Saturday, October 11, 2003


Interesting weekend. Friday night...I think I did nothing except read. Saturday was a glorious rain storm. Rain always puts me in the mood for shopping so I ended up with a sofa bed/ottaman combo impulse purchase from Marshall Fields. Don't worry, my sanity is intact and I'm very happy about the furniture - even though it was a bit odd. Saturday night Mr. Manager and I headed down to First Ave for the Melissa Ferrick/Anne Heaton show. Good music. Melissa was acoustic for the first time in FOREVER so it was a strangely intimate show in the mainroom. I miss Brian, her drummer, however and the heat of the entry... In the past it's just been such a perfect combination that I find it hard to give up. Anne Heaton was low key, but entertaining. Not really my style, but I'm definitely prejudice after opening for Melissa so many times. Ignore me...just posting my random thoughts. Sunday night, we headed off to St. Paul for the WILD hockey game. Fight, fight fight...I've never seen so many gloves littering the ice. Even the ref went down on his tushy. Minnesota lost *sigh*. I'm off to work out now. Too much yoga over the weekend has rendered my arms useless...seriously, I can't move them. Oh well.