Friday, January 31, 2003

Switchblade Symphony

First of all, I forgot to write in my journal yesterday. Oops. And I've been getting a ton of requests for signed photos - weird. Good, but odd.

The show at Boom was wonderful. I got to hear everybody again except Tracy (she took the night off and just Emceed). I love the bar and the patrons and especially the music.

I heard a CD today while I shopping and asked what it was, they sold it and now it's in my CD Changer. There's a band called Switchblade Symphony with a track "dissolve" and initially I thought it was Sinead O'Connor doing a guest spot with Delerium. But it's a totally different group. I'm really enjoying all that I've heard so far.

I'm off to Dayton, Ohio tomorrow morning bright and early for a friend's wedding. I can't wait. Later...