and harmful to keep your mouth shut? Know what I mean? Probably not, I'm not making much sense. Looking forward to the show this evening at the Lock N Keel..stop down if you're in the area. Much love and kind thoughts....

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

I keep forgetting to post

Oops. Mr. Manager and I were invited to the Packer/Viking football game on Sunday night which was actually a lot of fun (even with the intoxicated Gopher fan who snuck into the suite and insisted he had a ticket) Ugh. It's been snowing on and off since yesterday morning which is a barrel of fun. It's lovely out too. I've read about 10 books in the last 2 weeks but I forget to mention them. The staged reading of 'Juan Gelion' was a huge success last week. I'm looking forward to the full version in January. I leave for Seattle's show at the Lock N Keel in just 2 days. Woo Hoo, can't wait. I was promised that it would rain.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

In The Cut

I just heard an advertisment for a movie called "In the Cut" and in Susanna Moore's amazing erotic thriller 'In The Cut'???? And it IS!!! A few years ago, someone left the book at an "L" stop on a bench or something when I was still in Chicago. The cover looked interesting, so I read the back and then decided to take in a few pages. The book was finished by 5pm! I loved this book, I do wonder how it will translate to the silver screen though, just because a lot of the great writing was internal dialogue if I remember correctly. Maybe I'll pick up the book tonight and re-read it before going to see the movie tomorrow. Sometimes Hollywood impresses me...

Once again, I'm trying to reconcile my travels with studio time and availability. Even if it kills me I promise to get my next CD out before summer.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Back to writing

I've been absent for about a week. Sorry, too much to get done in so little time. My kitchen is repainted, my yard is raked, my house is winter ready and I'm done with house projects...for a while anyway.

A friend recommended a good book "When the Storm Breaks" by Heather Lowell - it's one of those reads you don't want to end. I found myself consciously slowing down to make the book last longer. I can't remember ever doing that before. Hopefully the next year will pass quickly so I can pick up the book and read it all over again.

The staged reading of "Juan Gelion" is this evening at the Playwright Center in Minneapolis off Franklin right by 2nd Moon Coffee (one of my favorite haunts). I wrote music for the piece and I have a nice little part in the play. Show time is at 8pm I believe. Should be interesting....

Mr. Manager is off working the Bare Naked Ladies show after 2 days of Simon and Garfunkel. Sooo, not much news for We'll survive.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Steve Earl

I stopped by First Avenue last night on a whim and witnessed a remarkable show! Steve Earl - what a songwriter. Garrison Starr opened, but I missed that part. Thankfully she came out to join Earl on a song or two as the evening wore on. Kinda low-key and I have to say I've never seen so many mullets in one place, but definitely a noteworthy show. My weekend dilemma is the fact that both Vienna Teng and Beth Gibbons (front woman for Portishead) will be playing this Friday night in Minneapolis - well, one in Minneapolis the other in St. Paul. That makes things tricky...ahhh, decisions, decisions....

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Last weekend I relaxed...this upcoming weekend my father is coming into town to make me a yard slave. I'll be fine I'm sure, a little manual labor never hurt anyone. As long as the bugs are gone I'll be fine. I have dinner with a friend this evening and then some serious lyrical work for late in the evening. Wouldn't it be great if I was actually creative in the morning instead of between the hours of 9pm and 3am. Odd. I've been working my way through every single Kay Hooper book out there. Spooky, catchy...some are more interesting than others but she has a gift for story telling so the read is always enjoyable. I wonder if I could ever get paid to review books - seeing as I read so many of them...hmmm...

Saturday, October 11, 2003


Interesting weekend. Friday night...I think I did nothing except read. Saturday was a glorious rain storm. Rain always puts me in the mood for shopping so I ended up with a sofa bed/ottaman combo impulse purchase from Marshall Fields. Don't worry, my sanity is intact and I'm very happy about the furniture - even though it was a bit odd. Saturday night Mr. Manager and I headed down to First Ave for the Melissa Ferrick/Anne Heaton show. Good music. Melissa was acoustic for the first time in FOREVER so it was a strangely intimate show in the mainroom. I miss Brian, her drummer, however and the heat of the entry... In the past it's just been such a perfect combination that I find it hard to give up. Anne Heaton was low key, but entertaining. Not really my style, but I'm definitely prejudice after opening for Melissa so many times. Ignore me...just posting my random thoughts. Sunday night, we headed off to St. Paul for the WILD hockey game. Fight, fight fight...I've never seen so many gloves littering the ice. Even the ref went down on his tushy. Minnesota lost *sigh*. I'm off to work out now. Too much yoga over the weekend has rendered my arms useless...seriously, I can't move them. Oh well.

Friday, October 10, 2003

I'm just out of sorts

Maybe we all have mood swings or bouts of laziness that border on depression, but it's very rare for me. So I'm having a hard time feeling yucky. I'm just really down these past few days. Music is my solace though; hopefully some good writing will come out of this emotional funk. Sinead O'Connor seems to get me up and moving though...but she always has.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003


Mr. Manager is working the Slayer show in St. Paul this evening so I'm practicing solo on the guitar. I've reached page 350 in Stephen King's 'Gerald's Game' - yikes, gross and frightening, but I'm still enjoying the read. I wish I could hire someone to name my song's for's the least fun and most difficult aspect of songwriting, for me at least. Admiting it makes me feel awfully lazy, but I'm just being honest...

Tuesday, October 7, 2003


I'm very tired, I can't even spell today. Gilmore Girls is on this evening *smile* That show makes me happy. I started reading Steven Kings "Gerald's Game"'s weird. But I'm rather sure that it's supposed to be...weird that is. I have to sleep more.

Monday, October 6, 2003

Irish Pubs

Well, to start off with, I set my hair on fire this weekend. Not on purpose of course, but it happened. No worries though - I'm fine. I played Keegan's Irish Pub on Friday night and still encountered the world's rudest drunks. Fate has decreed that I should simply steer clear of that place. When a man close to a seniors discount rate starts bellowing Johnny Cash's 'Ring of Fire' at you in full know it's time to get the hell out of dodge. Maybe it was only offensive to me, but in the future I need to avoid situations like that in order to preserve my sanity and prevent myself from getting arrested for assaulting the inebriated. I was able to maintain composure but...*sigh* was a long night!

On Saturday morning Mr. Manager and I headed to Chicago for my gig at Nevins. In a word, it was GLORIOUS! Great crowd, great sound, great fun. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone who came down to support me - It was quite an honor to play to such an enormous audience. Gotta love that. After my set, after selling CD's and after saying hi to those interested, I sat back to enjoy Mason Jennings on stage. Mr. Manager was kind enough to offer up his stool for me to rest upon, but little did I know that as I sat down my hair fell into a flaming votive candle on the ledge behind me. As I mentioned before, no worries, I patted my hair down quickly and contained the flames, but I do believe this in now the 3rd time in my life that this has happened to me. Maybe it's a sign to cut my hair short? Or perhaps just a danger of keeping hair long? Who knows. I'm very much exhausted this morning due to travels and gigs and drunk audience members but I feel wonderful. I love Chicago with it's music and vibrance. December is so far next gig in the area is December 5th at UnCommon Ground.

Okay, I'm off to sort some receipts now. Peace, Love and such....

Wednesday, October 1, 2003


I was inspired, began and finished a song in about 5 minutes flat last night. Creativity has never been that quick for me...or that painless. I kept thinking 'this is probably a bad song' but...I like it. Fun to play, cool to sing. Who knew?...I celebrated with a cocktail at about 11pm. Not a bad nightcap. No books to read right now, but I've passed off 'Angels and Demons' and 'The DaVinci Code' to several friends already. It's a good conversation/debate topic. Plans are in the works for heading East again in December, hopefully I'll be teaming up with some West Coast talent. Details later.

