Thursday, June 5, 2003


I finished "Priestess of Avalon" which was standard prose for Marion Zimmer Bradley, although she died just before completing the novel and it was finished by Diana L. Paxson (who shares credit on the jacket sleeve). There's a switch in the voice, but it's still a worthy read. Hungry for more, the first book I grabbed yesterday was "The Cradle Will Fall" by Mary Higgins Clark. I can't recall every reading her but she's an extremely beloved mystery writer. I'm only about 50 pages into the story but it's truly entertaining. It's odd though, that the reader learns the real killer at about page 30, but there's still danger and intruige. Worth a shot anyway. My journey to NY starts Saturday and I hope many of you across the country can make a show on my travels to the East Coast and back through the Midwest.

Please keep voting for me during the Local Legends Contest on or as your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Peace out...