Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Spectacular blizzard in the Twin Cities yesterday. Driving was a slow go, but the view was worth it. Plus I turned on my heated matress pad and crawled into bed looking out at the pretty snow. I finally slept last the dead. It's official - I can only last 5 days on four hours of sleep a night. Good to know huh? Christmas party tonight, but I will make time for my guitar. Songs are just swirling inside my head. It's a wonder I haven't started speaking in rhyme and verse. Odd.

I'm still listening to Kyle Vincent. Good thing he lives on the coast, otherwise I'd have to worry about a restraining order. By the way, I trust you're all amused instead of frightened. No worries, I'm as close to sane as is humanly possible....for me that is.

I'm off to work a fundraiser. Toodles.