By the way, M. Doughty's new CD, "Rockity Roll" is very cool, it has some 80's dance beats, but his fabulous voice and funky guitar style still shine through...genius!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


So I play Keegan's this Friday night (9:30-1:30am), then Nevin's pub in Chicago on Saturday opening for Mason Jennings. Can't wait. Plus, I get to see old friends at the pub. I miss Chicago. My Doughty CD's arrived in the mail so I listened to 'Skittish' 3 times already just this morning.... Sad to say I haven't even cracked into 'Rockity Roll'. It's all good though. Thanks to Mr. Manager's genius guitar playing and talent for catchy riffs...the play soundtrack I'm working on is progressing nicely. We'll see if Director Man likes the material later on this evening. I'm out of books. Guess it's time for again : ) I'd happily go broke buying books. Later.

Thursday, September 25, 2003


I'm having life issues.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


I'm having computer issues.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


It's the Gilmore Girls season premiere tonight! My favorite TV program in the whole wide world - (it's honestly surpassed "I Dream of Jeannie"). Haleluhia (did I spell that right?) Anyway...very excited.Also, my headache is gone - thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I'm almost through "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown so I have no idea what I'll be reading next. I ordered a bunch of Mike Doughty CDs on the internet because I seem to have lost every, single one that used to be in my possession. Hopefully, my dog didn't eat them.

Tour news: I'm opening for Mason Jennings in Chicago at Tommy Nevin's Pub in Evanston, IL on Saturday, October 4th, 10:15pm. I played Nevins a few times in college while attending Northwestern so it'll be nice to go back since I've been sticking to Uncommon Ground in the city lately. A change is always nice.

Also, I've been reviewing CD's for and have unearthed some real gems. Check out Kim Char Meredith's CD, "Give and Take" as well as 9bobNote's newest release, "Cover Up Show". Fun, fun, fun.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Iris and headaches

Original topic n'est pas? The headache part is just that...for some reason my head feels like it's going to explode this morning. I skipped yoag yesterday - that could be the detox. I watched the DVD of "Iris" this weekend (with Kate Winslet and Judi Dench) Wonderful film. Beautifully done in every way, shape and form. Stunning actually. It's still with me I guess. I haven't slept a lot lately, but I'm loving all my books. "DaVinci Code" will be finished by afternoon. (provided my head shrinks back to it's normal size)

Friday, September 19, 2003

Dan Brown

I FINALLY picked up Dan Brown's "The DaVinci Code"...I've been waiting and waiting for a friend to pass it along but I read 10 times faster than anyone else I know (and I'm always at a loss for patience) So it just made sense to pick it up and even thought I'm in the middle of 2 other books, I HAVE to read this one. Fun fun fun. An interesting webstie to check out is:; it's artists rambling on and on about listening to music, creating it, inspirations etc. Quite entertaining, I even added my own 2 cents. Peace out.

Thursday, September 18, 2003


After much contemplation I must confess that Mr. Manager was right and Tom Waits is indeed a genius.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


I'm in a Tori Amos mood again. That happens every 6 months or so. Today it was Choir Girl Hotel...can't get enough of 'Jackie O' and 'Northern Lad'. Great tunes.

My security system is going into the house this morning. You would think that would be a normal event, nothing exciting or weird, but my life's not normal. Apparently, one of my neighbors thought to highjack my installers. Strange don't you think? When Brinks started heading to the front door, my neighbors intercepted them and repeatedly tried to get the poor Brinks guys to install a system into THEIR house instead. Unbelievable. The security system is supposed to keep my little critters safe from Fire, Carbon Monoxide and strangers...who would have thought my neighbors were the suspicious characters. Grrr... I'm just a little put out about the incident. I'll be fine. Could be the fact that I had coffee this morning. Bad idea. It makes me crazy.

I'm reading "Blood Countess" right now...odd book. Gory, very gory. I'm waiting for my turn at "DiVinci Code" by Dan Brown.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Monday morning

I think that no matter what you do with your life, in your life or because of your life (job, lack of job, student - whatever) Monday mornings still act as a hurdle to jump over before enjoying the week. When I was waitressing in Chicago during college, Monday mornings were delightful. I woke up late, went to class, took a nap and then worked my ass of at Pete's waiting tables. Maybe I react well to physical labor? Who point is that Monday's are getting strange for me. No reason, just strange.

I'm working with a playwright from New York here in Minneapolis on a fellowship while creating his play. I've been asked to collaberate, musically speaking. I'm thrilled and completely challenged (that sounds like I need therapy or special ed doesn't it?) Regardless, I'm excited. I've never done anything like this before - writing for another artistic venue...soundtrack for a movie, songs for a just sounds so specific and powerful. Hopefully everyone can be patient with me while I figure out how to be an artist for someone else, better yet, how to work with another artist than just to be one on my own. Nonsense writing today, I'm sorry.

Mr. Manager and I went to see Conjure One and Delirium last night at the Quest. Blahk. Very disappointing. There was a band in the background and a singer up front (for both bands) but they remained separate entities on stage. Never connecting, or even acknowledging each other's existence. Odd. I stayed until about 11pm and then took off because it was bad and boring and some couple in front of us had obviously double dosed on ecstasy so my limbs were in danger of being clobbered.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Man in Black

I must have two, separate hearts: one for music and one for everything else. Most difficult things that I see or experience can be looked at through logical eyes and then stored away to deal with or analyze at a future date in time. But if something happens that is music related I become a weeping willow. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me *sigh*

It's like at NEMO when I was just thunderstruck by Kyle Vincent - he wasn't saying anything new or particularly ground breaking but it was the emotion that carried his words striking me so powerfully. After listening to him play, I felt like I'd been through a hurricane...not a bad one, just unexpected and certainly powerful. Once again, I'm still not making sense.

Johnny Cash...dead at 71. Rather difficult to swallow. He's Mr. Managers idol, rock star supreme; Cash could do no wrong and we never went on a trip without him somewhere in the car. It took quite a while for me to appreciate his music (sometimes even to stomach it) but even during my most hateful hours driving down Interstate 94 hearing about Cash's love being 'flushed down the toilet', I had to confess a grudging admiration for his talent and charisma. The world has suffered a crushing loss today that will be felt for years to come. He was elequent through simplicity and insightful by being blunt. A diamond in the rough that you wouldn't want to change. It felt right to listen to his music this morning so I searched for some cd's only to come up empty. Not surprisingly, KFAI came through playing 3 Johnny Cash tunes one after the other bright and early this morning at 7:15am. Thank God Minneapolis is lucky enough to have a station all about the music.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


I've been a bit lax about posting in my journal this week. I apologize. I mentioned Kyle Vincent right? Well, if I didn't go out and buy all his cd's - every single one of them that you can get your hands on...he's brilliant. Being an idiot I found myself crying at NEMO just listening to him play. Kyle possesses a sweet voice, writes heartfelt lyrics and contains a bundle of talent. I wish him the best and hope to catch another show soon. Melanie Dekker was also a fun surprise...she's got one of those raspy voices that drip with emotion. Sometimes she growls or squeaks before actually picking a note, but it's all music and very catchy. I believe she's in Europe right now...Germany maybe?

I ordered a bunch of new books off because I can't control my addiction to words. Saturday I'm meeting with a writer to discuss music for his play and Sunday Mr. Manager and I are going to the Quest (don't care for that club) to see Delirium. Fun weekend ahead.

