Sunday, January 12, 2003


I received a lovely e-mail from a fan this weekend with the subject line "Pointer":

"Drop the Bossy Slut mechandice. You are lossing respect and fan base."

As an artist my aim is never to offend. I create and explore and enjoy. Any of you who read my journal might have noticed, I have a sense of humor. This is where the "Bossy Slut" nickname/logo/joke comes slightly off-center self which I project through my music, my writing and live in concert.

Does anybody get tired of people telling you what to do, how to behave or maybe how to live your life? I do. This e-mail is just one of many criticisms which I receive on a daily basis. Without fail I become annoyed, offended and empowered. You don't have to like my words, my music or my lifestyle but you can respect my rights as an individual in a free fucking country to have my say.

I do not judge those around me, I have opinions which I try to express with kindness. I don't believe it is too much to ask for that in return.

Take your name off my mailing list if I offend you. Stop purchasing my music if you feel I have strayed from producing quality material but do not presume to ever tell me what to do with my life and my music.

By the way, I'm wearing an official Anne Deming "Bossy Slut" thong right now and goddamn if I'm not pleased as punch and comfy as hell.

Peace out.