Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Music: Dragonfly in Amber audio book - Diana Gabaldon
Book: Drums of autumn

How sick is this? I'm reading two of Ms. Gabaldon's books at the same time but I just love her. After finishing Breath of Snow and Ashes I had to do it all over again. She's just a marvelous read.

My show in Mankato was eventful to say the least. Smaller crowd than usual, but full enough with couples enjoying the music quietly. Then I had a heckler who said I was going to die alone and began rubbing his genitals while making other lewd gestures in my direction. Several of the audience members became uncomfortable and we all tried to ignore him. I made it through three songs - all the time with my left eye twitching as I got madder and madder until finally I ended a song and told him he was the biggest asshole I'd ever encountered, in any bar, anywhere in the world. He continued with his gestures and got louder so I asked him to step outside. Lulckily the bar owner stepped in to handle the situation and the guy was no longer a bother as he wasn't allowed in the bar. I'm guessing there are a few shocked patrons still recovering from my vulgarity and annoyance, however, I dare anyone to switch places with me and then we'll see what happens after a verbal and physical assault on your person during work hours. Im still pissed at that guy and sad at the same time that he felt the need to be hateful during Christmas.

Ending on a happy note...Christmas was a treat this year. I made standing rib roast with yorkshire pudding and green beans. We feasted like kings and then visited with friends in Prior Lake - *gasp* - the burbs! Good times were had by all. Happy New Year...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Music: nothing
Book: nothing

I'm out of books and have temporarily misplaced my ipod within the confines of my dining room. I suspect my cat is playing with it, but I'm not concerned - she's very gentle with her toys. It is snowing like mad outside and I couldn't be happier. Lovely to look at and everyone seems to be driving nice and slow to accomodate the mush covering the roads. And we get snow for the next few days!

Mr. Fiance leaves for his bachelor party in Vegas tomorrow morning and my mother is coming into town to shop and spa for the weekend. *smile* I have shows shows and more shows at the Mall of America: This Friday 3pm & 5pm at the Nordstroms court, Monday 12/19 4pm & 6pm at Macy's court and finally 12/20 2pm at the Sears court & 4pm at Macy's. I know you have shopping to do so you might as well get it done with a bit of background music.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Snow snow snow

Music: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Book: Stocks, in good times and bad

I wasn't going to post, but I feel compelled - the Sinead O'Connor concert at First Avenue this past Monday could possibly be the hugest disappointment of me entire life. I have been a fan since I first heard Lion and the Cobra. She was an explosion into songwriting and political chaos. I have every album Sinead ever put out and quite a few bootlegs. So it is with a heavy heart that I confess my frustration during Monday night's concert. Terrible...TERRIBLE, it was absolutely terrible. Her voice is remarkably strong and fluid, but she didn't acknowledge the audience one bit. The music she is currently promoting is not my favorite - reggea - but if the artist believes in it then I can give it a shot; however, O'Connor sang to the floor for an hour and the moment her vocals were done within each song, she sat her ass down on the stage or a drum kit and stared off into space. I'm thinking sound check would have been a better respresentation of Sinead than the unenthused artist who sang to First Ave earlier this week. It hurts to think about the concert. My musical idol has fallen off her throne and I'm more than a little heartbroken about it.

In other news, I finally jumped on the iopd boat and look forward to listening to some books on tape.Mall of America shows starting tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock sharp! Free concerts too!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Much Ado About...Sinead O'Connor

