Monday, August 11, 2003

Rotten Weekend

Mr. Manager has become an least for a little while. He has knee issues...severe knee issues. My show on saturday was disappointing at best. I was asked to stop playing 10 minutes into my second set (of many) The staff spokesman said the bar wanted to get drunk and I was playing soft, acoustic music which didn't fit for the night. They paid me in full, I packed up quietly and left immediately. However, I'm more than a bit confused about the whole ordeal as I've played there before (same girl, same songs) but this time it was unacceptable. No one was intentionally being cruel, but I can't think of any way to take this but badly. Anger is not a factor...I'm simply hurt, terribly hurt. I apologize to those of you who came down to the show, only to leave as quickly as I did. Thank you for your support and understanding and for not throwing anything at the bartenders. Just kidding...sort of. Maybe I'll chalk this up to a meaningful experience and the hilarity of being referred to as 'soft, acoustic', but it might take me a while to overcome this feeling of 'ick and failure'.