Friday, September 12, 2003

Man in Black

I must have two, separate hearts: one for music and one for everything else. Most difficult things that I see or experience can be looked at through logical eyes and then stored away to deal with or analyze at a future date in time. But if something happens that is music related I become a weeping willow. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me *sigh*

It's like at NEMO when I was just thunderstruck by Kyle Vincent - he wasn't saying anything new or particularly ground breaking but it was the emotion that carried his words striking me so powerfully. After listening to him play, I felt like I'd been through a hurricane...not a bad one, just unexpected and certainly powerful. Once again, I'm still not making sense.

Johnny Cash...dead at 71. Rather difficult to swallow. He's Mr. Managers idol, rock star supreme; Cash could do no wrong and we never went on a trip without him somewhere in the car. It took quite a while for me to appreciate his music (sometimes even to stomach it) but even during my most hateful hours driving down Interstate 94 hearing about Cash's love being 'flushed down the toilet', I had to confess a grudging admiration for his talent and charisma. The world has suffered a crushing loss today that will be felt for years to come. He was elequent through simplicity and insightful by being blunt. A diamond in the rough that you wouldn't want to change. It felt right to listen to his music this morning so I searched for some cd's only to come up empty. Not surprisingly, KFAI came through playing 3 Johnny Cash tunes one after the other bright and early this morning at 7:15am. Thank God Minneapolis is lucky enough to have a station all about the music.