Monday, September 8, 2003

Back from NEMO

Mr. Manager and I arrived safely back in Minneapolis last night to a very warm welcome from the pets. *missed them lots*. NEMO was extraordinary...I need some time to unpack and collect my thoughts, never mind checking email and finding my car keyes, but I promise to post as much as possible because it was just so fabulous. I picked up "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown at the airport (can't remember which city) but I love it. Makes me extremely anxious to read the DaVinci Code next. Oh and I read "Hester Among the Ruins"-can't say a lot except that I recommend it highly. It struck a very personal note with me after having an awful time in Munich, Germany. The book is very engrossing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Back to School

I heard through the grapevine that it's back to school time for Minneapolis. Who knew? Personally, I'd rather have my freedom and the time to read anything and everything I want than be cooped up all day in a classroom. Education is readily available if you just put the effort into looking.

"The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant is extremely quick. Time frames, stories and characters kind of explode into the scene...not like any book I've read in a while. Women and their purpose in life (per the book/Bible) become a fascinating study the more I look into it. I wonder what other books are out there concerning female interpretations of biblical events. Anyone believe Mary Magdelane wrote a gospel? Something to think about...

This weekend I spent some time on my lawn, trying to plant bulbs before a frost so that I have pretty flowers in the spring. We'll see how it goes. My puppy and I went walking around the neighborhood this weekend. Kinda fun and low key.

Didn't write any songs this weekend, but I played a lot...a LOT! Fingers hurt but I'll recover.

Friday, August 29, 2003


Long weekend for the masses right? I'll be reading I think...or maybe painting the kitchen this evening and then traveling. Songs in my head will be transfered onto paper if my arms and brain cooperate. Just started reading the "Red Tent"; not sure what to think yet. Looks like shopping is in order for the afternoon and maybe some yoga. Sister Carolyn just got cast as Helena in Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare for anyone who doesn't live on this planet) at the Rep Theatre in St. Louis, MO. Looks like I'll be heading down south for Thanksgiving to see the show. Woo Hoo!

Thursday, August 28, 2003


Busy. Sad news...Mr. Manager's aunt died. Mother and sister coming into town this afternoon on their way out to Seattle. Playing guitar a lot. Ready for Nemo and Boston, MA! Would like to sleep more though. Could really go for a donut...

Friday, August 22, 2003


Songs about water speak to me...maybe it's because I was born in the month of July making me a cancer and my symbol the crab, but I've always felt a connection to it. (Just a brief explanation for the quote I'm going to post) Holly McNarland's music is addictive for me. I've been listening to the CD, "Stuff" off and on for a few days and this lyric has stuck with me repeating in my head over and over again. Odd thing is, that it's not's been...I guess the word is soothing...

I'll crouch beneath the boat
I'll learn to breathe
When I fall asleep
I want to die in water
I'll crouch beneath the boat
I'll learn to swim
Soon I'll have fins
I want to die in water

Wednesday, August 20, 2003


Jammed with Mr. Manager last night. Interesting blues riff added to "Not the One". Maybe we'll re-record that one for the Live CD...hmmmm...

Found a book by Nicholas Evans that I haven't read before so I'll be occupied for at least 3 days until "The Loop" is finished. It's rainy and spooky outside. This may sound crazy, but I'm actually looking forward to fall. Who knew? Maybe it's the frigidity of air conditioning, but at least it's considered normal behavior to wear sweaters in December...not so much in July.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003


Pulled Emmylou Harris out of my trunk and put her in the CD changer, "Red Dirt Girl" to be's still a golden CD...from start to finish. What a poet. I go for sass, but she's pure heartache. I wonder what would happen if her and Pink got together for a duet? Just curious. I'm waiting to get all my new books as I'm currently scraping the bottom of the barrel (even at the library) sick huh? Maybe I should hit St. Paul? Didn't get much done last night besides working out and then falling asleep. Productive.

Monday, August 18, 2003


Played the guitar for hours and hours and hours...seems like all weekend. It felt so right. Guess I'm feeling inspired. I saw Cat Kinsey on Friday night at Ginko. Beautiful lyrics, wonderful phrasing. But I have to admit it was a strange show with a 'super fan' in the audience singing harmonies out loud and jumping on stage to share the mic...Cat handled it all with grace. Definitely odd though. I have no idea what I would do if someone felt inclined to join me on stage. Let's hope I'd refrain from violence. Seriously...

I'm going to start "Echo" by Minnette Walters now, love her. Just ordered a ton of books from so I'll be delving into new material soon. Any recommendations? I'm really asking. If you have one let me know. Oh and I'm still having trouble naming my songs, but I could really care less as long as my muse keeps talking. Know what I mean?

By the way, have I ever mentioned Mr. Manager's infatuation with Shania Twain? We had a near miss last week as she's coming to the Xcel Center and Mr. Manager almost had to help out as event coordinator. I told him it was a good thing JAM productions choose someone else because there is only room for one pale, brunnette, rock star in his life and that's me : )

Friday, August 15, 2003


For some reason I'm absolutely exhausted. Most of my week has been spent sleeping, but I have managed to write a song or two. Looking forward to Boston in September and hopefully a tour out West in the fall. I must have read 6 books this week and while enjoyable...absolutely nothing was memorable. Hmmm...feeling sleepy again...

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Spent more time at the hospital with Mr. Manager. He's very amusing after severe blood loss...too bad I get woosy thinking about it.

I'm not participating in the house concert this Saturday for Collected Sounds due to some artist communication problems. No worries though...everything is working out for the best. (And Amy is a saint for putting up with us...

I forgot to mention the fact that a listener/fan(?) sent me an email with the advise that I should stop writing depressing music. What does that mean?! And why do people constantly think I need or want their opinion on my life?! Music is subjective, take it or leave it. Everyone...absolutely EVERYONE is a know-it-all critic.


Monday, August 11, 2003

Rotten Weekend

Mr. Manager has become an least for a little while. He has knee issues...severe knee issues. My show on saturday was disappointing at best. I was asked to stop playing 10 minutes into my second set (of many) The staff spokesman said the bar wanted to get drunk and I was playing soft, acoustic music which didn't fit for the night. They paid me in full, I packed up quietly and left immediately. However, I'm more than a bit confused about the whole ordeal as I've played there before (same girl, same songs) but this time it was unacceptable. No one was intentionally being cruel, but I can't think of any way to take this but badly. Anger is not a factor...I'm simply hurt, terribly hurt. I apologize to those of you who came down to the show, only to leave as quickly as I did. Thank you for your support and understanding and for not throwing anything at the bartenders. Just kidding...sort of. Maybe I'll chalk this up to a meaningful experience and the hilarity of being referred to as 'soft, acoustic', but it might take me a while to overcome this feeling of 'ick and failure'.

Thursday, August 7, 2003


Felt slightly wretched last night around dinner time. Miss Kitty caught a mouse (hugh fiasco) and I simply crashed right after eating (dinner not the mouse of course) I woke up around 1am and fell right back to sleep...belatedly brushing my teeth. I feel a bit better this morning, but I missed a fun Happy Hour with friends last night. Sorry guys!

Oh and I have a show at the Eagle Street Grille this Saturday: 9-12:30am. Stop on down!

Monday, August 4, 2003

Back in the USA

Glad to be back in the United States...Europe was interesting. Not very welcoming to Americans even though everything is McDonalds, Coca Cola and Britney Spears. Go figure. I had a beautiful, glorious time and hope to head back to London very soon. Music scene was interesting. It felt weird hearing anything but Bach or Motzart in Vienna. Glorious classical music. I read a ton of books: Michael Fabor "The Crimson Petal and the White", "Bridget Jones Diary" 1 and 2, "Courting Trouble" - can't remember the author, and now Janet Evanovich's "To the Nines". Great fun. I bought crystal in Prague, coffee in Vienna, chocolate in Brugge and shopped in London. All in all a good musical adventure if somewhat hampered by my horrendous flight experience with US Airways. By far the worst airline I have ever flown in my entire life, probably in the world, but I have yet to try Air India and SABENA is out of business. I'm safe and sound back in the USA and looking foward to performing at NEMO in Boston the first week in Septmeber. I have songs to write and thoughts to organize.

