Monday, August 4, 2003

Back in the USA

Glad to be back in the United States...Europe was interesting. Not very welcoming to Americans even though everything is McDonalds, Coca Cola and Britney Spears. Go figure. I had a beautiful, glorious time and hope to head back to London very soon. Music scene was interesting. It felt weird hearing anything but Bach or Motzart in Vienna. Glorious classical music. I read a ton of books: Michael Fabor "The Crimson Petal and the White", "Bridget Jones Diary" 1 and 2, "Courting Trouble" - can't remember the author, and now Janet Evanovich's "To the Nines". Great fun. I bought crystal in Prague, coffee in Vienna, chocolate in Brugge and shopped in London. All in all a good musical adventure if somewhat hampered by my horrendous flight experience with US Airways. By far the worst airline I have ever flown in my entire life, probably in the world, but I have yet to try Air India and SABENA is out of business. I'm safe and sound back in the USA and looking foward to performing at NEMO in Boston the first week in Septmeber. I have songs to write and thoughts to organize.

Missed you. : )