Monday, October 6, 2003

Irish Pubs

Well, to start off with, I set my hair on fire this weekend. Not on purpose of course, but it happened. No worries though - I'm fine. I played Keegan's Irish Pub on Friday night and still encountered the world's rudest drunks. Fate has decreed that I should simply steer clear of that place. When a man close to a seniors discount rate starts bellowing Johnny Cash's 'Ring of Fire' at you in full know it's time to get the hell out of dodge. Maybe it was only offensive to me, but in the future I need to avoid situations like that in order to preserve my sanity and prevent myself from getting arrested for assaulting the inebriated. I was able to maintain composure but...*sigh* was a long night!

On Saturday morning Mr. Manager and I headed to Chicago for my gig at Nevins. In a word, it was GLORIOUS! Great crowd, great sound, great fun. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone who came down to support me - It was quite an honor to play to such an enormous audience. Gotta love that. After my set, after selling CD's and after saying hi to those interested, I sat back to enjoy Mason Jennings on stage. Mr. Manager was kind enough to offer up his stool for me to rest upon, but little did I know that as I sat down my hair fell into a flaming votive candle on the ledge behind me. As I mentioned before, no worries, I patted my hair down quickly and contained the flames, but I do believe this in now the 3rd time in my life that this has happened to me. Maybe it's a sign to cut my hair short? Or perhaps just a danger of keeping hair long? Who knows. I'm very much exhausted this morning due to travels and gigs and drunk audience members but I feel wonderful. I love Chicago with it's music and vibrance. December is so far next gig in the area is December 5th at UnCommon Ground.

Okay, I'm off to sort some receipts now. Peace, Love and such....