Music: Sinead O'Connor - compilation CD
Book: Conversational French

Snuck into Nine Inch Nails last night. Good concert. So many people were on some sort of alternative substance and the police/first aid just watched OD individuals fall over in the concourse until the injured idiot could crawl within touching distance of "assistance". Frightening to watch. The concert yanked me back to high school times before I could drive when my friends and I would sneak into a place called the Option to dance. "Head Like a Hole" got played every night. Good times...good memories. And then...big news...I'm damn near fainting as I write - Sinead O'Connor is playing First Avenue this November. If you've ever been to a live Anne Deming show, then you know I adore Sinead. When she retired in 2003 I cried for weeks and then decided to cover a tune of hers every single live show until she played again. WOO HOO! She's out of retirement and at the best of the very best of venues! I plan on sleeping outside the club if I have to but I insist on seeing the show and soaking up every second of a live performance that I can. Last year during an interview I answered the question "Who would you like to play music with" Answer: Sinead O'Connor. Another interview I was asked "Which artist would you like to see live?" Answer: Sinead O'Connor. "Who is the biggest influence on you musically speaking?" Answer: Sinead O'Connor! I could go on and on and on and on...but you get the point. I can seriously die happy once I have seen her perform. I would have driven hundreds of miles...and I still might. One show will not be enough. Possibly Chicago? New York? Sr. Louis? I LOVE HER! I don't gush often but here, this instance...I cannot gush enough. Hurray for the Irish-lesbian-catholic-psuedo-priest-ex-musician-now-musician SINEAD O'CONNOR!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Back from Chicago

Music: Beethoven
Book: Dead Run - PJ's in front of me waiting to get started

I had a lovely time in Chicago, but now I'm back in Minneapolis working on winter touring. Not as much fun I can assure you. Our sweet little kitty might be sick...we're worried, but she's still purring loudly sooooo fingers crossed. Weather is chilly and misty, awfully spooky and right up my alley. Friends and family were extraordinarily generous and inventive for my media bridal shower. What a fun way to spend the weekend...opening gifts! Gilmore Girls is tonight and this week I'm joining another addict for wine and snacks during the show. Why not make it a party?! Mr. Fiance is working the NIN show...I might see him on Thursday when he wakes up from a sleep induced coma *smile* Can't find stupid wedding shoes and have looked everywhere. Why must all designers put a bow smack dab in the middle of a shoe? Or underwear? Jeans? Shirts?! Bows bows bows. Yuk. Any suggestions?

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Wonderful Mankato

Music: Tom Waits
Book: how to settle an estate

Still sick, but I made it through the show last night. Actually I had a lovely time especially because the coffee hag crew stopped down and stayed the whole damn night. Today I barely made it out of bed, but I had a great show. Chadly on djimbe was in fine form because I wandered a bit, changing strum patterns and stumping up a bridge or two...hopefully it was the cold medication ( I was severely doped up ) but it couldn't have been a brain freeze or something. Anyway, he just went with the flow and kept us on track. And I absolutely loved playing.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I'm only happy when it rains

Music: Michael Campbell
Book: technical trading online - Roth & How to settle an estate - Leimberg

I was asked to be an executor (female version is called the executrix - just found that out) for someone's estate in the unfortunate event that something happens to her/her family. Thought I should read up on the duties. Interesting stuff. I'm fighting a terrible cold at the moment. My voice is gone and I cough every time I breath in air. Not a good sign. Not exactly sure how I'm going to perform a show at the Wine Cafe this Friday night, but I'm toughing it out and sucking on cough drops. So sad. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I have a charity gripe. Maybe this only happens to me or maybe only the charities I support BUT each time I send someone money, within days - damn near light speed - I receive a thank you note with an envelop for another donation along with a request to possibly INCREASE my donation amount. First off, that seems like a waste of money to send me a letter. I want my money to help the charity NOT send thank you notes to make me feel better. But it doesn't make me feel better at all when instead of feeling "thanked" I feel cheated and sad. Was my initial contribution so minute that they thought it necessary to send me a note urging me to dig deeper into my purse? Or is that just standard and if so, how terrible to think that one person can give $50 and another can give $5000 and both are asked within a week to "give a little more". Maybe I'll start dontaing anonymously. Afterall, we don't really contribute to charity for the tax write-off. At least I hope that's the case. We give to GIVE. Somehow it all seesm a bit crazy. Must blow my nose...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Music: none
Book: Velez & Capra

Des Moines was a bust due to horrid weather...but I'm gonna make it up to everyone. Off to Iowa City at the Mill this Saturday with Chadly. Should be great. Mr. Fiance is planning his bachelor party in Vegas. I'm thinking I'd rather stay here in Minneapolis for mine *smile* Thank god fall is almost here I need everything to die in my yard. I've had several trees keel over from Dutch Elm Disease to the tune of several thousand dollars. Now, there are no more elms left to kill so I'm hoping the cash flow purging will now come to an end. Jeez. I'm booking xmas shows at the Mall of America this December and am so excited to be invited back. Last year was a phenomenal experience. Deck the halls and all that crap. I should post more about the Rolling Stones concert from last week which was rip your heart out fantastic. I'm still digesting the music...the experience...Mick....*ahhhhhh*

