Monday, January 6, 2003


"So, I've been practicing my french much in fact that I pause before answering questions in the wrong language. Weird I know. I had a productive career meeting with Mr. Manager last night so we'll see what comes out of our brainstorming session. I purchased another Anne Rice book...just building my home library, but I haven't had the time to start it yet. Shame on me for not picking up my guitar this weekend, but I was too busy getting a massage and facial at the Red Door Salon to care one way or the other. I promise to practice more this week : ) I heard a cool CD and for the life of me can't remember who it is. Sinead O'Connor and Poe do guest vocals and it was rather cool. Deliruim like and I know it's related somehow but I can't recall the details. My brain appears fuzzy today. Maybe I should try writing again tomorrow. Peace out.