Missed you. : )

Tuesday, July 29, 2003


I'm alive and well in Europe. Figured I should post something as I've received qutie a few emails from worried readers around the globe. I'm well, if a tad bit ill in Prague at the moment. I arrived safely in London (sans luggage unfortunately) but 10 days and countless 'sorries' later, USAirways located my clothing. All is well now, but I was without vitamins for quite a bit...hence the illness. I've touched base with most of my friends overseas, am having a lovely time and the music is extraordinary! I'll probably post a detailed account of the trials and tribulations of the trip upon my return.

Cheers - Anne

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Story People

I've mentioned Brian Andreas before and his lovely creation "Story People". He is a poet of the highest caliber. About a year ago, I received a print of his and fell instantly in love. I view as much of his collection as possible and today I finally purchased another print. His book is lovely as well. Check him out...he's worth the time. My new lullaby is '2 days left, 2 days left...until london'...

Monday, July 14, 2003


No, not 'Finding Nemo"...but 'playing' at NEMO. I'll be playing at NEMO BOSTON (the music conference)and hopefully around town September 3-7 this fall. Sooo exciting...more later. But first, London here I come : )

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Wonderful Quote

"It's not that I actively dislike children. It's that I don't go stupid for them. Still, parents tend to consider my position to be that of a witch. Like I must be plotting to boil the kiddies in a stew pot along with carrots and parsnips. That I'm all for thin gruel as sustenance for orphans, and each day at sunrise I hook up a toddler to a plow designed for oxen."

From "Pure Poetry" by Binnie Kirshenbaum. I think she's brilliant!

Monday, July 7, 2003


My parents stayed for the weekend, Mr. Manager had the flu and I played 2 brutal gigs at Keegans Irish Pub in Minneapolis. The fourth of July brings out an interesting (shall we just cut to the chase and say drunk?) crowd. I was almost run over by a man in a wheelchair doing pop-a-wheelies, a drunk Bachelorette tried to steal my guitar and sing a few tunes and a rather loud table next to me kept asking for a sweet song to make them cry. Unfortunately, I had to point out the sad fact that I am anything but sweet. On the plus side, Keegan's has a fabulous wait staff who handled everything smoothly and made my weekend worth while.

I've said before that on any given night of the week I would rather be playing a gig that not. It's always better to gig! Though sometimes, the pain and effort isn't worth the money. This fourth of July weekend was just rough... and I should have known that. So I feel that I need to apologize to the very loyal fans and friends who stopped down to Keegans, only to leave within minutes due to the crowds, noise and drunken behavior. As an artist I appreciate the support when you came down, but also the need to leave because you weren't enjoying the show. I did run into a friend from high school and was able to close out the gig with a drink at the bar surrounded by friends old and new. No regrets for the weekend.

In other looks like I'll be sharing some Midwest gigs with Cat Kinsey from Seattle this August and maybe out west in the fall.

P.S. I finished Pat Conroy's book "Lords of Discipline" and have moved onto Binnie Kirshenbaum's "Pure Poetry".

Thursday, July 3, 2003


I've neglected my guitar this week in favor of books. Binne's Kirshenbaum's "Pure Poetry" is waiting to be read right after I finish Pat Conroy's "The Lords of Discipline". Most of my reading this past month has been sporadic and bizarre. Stories have simply captured every ounce of my attention to the exclusion of the rest of my life. Even my dog has suffered. I wrote a song last weekend that I haven't played since committing it to paper. I'm not sure if that's slacking or not. Perhaps I was just in need of a brief rest before my weekend gigs. As you already know...2 shows, Friday and Saturday night at Keegan's Irish Pub in NorthEast Minneapolis by Biblio and Bobinos on University. Could be interesting if you feel like ditching the relatives for a few hours of liquor and lyrics. My parents are coming into town for the show on Friday night. It'll be nice to visit with them before I head overseas. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Monday, June 30, 2003

Fall on Your Knees

I finished "Fall on Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald. There are no words. She's a remarkable writer. I'm reminded of "The Usual suspects"...that movie with Kevin Spacey, in the sense that the story evolves out of order, and yet wouldn't seem to make sense any other way. The story pulled me in so deep I couldn't distinguish the characters from reality. I had to tell myself that I was reading a book. The family stayed with me, I thought about them all weekend, at the farmer's market, at the mall and out to dinner. I was consumed by this book. It's perfect and breathtaking and...wonderous. Please read it...if only to have the experience.

"She thinks music is already out there floating around and it's up to us to give it an opening into our world so we can hear it. As though the world were full of music we can't hear with 'the naked ear'...the song is shimmering around me like air in the desert, and all I have to do is welcome it. So I closed my eyes and opened myself up and let the song pass through me..." from "Fall On Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald

Friday, June 27, 2003

Tonite - Eagle Street Grill

Stop by the Eagle Street Grill tonight...I'll be playing from 9:00-12:30am.

In other non-music related gibberish, I'm almost finished with "Fall on Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald. Quite an astonishing debut for a novel.

Thursday, June 26, 2003


Tomorrow night is my show at the Eagle Street Pub right across from the Xcel Center, 3 sets 9pm-12am. Should be fun...stop down and say hello. A friend of mine was kind enough to book a house concert, right here in Minneapolis (well actually St. Paul) for early fall. We'll post it once the details are ironed out. Last night I finished Harry Potter, book was very sad. Still, a satisfying read. The library is calling me as I have books to return and authors to track down and check out. Oh, 2 gigs next Friday and Saturday at Keegan's Pub in Northeast Minneapolis on University just over the Hennepin can stop by right after the fireworks. It's not like you have to work the next day...right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Last night I had a wonderful dinner at Uncle Frnaky's Hot Dog place followed by a movie. Mr. Manager and I caught a late showing of 'Finding Nemo' which was completely enchanting. Take any child, parent or friend - they will enjoy the movie. Now I'm looking forward to the DVD. Sick I know, but...oh well. I'm half way through Harry Potter.

Monday, June 23, 2003


I wrote a song last of right now - no title. Booked a few Minneapolis gigs for the next two weeks (strange how that happens quickly sometimes). I finished "Prey" by Michael Crighton on Saturday - wonderful book on the consequences of biology, evolution and improving on creation. Like the rest of the world I purchased Harry Potter over the weekend so now I'm in the middle of Hogwarts. It's stormy, grey and perfect ideal day.

Friday, June 20, 2003

Fleetwood Mac

I'm off to see Fleetwood Mac this evening...but now, I need a nap :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2003


Busy busy. Happy birthday sister turns 22 today...all the way in London so she's actually been that age for more than a few hours already. I'll be joining her overseas for a little fun and frolick mid July - which is fast approaching. Dinners to attend, receipts to organize and hotels to book are keeping me busy. For those of you from the tour who came out to say hello....Looks like I'll be back in late summer early fall for some more music! Thanks again! Cheers!


Thank you to everyone who took time to vote for me during Grainbelt's Local Legend competition. Unfortunately, I did not advance to the top 5. Nevertheless, your support and encouragement was and is still greatly appreciated.


Monday, June 16, 2003


Short but sweet. I'm tired, I have blisters underneath my calluses (did I spell that right?) and I have no idea how that happened. It was wonderful to visit new places and meet fabulous and crazy fans in every state. My puppy missed me dearly but the kitty was just as demanding when it came to welcome home hugs and kisses. My cousins, Mike and Bridget came out to see the show at Uncommon Ground and my friend Lindsey drove all the way from Madison to catch up. My travels were surrounded by family and friends making it the best one so far. Thank you to all who have supported me and continue to champion live music performed by unsigned, independent artists.