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Rain rain

Music: Robert Randolph
Book: Pimsluer French III

Off to Des Moines in the middle of a glorious rain storm. Mr. Fiance will be up to his eyeballs with the Rolling Stones from tomorrow through Wednesday. My lovely Aunt Candy is flying in from Chicago to see the concert with me at the Xcel center on Tuesday. I could be one of four people excited about having blues legend Buddy Guy open for the Stones. Hurray for the blues. Stop down to Java Joes in Des Moines this evening for some solo acoustic music starting at 9:30pm if you can make it. I know you won't be out boating in the storm so come inside for some soup and music. *smile*Must run. Much love - Anne

Monday, August 29, 2005


Music: Still Alison Krauss
Book: Damn, Why Didn't I Write That - Marc McCuthcheon

Reading books like mad. This is a week for concerts. I see Neil Diamond - yes you read right - on Wednesday, then Chadly and I head off to Iowa, my second musical home, for some Des Moines Music Shows and then it's the ROLLING STONES on Tuesday back in the Twin Cities. I should try and figure out a time to head to the Minnesota State Fair before it's over too. Hmmmm.

Hattie Peterson is coming out of musical hiding and doing a show this Friday. It's a living room show with Emm Gryner though so good luck finding a seat cushion. I'm sure it's sold out. My doggie was at the vet with severe itching and then red spots. Turns out it is just allergies. BAD allergies, but allergies none-the-less. Now she's doped up snoozing on the couch, but apprently sleeping soundly.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still alive and kicking

Music: Alison Krause (sp?)
Book: Use the News - Maria Bartiromo

Haven't posted. Too busy. Sad excuse but the truth. I've been gobbling up investment and finance books like a camel at the water trough. Just figured it was something I should explore and be informed about. Love the knowledge. Booking shows for the fall but slow into winter - obviously - because of that whole getting-hitched-wedding-thing. I ate hords of mexican food for lunch so currently I can't move because I'm trying to digest 7 bowls of tortillas chips. It was ALL WORTH IT THOUGH! Now Mr. Fiancee and I will watch Mission Impossible I & II to pass the evening with the pets before he works the White Stripes show over the weekend. Maybe I'll finish writing a song or two... Hmmm...

Or golf...who knows. Bye for now.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

checking in

Music: none
Book: rich dad, poor dad

Fun rehearsal for music. Good golfing day. Wrote some cool tunes that Chadly and I banged away at. Busy busy busy but I'll try and check in again.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Back from Mankato

Music: none
Book: none

Wicked hot this weekend. Mankato was interesting. After playing the Hag for over a year which is all ages, a 21 plus venue with smoking and drinking is simply a different deck of cards. We had a delightful audience though and an invitation to return to the Wine Cafe this fall. We're grateful for both. Good times. I think it might be too hot to hit the driving range this evening, but...maybe not. I could pick up some shoes for the course at Dicks after having my guitar serviced at the Podium. Quite a bit of running around, but I have air conditioning so I'll survive. This Thursday is the Summer in the Park music series so I'll be in Rogers Minnesota playing for free. Open to the public and it should be a breezy 80 degrees. State Fair is coming soon too, but I'm not performing. Next week is South Dakota and Nebraska. Must find books on tape. Perhaps on investing...?

