Sunday, November 30, 2003

Played for hours

I played the guitar for hours and hours today and then I went shopping. I talked to the brilliant photo genius Faith Brown a little while ago and we're trying to find a good time for her to come to the Twin Cities for pictures. Scheduling sucks. I finished two books over the weekend and walked the dog at least 30 times. Who knew I was ever going to be this domestic? I plan to do yoga tonight and then try on every piece of clothing I bought without checking first in a dressing room. Smart I know. I'm going to post some pictures of my little pets once I figure out how to do that. Could be a while...don't hold your breath. I started the Stephen King 'Gunslinger' series this week too. Weird, but really good. I'm getting into it, but I'm so freaked out. He does that to me...kinda like clowns. King's fault again.