Peace Out!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

From the Road

I just had to take a few seconds to say thank you to everyone who has stopped out to see a show so far. I'm having an absolute blast on the road and each night is better than the next. I'm crashing in Cleveland this evening and then it's off to Zhedos Cafe outside of Detroit Michigan. Enjoy your CD's (I'm so happy you've been buying them) and I promise to return soon.

Love and other indoor sports - Anne

Friday, June 6, 2003

Random music and movies

: ""
Mr. Manager and I watched 8 Mile last night. Having lived in Detroit when I was very little I still recall some of the gross poverty and destitution of the inner city (while I didn't live IN the city, you couldn't avoid it) Anyway, I was impressed with the movie and with Eminem. Brittney Murphy was a strange casting choice for the girlfriend because I kept thinking to myself, 'what is that cute girl from Clueless doing having raunchy sex in an automobile factory?' But that's just my humble opinion : )

Since 'Slim Shady' was released I've developed a taste for Eminem's music. Having soaked up L'il Kim, Missy Elliot and DMX with a vengenace, I was more than primed for some cutting edge rap music (if you can even call it that). I love his music, I appreciate his honesty and am blown away by his ability to phrase. Lyrics and meaning are one thing, but irony, self deprication and a sense of humor mixed into one big song that people still want to listen to is damn near a miracle. Looks like I'll have to pick up 'The Eminem show' for the road...that should make for an interesting set of tour gigs, n'est pas?

I'm off on the road again tonight. Wish me luck and please come out to say hello and listen for a bit if you can. This tour is comprised of a bunch of new venues and I'm really excited to play. Once again, keep voting for me on or (home page) for Local Legend of the Twin Cities. Say it with me..."FREE BEER!"

Thursday, June 5, 2003


I finished "Priestess of Avalon" which was standard prose for Marion Zimmer Bradley, although she died just before completing the novel and it was finished by Diana L. Paxson (who shares credit on the jacket sleeve). There's a switch in the voice, but it's still a worthy read. Hungry for more, the first book I grabbed yesterday was "The Cradle Will Fall" by Mary Higgins Clark. I can't recall every reading her but she's an extremely beloved mystery writer. I'm only about 50 pages into the story but it's truly entertaining. It's odd though, that the reader learns the real killer at about page 30, but there's still danger and intruige. Worth a shot anyway. My journey to NY starts Saturday and I hope many of you across the country can make a show on my travels to the East Coast and back through the Midwest.

Please keep voting for me during the Local Legends Contest on or as your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Peace out...

Tuesday, June 3, 2003


Better late than never? I'm just getting around to chatting about the Gallery Cabaret in Chicago - it was great. Chicago was freezing cold, but there were 3 dogs in the bar (very friendly) and a surprising number of early attendees to the show. During set up I got to chat with some friends from high school who now live in Chicago - it was awfully sweet of them to drop in to say hi and check out the music. A last minute opener ended up on the bill and I apologize, but I can't recall the name of their band (sorry). Wonderful guitar sounds and a vibrant energy to their music. The vocals were a little soft, but we were set up for a night of acoustic music and just didn't have the time to redo everything. Still enjoyable for them and us. I wish them was their very first show!

Nancy Connelly played a lovely set and I'd like to take a moment to urge her to record!!! My favorite song of hers is called "Love on Command" - beautiful songwriting and a very sensual voice delivering the poetry. "Bloody Christmas" was a thought provoking ballad about war and she literally brought the house down. Chicago welcomed me back with open arms and if anyone is traveling through Bucktown near Western Ave, I strongly urge you to stop into the Gallery for an eclectic jukebox, wonderful drinks, live music and a good feeling of comfort. The 14 hours of back-and-forth driving was a little much, but worth it. I'm only bitching a bit because I turn around and head all the way out to the East coast on Friday. No worries though - I'm looking forward to it. My puppy kept me company and I got to have a quick visit with my lovely grandmother in Wisconsin. Now I need a book and some new music to kick my mind into creativity. Guess it's time for a trip to my local independent book seller, "Dreamhaven".

Thursday, May 29, 2003


Last night I played at Boom with some new faces. It turned out to be an interesting hodge podge of music, style and personality. The bar was packed so the music was slightly drowned out by the chatter but enough people were listening and appreciating the music to make it all worth while. Hattie handled sound instead of hitting the mic, but it was still wonderful to chat and catch up. Tracy Johnson was lovely as usual and the perfect host for a great Spring night of music. After leaving Boom I had a craving for McDonalds so we stopped for a McChicken and fries - not a wise choice, it didn't mix to well with Jack Daniels, no dinner and a smokey bar. I'm feeling much better today though!

I heard from a friend across the country this morning and it made my day. Staying in touch is great but there's always something special about a chance encounter or a random crossing of paths that brings people back together - almost fate I guess. I love that stuff...

Happy birthday to my sister Nicole. Cheers Chica!

Also, don't forget I'm a finalist for Local Legend in the Grain Belt beer contest. Starting Monday, June 2nd go to and vote for Anne Deming. I'm going to bug you about this for the next 7-10 days...

Wednesday, May 28, 2003


Show at Boom tonight, stop down and say hi. Also, Good NEWS! I'm one of 10 finalist for the Grainbelt Local Legend Contest. Voting starts on Monday, June 2nd, so I'll be bugging everyone for a vote on to make it to the top 5!

See you tonight : )

Oh and I did find a book: "Priestess of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Fun fun fun.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003


Saturday's rehearsal followed by Sunday's private engagement was unique and enjoyable. Lots of work though. Tomorrow night is fun filled female rocker hour at Boom. Stop down and say hi, music will begin around 7:30pm. (Tracy Johnson and Hattie will be performing as well) I am currently book-less...and hurting. I need something to read. Songwriting is going well and it looks like I'm learning an Al Green song to cover. Who would have thought???

Don't forget, Gallery Cabaret this Saturday - Bucktown, Chicago! I hit the stage at 10:30pm :)

Friday, May 23, 2003


I heard from some friends in Belgium whom I'll be visiting in July. Summer vacation can't come fast enough. I'm half way through "Queen of Swords" but I think the book is due back to the library so I might just return it, then purchase my very own copy. I tried my hand at sewing last night because I felt inspired to make my own futon cover. Time consuming but strangely rewarding.

Have a lovely Memorial Weekend...and stay away from your computer...

Happy hour is 3 short hours away : )

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Judith Tarr

Earlier this year I read the story "Lady of Horses" by Judith Tarr. Last week, while perusing the library shelves I saw another book by Tarr, "Queen of Swords", and decided to pick it up. Her story telling ability rivals that of Marion Zimmer-Bradley; her prose is vivid beyond belief! I'm under the impression that she drops an acid tab or two before pounding out a chapter. What an extremely gifted writer.

From what I can gather, Tarr focuses on female icons throughout ancient history and then creates an historical fiction account of the time and place. It's absolutely stunning. I'm foaming at the mouth in anticipation of reading her other creations which I intend to purchase straight away!

Monday, May 19, 2003

Collected Sounds

Thank you, Amy for throwing a marvelous house concert on Saturday night. I'm so glad so many people could make it out for the show! Jennifer Marks played all my favorite tunes from her three albums and I have to say "Fragile" was the best I've ever heard live : )

More house concerts this summer...stay tuned for details...

Thursday, May 15, 2003


Looks like Saturday's house concert is packed...I can't wait to see everybody there! D'histiore O was weird and catchy. S&M is foreign to me, but the book painted a very intimate and enticing portrait of a life I know absolutely nothing about. Well, I do now, but I realize it's beautiful to some...

Monday, May 12, 2003

What a weekend

Someone broke into my house on Friday afternoon. I'm more than a bit pissed but my pets are okay and my guitars unharmed. I have a call into ADT for an updated security system though.

I was on work detail this weekend with my father in town, we pretty much focused on the lawn and tree trimming but we also put up a nifty gate for the backyard.