Monday, July 25, 2005

Escanaba & cake

Music: none
Book: The Historian

My weekend was actually very enjoyable. I had a brief scare on Saturday night when I opened the front door to find my INDOOR cat staring at me from the outside of the porch. Ahhh! Turns out she slipped through the garage and walked straight to the front door to be let back inside - at my parents house. Smart cat, but it terrified me to tears even though she was only outside about 60 seconds. My mother joined me for the trip to Escanaba's 8th Street CoffeeHouse which was delightful. The trip went fast and the evening truly rewarding. Escanaba has such a devoted music community that the audience was full of bodies and very responsive. I hope to go back this fall - probably late September or early October. In wedding news, we settled on a delicious Butter Almond Pound Cake with White Chocolate filling and a buttercream/fondant icing. Tasty. Also we checked off the music for ceremony and reception and are 99% decided on flowers and decorations. Cool. Most vendors said we could change our minds up until the end of December. I thought that was insane! Why revisit this??? You liked it once, why not stick with it and save time? Bizarre. Well, now we're back in Minneapolis and I have a radio music interview set up for 1pm Eastern/12 noon Central on Wednesday, July 27th for an Escanaba station. Most Minnesota folks won't be able to tune in, but I'll be thinking about you. My back is tingling from the driving range my father and I hit on Sunday. Yes it was 100 plus degrees outside, but worth the heat. We had a blast!

Monday, July 18, 2005

monday monday

Music: sinead o'connor
Book: harry potter - book 6

Like the rest of the world I am ensconced (sp?) in the latest Harry Potter novel. Great fun. I had an odd show on Thrusday at the Dinkytowner. Late night, different kind of crowd; sporadic dancing, quiet audience, but I'm not sure if they were listening or sleeping. Still felt really great to play out though. This Saturday I'll be in Escanaba, MI at the 8th Street Coffeehosue from 9-11pm. Then the following Friday, July 29th - Chadly and I are back in Mankato but for the first time at the Wine Cafe starting at 9pm playing all night long. Can't wait. We have some fun covers to try out at that show. More wedding planning in the works, but now we've moved on to cake tasting.

I have an outdoor show in Mpls/St. Paul the first week in August before hitting the road for South Dakota, Omaha and Iowa.

I'll keep you posted. Must nap now. Very tired.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Maybe it's me...

Music: none
Book: Wild Orchid - Devereaux

Spent my birthday at the Bob Dylan/Willie Nelson concert and thought it was terrible. All the reviews were glowing, but I couldn't wait to get out of there. What a waste of music. Great songwriters, but a poor night of entertaining. People seemed to be having a good time, but I would have rather been cleaning my bathroom. My parents endured the music right along side, so it was fun for the company, but next year I'll skip going out and take a book into a bubble bath instead. I'll probably throw in a bon-bon or two, but the sweet treat selection is up for grabs. So, I have a concert tomorrow at the Dinkytower in Minneapolis. Music starts at 9pm. Come one, come all. It's an acoustic night so I'm going solo but hopefully Chadly and I will celebrate a night of percussion in the Twin Cities soon.

I feel like a nap and I must finish a song or two...

I'll be playing the 8th Street Coffeehouse in Escanaba on July 23rd from 9-11pm Eastern time.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Music: Nirvana
Book: Talking Money by Jean Chatzky

I've been reading up on investing, but have been amazed with the lack of anything but common sense information out there. I'm looking for investment strategies and analysis, but I've weeded through three books whose focus is mainly on how to get out of credit card debt. What if you don't believe in credit card debt? Supposedly, if you believe in astrology, cancers (those born under the July sun in the moon of Capricorn yadda yadda) freak out about debt and can't function in the absence of a security savings account. That's me to a "t". So, I was hoping to broaden my horizons in the field of finance, but all I've really done is become scared to death for every single one of those 90 million Americans who haven't saved a dime - at all. For college. For buying a house. For retirement. For anything. Just a bunch of people living paycheck to paycheck buried under $33K in debt. Freaky.

I'm tired of the sun. Would love a good thunderstorm...hopefully Zeus will accommodate me later on tonight. Didn't write any music this week. Odd.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

A fuddy duddy in your 20's?

Music: Mindy Smith - One Moment More
Book: Stolen by Kelly Armstrong

As I sit at my computer eating a slice of cheese pizza I'm wondering if it's possible to become a cranky, embittered fuddy duddy while still in your 20's. I've just spent several hours of my morning straightening out a mistake made by my credit card company. I started out calm and collected and by hour two, I turned into a raving lunatic, much like Elliot on the popular "Scrubs" sitcom. Things are psuedo straightened out, but there was no gaurantee that this mistake wouldn't happen again. (They messed up account numbers during billing). Ugh is all I have to say.