The WILD lost in double overtime on Saturday which was exhausting to watch so I can't imagine what they went through actually skating on the ice! Unreal.

Oh, and my sister arrived safely in London on Sunday morning and has already been to her first pub. It should prove to be an eventful summer. I'm sending out an email this week about the house concert with Jennifer Marks on Saturday night. Please come :) It promises to be outrageously fun!

Thursday, May 8, 2003


The Wild won last night...great game. I'm all smiles because of it (that rarely happens). "Mortal Sins", the prequel to "Wages of Sin" by Penelope Williamson was EXCELLENT! I highly recommend reading her novels. You're in for a treat.


Wednesday, May 7, 2003


So, I finally received, "Story of O" in the mail yesterday (d'histoire d'O). I only read about 20 pages, but it's rather fabulous. Right now I'm in the middle of "Mortal Sins" by Penelope Williamson and she's a pretty interesting writer. Of course the setting is New Orleans during Prohibition (did I spell that right?) so I can't put it down!

The WILD hockey game 6 is this evening so I'll be heading off to St. Paul shortly. Unless you're Canadian...keep your fingers crossed that Minnesota wins : )

Daddy dearest comes up to Minneapolis this weekend for some landscaping projects....I might need some sleep...

Monday, May 5, 2003


Just a reminder that Jennifer Marks and I have a house concert sponsored by Amy Lotsberg of Collected sounds on Saturday, May 17th, 2003. I'll post the e-mail address later for you to write her and reserve a spot. It'll be nice and intimate :)

I finally broke down and bought some 3 Doors Down CD's; well actually someone else bought them for me, but I asked nicely. It was time to come out of the closet about my addiction to hard rock pop. They're just damn good song writers and I have yet to get sick of a single song receving constant radio play.

I might end up doing some home recording this week so I can play around with a few ideas...

Wednesday, April 30, 2003


The Boom show is canceled for tonite due to a family emergency of the other artist (who owns the PA). We've rescheduled for next month, Wednesday, May 28th, 7:30pm.

Tomorrow evening is the Demo Panel Review at First Ave - should be fun. And the Wild lost last night to the Canucks. Depressing. My brat and cheese curds dinner was very enjoyable though.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Terami & Natalie & Nina

I was at the "Collected Sounds" house concert last night where Terami Hirsch, Natalie Wattre and...I played. I wasn't really on the bill but Terami was kind enough to invite me up on stage. Cool huh? It was an intimate gathering that went pretty late. The highlight of the evening was chatting after the show. As an independent musician it's easy to become isolated from your peers and even your following so it's nice to keep in touch with ones contemporaries.

As far as travel tunes go...I've been listening to Eva Cassidy's "Live at Blues Alley" - it's magnificent. She had a gorgeous voice and the most eclectic taste in music! And after hearing about Nina Simone's death last week I made a quick trip to the music store to clean house on her compilations. I purchased a few discs that were missing from my CD collection and even an Ella Fitzgerald mix of old spirituals. So it's been blues and jazz for about 2 weeks straight. Phrases like 'aching heart', 'do I quiver?' and "train a comin' have crept into my vocabulary. For a pasty white Irish girl...I think I relate to the blues rather well.

Monday, April 28, 2003


My Friday night concert at Borders was a bit odd. I was set up by the side door so people interested in checking things out had to actually walk right between me and the audience just to get inside. After careful consideration, there really wasn't any other place for me to be set up but it was slightly distracting. No worries...I managed. Thanks to those of you who listened and signed up for the mailing list (especially those of you kind enough to purchase a CD).

Saturday night Mr. Manager and I went to a Mink Hole party to see a few bands in St. Paul. Fabulous fun! We even caught a late, late, late dinner at the legendary Mickey's Diner.

The Minnesota Wild Hockey team won last night against the Canucks so I'm all fired up for Tuesday's game at Xcel (I realize this isn't exactly music news but it's noteworthy none-the-less)

Tonight I'll be going to a house concert featuring Terami Hirsch. I've never had the pleasure of seeing her live so it'll be a treat.

Wednesday evening is chick singer night at Boom. Hattie and I will be playing for sure. Music is at 7:30 sharp. No cover :)

Thursday, April 24, 2003


I've been aganozing over this one song called "To Forget" for over a month now. Last night I finally spit it all out. I swear to God it was like giving birth. Finishing things makes me feel extremely productive though. It always makes me happy to sing new songs at a show....soooo, if you want to hear my new stuff you can stop by Borders in Block E tomorrow night after Happy Hour from 6-8pm for some Anne Deming Live. See you there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2003


Nina Simone died yesterday. The world has lost a beautiful voice. Sad.

Monday, April 21, 2003


I'll be playing Borders this friday night, Block E. Lately I've been spending a ton of time down there. Strange but true. After visiting my favorite book haunt, Dreamhaven, I had to resort to the corporate chain for my desired reading materials thsi weekend.

Anyway, back to music: I play at 6pm sharp and go until 8pm. Downtown is lovely this time of year and I highly recommend a happy hour followed by some Anne Deming music at Borders on April 25th. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

The State of Hockey

Last night's painful lose to the Colorado Avalanche was thoroughly depressing. I feel a bit groggy this morning for no other reason than because. My grandma is going in for a nasty surgery tomorrow so I think I'm just preoccupied. I wrote a funky little tune in my head last night on the drive home from St. Paul...we'll see if I can add some guitar. Plan on a ladies night at Boom on April 30th - should be fun!

Wednesday, April 16, 2003


I've mentioned my Minnesota Wild Hockey addiction in the past so I figured it would be safe to chatter on about going to the playoff game this evening. I'm rather excited, plus I get to eat a hotdog for dinner (another ridiculous obsession - I know...I have a problem)

I'm reading Anne Rice again, but this time it's her erotica. You gotta love that. I've decided to start a collection so I ordered a bunch of books like "Story of O" and "Marketplace" - should be interesting....

Monday, April 14, 2003


My Eau Claire Borders show was, uhm, interesting. I met a handful of wonderful people. A few kind souls listened attentively throughout the night and even managed to applaud at the close of a song or two. But seeing as I was in the middle of a store...I felt a bit like wallpaper. People were playing checkers (loudly) 4 feet from the stage and one couple even read aloud from a travel guide during my second set; it was painfully distratcting. I survived however and I don't regret the experience, perhaps it made me stronger. To be honest though, it was not an easy show.

After the music we headed out to the Joynt for a beverage and the I accosted the hot dog vendor close to 1am for a delicious beer dog! The night ended well after all...

Friday, April 11, 2003


I'll be playing at Borders in Eau Claire, Wisconsin this evening, 8pm ...stop by and say hi if you're in the neighborhood. No snow - life is good.

Thursday, April 10, 2003


So, I made it back to Minneapolis through Rain, Fog, Sleet, Snow and Damn near blizzard conditions. I had a glorious time in St. Louis and Chicago and hopefully Eau Claire on Friday will be fun and profitable. All in all, not exactly smooth, but never-the-less interesting. Must sleep more...

Tuesday, April 1, 2003


Mr. Manager and I went to see Papa Roach last night at First was....uhm...interesting.

I rented "The Weight of Water" but got sleepy around midnight so I'll have to finish it off this evening. So far it's a wonderful screen adaptation of a beautiful novel. I'm currently reading this month's issue of "Money" magazine. I'm thinking I would like to devote my literary interests solely to magazines and newspapers this month...that could be really wild. We'll see...

Monday, March 31, 2003

web issues

I tried posting a little message over the weekend but it wasn't working so these are Friday night's thoughts...just a bit late. Playing at the Riverview was wonderful. Jaymie and I had an attentive audience and so many people stuck around from start to finish that one can't help but feel connected with the listeners. It was a memorable evening. Afterward, Jaymie's boyfriend Rubin was DJ-ing at the Lounge downtown so we headed out for some drinks and music around 11pm and stayed until the lights went up and they kicked us out.

In pet news: Miss Kitty pinned down my puppy on Saturday and groomed her from top to bottom. Poor Sweeite Pie was stuck getting her ears cleaned by a very large cat...she just kept looking at me for confirmation "Is this okay? Are you going to help me? Okay, I guess I'll just sit here and take it." *sigh* They bring me hours of amusement...

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Riverview Cafe

So Jaymie and I play tomorrow night from 8-10pm at the Riverview Cafe and I expect all of you to be there. It's a truly lovely venue and the staff is as friendly as they come. Please join us for a fun night of music...

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

"Ike Rielly

I forgot to mention the Ike Rielly show at First Avenue on Friday night. Ike performed last year with Bellwhether (did I spell that right?). Anyway, I'm a big fan of his new CD, "Cars and Girls and Drinks and Songs" so Mr. Manager and I went to see the concert. Fun, fun fun. Nobody does "rockstar" better!

Monday, March 24, 2003

Peter O'Toole

Like the rest of the world I watched the Academy Awards last night. The most touching part of the evening had to be Peter O'Toole's lovely acceptance speech. Such elequence is a gift and I found his graciousness very endearing.

In other news I'm getting ready to hit the road again and my little pup is coming with me. Should be an interesting trip...

Thursday, March 20, 2003


I played the piano for about 2 hours last night...finally a bathroom break was necessary and then I couldn't bring myself to ignore the pets any longer. We played outside in the rain and around 7pm I decided to flyer around the Twin Cities to promote my show with Jaymie Gerard at the Riverview Cafe on 3/28/03. I stopped by Cheapo Records in Uptown and noticed Ani's new CD, "Evolve" but didn't have time to take a listen. Looks like I'll have to pick it up this weekend...

I find it strange that I'm going to have to remind myself to play the guitar for a few weeks...strange and sweet. Once the novelty of having a piano wears off, I'll be better at juggling my practice times.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


I just wanted to send a thank you out to everyone who has been kind enough to send their daily thoughts and creative encouragments my way. I truly appreciate the continued interest in my music and my life; I look forward to the comments online , especially the personal messages that keep me in touch.

P.S. I'm downright, gonna-wet-my-pants excited about the piano which arrives in less than 3 hours :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2003


My very own piano arrives tomorrow! I'm just giddy with excitement...

Monday, March 17, 2003


Dad came up for a visit this weekend so there wasn't much sleeping in but we did have a fun time. I wrote 2 songs last night that I'm itching to record so I'm setting a studio date today. I love having a plan. Melissa Ferrick is coming back in town for a show and it looks like Stuart Davis is opeing...that should be really interesting. I have a show coming up at the Riverview Cafe on Friday March 28th so don't forget to drop by for a listen. The sweet and talented Jaymie Gerard will be joining me...

Friday, March 14, 2003


It's warm and glorious outside so I spent some time playing with my doggie in the slush...we're both a little wet now. I finished reading a slew of Nora Roberts books and I have to admit I enjoyed myself completely. Who knew romance was so thoroughly entertaining?

My father, Mr. Fix-it, is coming to Minneapolis today to play Tim Allen. I was told to warm up my credit card, so I guess I'll be spending the weekend at Home Depot. *sigh* Oh and on a very fabulous note my cousin Keely turns 21 tomorrow :) She's really my 5th sister...

Hattie's CD is still blowing my mind with every spin. My advise: Pick it up today!!

Monday, March 10, 2003


I stopped by the Humane Society on Saturday and walked away with a little doggie. I'm such a sucker. Miss Kitty is PISSED off about the entire event, but I'm hoping we all survive the transition. CD number 4 is definitely going to happen this spring, I'll just work it in around the touring.

Just a reminder that I have a show with Jaymie Gerard at the Riverview Cafe on Friday, March 28th, 8pm sharp. Please come by and join us for a night of live music.

Thursday, March 6, 2003

New Book

Last weekend I went to the Humane Society's annual book sale and bought anything and everything that caught my eye. You know...just to help out the kitties. Well, I made some mistakes (one of the pretty books was about lesbian internet porn - not really my cup of tea) but on the whole I acquired some fascinating books. Currently I'm reading "A distrurbance in One Place" by Binnie Kirshenbaum. It's out of this world. Definitely on the raunchy side of literature but so shockingly refreshing that I can't help but enjoy it. She's also rather thought provoking. I'll probably be finished with it my noon.

Still listening to Leonard Cohen...

Monday, March 3, 2003

Leonard Cohen

I while back I was introduced to the world of Leonard Cohen, but only recently have I begun to truly appreciate the level of his genius. Brilliant songwriting is an insulting simplification. He's closer to godlike, so I'm having trouble describing his work. I've listened to his CD's with every waking breath for the past few days...and I see no signs of stopping.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Last night

Hattie, Tracy, Jaymie and I played Boom last night. Despite our enthusiastic attempts to entertain, the patrons seemed to be more interested in each other and their drinks then the women on stage. It was still an ejoyable evening, but sometimes I forget how difficult it is to be thrown into the same catagory as background noise. Mr. Manager is always astounded when people ignore live music and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. However, the feeling I walked away with yesterday was that people enjoyed the music, but would have been fine with MTV. That's okay though, but a CD sale would have been nice :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2003


I'm playing a last minute gig at Boom this evening. Stop by if you can make it. Looks like I'll have the late slotbut music starts at 7:30pm. It's freezing out, however the night will be worth all the trouble...I promise!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Fineline Fire

I'm saddened by the recent fire incident that took place at one of my favorite performance venues in the Twin Cities, but very glad no one was injured. As a result it looks like my March, Monday night show at the Fineline will be postponed. Hopefully I'll put something back on the calendar quickly. I wish them well during the rebuilding...

Monday, February 17, 2003

Slow day

I'm a little jealous of the snow out East..could be fun from what I hear. I've been searching for songs to cover and I'm feeling a but adventurous. Last night I finished "Eden Close" by Anita Shreve and was floored by the happy ending. Amazing. Great book, different from her other writings, but she sucks me in without fail. Tonight I'm going to gorge myself on chocolate rasberry bread and hot cocoa. Maybe it's time for another trip to the library...

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Anita Shreve

I picked up "Eden Close" by Anita Shreve at the library last week and just began the book. As you already know she's one of my favorit music, there can be any number of favorites. I love that. Being a fast reading I find myself pulling back, slowing down to better savor the story. She could be the most insightful writer of our time. Shreve describes a woman as if she's lived inside me; talking with others, they feel a similar connection to her writing, her words. Having a mere yet chapters under my belt, I hesitate to recommend the book and can you go wrong with Anita Shreve?

Monday, February 10, 2003


Mr. Manager and I saw David Cross (& other artists) on Friday night at First Ave. Strange verbal musings. The event was definitely worth seeing but hard to swallow. Audience members felt free to shout various opinions and jokes at the performers during the middle of certain commentaries and songs. Whether or not I agreed with the lyrical messages on stage it would have been disrespectful to argue or comment on the show...not to mention disruptive, especially when everyone can hear you. David Cross was extremely poised and gracious even to the obnoxious patrons. He earned enormous respect from me and more than a few other audience members. I was still saddened by the lack of consideration Minneapolis showed to such a talented artist.

Thursday, February 6, 2003

Echo Bay

Looks like I will be heading back into the studio this makes me smile just thinking about it! I'll keep you posted on the details, but I'm definitely trying something new, once again at Echo Bay Productions. I wonder if my dream engineer Brian Johnson is sick of me yet?

Monday, February 3, 2003


I spent an enormous amount of time in the airport this weekend, but my trip was well worth the trouble. Dayton was marvelous...I wish there had been more time though. Some friends asked me to play in Washington DC which would be a blast because I haven't been there in a few years. We'll see...this year is looking wonderfully busy...

Oh and I'm probably heading south this March/April as Jennifer Marks and I have pushed the NYC thing back to June. I'll keep everyone posted though. I promise.

Friday, January 31, 2003

Switchblade Symphony

First of all, I forgot to write in my journal yesterday. Oops. And I've been getting a ton of requests for signed photos - weird. Good, but odd.

The show at Boom was wonderful. I got to hear everybody again except Tracy (she took the night off and just Emceed). I love the bar and the patrons and especially the music.

I heard a CD today while I shopping and asked what it was, they sold it and now it's in my CD Changer. There's a band called Switchblade Symphony with a track "dissolve" and initially I thought it was Sinead O'Connor doing a guest spot with Delerium. But it's a totally different group. I'm really enjoying all that I've heard so far.

I'm off to Dayton, Ohio tomorrow morning bright and early for a friend's wedding. I can't wait. Later...

Wednesday, January 29, 2003


Tonight I'll be playing at Boom again with Tracy Johnson, Hattie & MJ Kroll - that's the line-up last I heard. Many of you have e-mailed asking about the set time...uhm... well I'm not sure. I don't know the order of events right now but I'm the newest attendee so I'm thinking I'll go up somewhere around 9-ish. Everyone act is well worth checking plan on sticking around for the whole evening and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 27, 2003


I went to the Cat Show this weekend in St. Paul. Cute little kitties.

On Wednesday, January 29th, I will have the pleasure of sharing the stage with some fabulous females at BOOM in Northeast Minneapolis. More details to follow.

I have M. Doughty's song "Bottom of a well" and Ike Rielly's rap "I Don't want what you got going on" playing in my head. It's kind of nice...

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Pastor Paul's

I had a great night at First Ave for Pastor Pauls. I met some friends, old and new and from what I hear...the evening was a huge success for the mission. Cool huh? More later.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Pastor Paul

Don't forget to come down to First Ave this evening for Pastor Paul's Acoustic Garage Sale. Vendors, Music, Drinks...what more could you ask for...?

Monday, January 20, 2003


I had an interesting time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Small towns fascinate me. Driving back last night I chased the sunset, heading west faster than the world could turn I guess. The sky was a delicious shade of violet. I listened to every CD I haven't absorbed since Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed the drive. It was extremely cold though and believe it or not, Minneapolis was warmer than Wisconsin!

Employee party at First Ave tonight (friends and press and label people are invitied too I guess)

Mr. Manager and I plan on having a wonderful time.

Friday, January 17, 2003


Anybody ever read "The Story of O"? I'm in the middle of "Exit to Eden" by Anne Rice (big surprise there right?) and she mentions the book. Speaks very highly of it in fact. I'll check it out the next time I'm at the library or Dreamhaven.

Frou Frou is still the marvelous music filling my house.

I have to go find a chain saw now. Long story.

Thank you to the Star Tribune for mentioning me (along with the other participants) as a critic's pick for Pastor Paul's show next Wednesday at First Ave. Sweet huh?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Frou Frou

I received Frou Frou's CD "Details" last night...I listened to 5 songs on the way home and 5 songs this morning. It's so wonderful! Hard to classify but definitely interesting. I'm off to visit Grandma this weekend in Wisconsin so I'll check back in the beginning of next week.

My Pastor Paul's show is Wednesday, January 22nd at First Avenue, so I hope you can make it down : )

Monday, January 13, 2003


This was a good weekend for CDs. I received "How Sweet It Is", the new Joan Osbourne adventure and Ani Difranco's double disc that has been out since fall (I'm just a little behind schedule).

I didn't even have a chance to listen to everything all the way through, but I'll get to it this week.

I also started 3 new songs, but they are all in their embryonic stages presently.I might have to release another CD in 2004 after all...

Happy Monday.

Sunday, January 12, 2003


I received a lovely e-mail from a fan this weekend with the subject line "Pointer":

"Drop the Bossy Slut mechandice. You are lossing respect and fan base."

As an artist my aim is never to offend. I create and explore and enjoy. Any of you who read my journal might have noticed, I have a sense of humor. This is where the "Bossy Slut" nickname/logo/joke comes slightly off-center self which I project through my music, my writing and live in concert.

Does anybody get tired of people telling you what to do, how to behave or maybe how to live your life? I do. This e-mail is just one of many criticisms which I receive on a daily basis. Without fail I become annoyed, offended and empowered. You don't have to like my words, my music or my lifestyle but you can respect my rights as an individual in a free fucking country to have my say.

I do not judge those around me, I have opinions which I try to express with kindness. I don't believe it is too much to ask for that in return.

Take your name off my mailing list if I offend you. Stop purchasing my music if you feel I have strayed from producing quality material but do not presume to ever tell me what to do with my life and my music.

By the way, I'm wearing an official Anne Deming "Bossy Slut" thong right now and goddamn if I'm not pleased as punch and comfy as hell.

Peace out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2003

Hard Candy

I picked up the Counting Crows new CD (it's not actually new, but I asked for it for Christmas so I've been wanting it for months and Santa didn't come through for me).

I love it! I love the music. I love the lyrics. The whole CD is a wonderful piece of art. My body starts to jiggle just thinking about the incities wild and crazy dancing.

Go pick it up tonight, if you haven't puchased "Hard Candy" already.

Tuesday, January 7, 2003


I went through a brief credit card craze last night. After a lovely dinner at the French Meadow Bakery in Uptown I felt the urge to order things over the phone. I called Lakeside Collections only to be informed that office hours were 8-5 CST. ARGH. so I picked up my Victoria's Secret catalog and ordered everything I had book-marked that wasn't out of stock or painted in pink. I felt much better after the ordeal and have a week now to look forward to the mailman arriving...packages in hand. Sick I know.

Musically, we're still working on the Easto Coast tour for spring of 2003. I'll post after everything is confirmed.


Monday, January 6, 2003


"So, I've been practicing my french much in fact that I pause before answering questions in the wrong language. Weird I know. I had a productive career meeting with Mr. Manager last night so we'll see what comes out of our brainstorming session. I purchased another Anne Rice book...just building my home library, but I haven't had the time to start it yet. Shame on me for not picking up my guitar this weekend, but I was too busy getting a massage and facial at the Red Door Salon to care one way or the other. I promise to practice more this week : ) I heard a cool CD and for the life of me can't remember who it is. Sinead O'Connor and Poe do guest vocals and it was rather cool. Deliruim like and I know it's related somehow but I can't recall the details. My brain appears fuzzy today. Maybe I should try writing again tomorrow. Peace out.

Thursday, January 2, 2003

Sex and the City

Does anybody else love watching that HBO show? I can't get enough of it. However, someone lent me the book because I'm addicted to the DVD's and I have to say I hate it. It's completely and utterly depressing! Maybe I'm not in the right frame of mind, but I'm so disheartened just imagining what these people live like. I guess Sarah Jessica Parker is just a fabulous actress who can make life interesting without seeming crass, but the book is making me cry. Being a weirdo though, I can't stop reading it. Once begun...a book must be finished. Thankfully I picked up "Con Men and Cutpurses: scenes from the Hogarthian underworld" which is my next literary escape.

Switching topics completely, I want to visit New Orleans again. To be honest, I'd actually like to live there. I know I have Anne Rice in the back of my head and all the romance of the French Quarter clouding my vision, but I had a glorious time there and I'd love to go back...maybe Valentine's Day...

Oh and I'm currently ironing out details for the East Coast tour in late winter, early spring. Fun fun fun!

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

New Years

My new years was...interesting...Fun stuff planned for 2003 though, more later : )