I spent an enjoyable,yet hectic, holiday weekend entertaining my 15 month-old nephew, his parents and my mother. It's a wonder I wasn't jilted by my fiancee. Mr. Manager handled everything well, but chose to sleep on the couch. Seemed to be a safe zone for him. Last night after 28 loads of laundry I crawled into bed and fell asleep to the thunder of firecrackers blasting away well past 2am this morning. I'm all for independence, but I hate celebrating the 4th of July.

I'm reading Armstrong's sequel to "Bitten" called "Stolen" - catchy and quick - but I have to admit to being a sucker for vampire/werewolf novels. So, consider the source. *smirk* In fact, I just purchased "The Historian" but I won't read it until I finish all my other books lined up in wait. (No worries, there are only 3 novels).

Chadly and I haven't rehearsed in weeks, but my guitar has been schooled a time or two now that my hand is healing from the drill bit incident. I should just lock myself in a room until August 2005.

I'll quit complaining for at least another day or two. I hope everyone's 4th was relaxing. Peace out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Music: melissa ferrick
Book: stolen - kelly armstrong

i don't feel luck capital letters today. over the weekend i was cleaning the basement when some drill bits fell off the shelf gouging my left hand. (the protective cap was off) after bleeding all over the house for an hour or so things settled down. my left hand hurts alot so no guitar for a couple of days, but i'll recover. stupid household chores. i need a maid...or a keeper...that would prevent me from future accidents. my family arrives in droves today for the holiday. i think we're planning on shopping. can't wait to see how my 1-year old nephew and my doggie sweetie pie get along. should be amusing...

just booked a show in escanaba for the end of july and should confirm a date for iowa city later this summer. very anxious to be on the road again.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Hello, remember me?

Music: 89.3 the Current
Book: Shadow Game - Christine Feehan

Been very busy, haven't posted. Sorry. My touring hiatus is less than one month away from being over. I'm getting antsy. Winona's Acoustic Cafe show got cancelled - again - due to a double booking. The other artist was driving 12 hours for the show so I wasn't going to interfere and cause a commotion. We might reschedule for late July. Chadly and I have been asked back to the Mabel Tainter Theatre in Menomonie, WI for the fall. We are EXCITED! Such a cool venue and the most welcoming audience. We're kicking around the idea of a live recording there too *smile* I've been traveling all over the palce lately - half for music - half for keeping up with my life. I'm drinking an absolutely terrible cup of coffee which I keep forgetting is bad so I sip and grimace. Lovely huh? Sweetie Pie sat through a home haircut yesterday and she looks adorable. Miss Kitty (my officially fat feline) actually dove into a sink full of water and stayed there last night. I wonder if someone is selling crack to the pets in my neighborhood. I'll be on the lookout.

Thursday, June 9, 2005


Music: I hope you dance
Book: Blue Dahlia - Nora Roberts

Just to clarify. No show in Winona on Saturday the 11th. I play the Acoustic Cafe in Winona, MN on Friday, June 24th. This weekend I head out for an extended stay in Seattle, Washington. Should be fun. I plan on sleeping throughout the entire flight. There is a show scheduled at the Dinkytowner this July in Minneapolis and an outdoor park in St. Paul this August. Tired today. So tired. I'm looking forward to curling up in bed with a good book.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Music: hattie peterson
Book: Realm of Shadows - terrible book, great story.

I'm in window hell. In December we broke a doubel pane window of glass on the first floor. In December. Do you know how hard it is to have a broken window in the middle of winter? We got it fixed within 12 hours, but that's a long, COLD time without barriers between people and the elements. Then I was swatting a fly with a book. Dumb I know, but a few months ago I was chasing after it and getting so frustrated that when he finally landed I smacked him...and the window he was perched on. Breaking another pain of glass. Two days ago I was downtown Minneapolis and some kid smashed the rear windshild of my car. Just shattered. Cops could have cared less too. By the time they showed up, with the accident report all filled out - they policeman got out of his car, handed me the case number and got right back in his cruiser to drive away. Unreal. Not exactly intense police business I understand but I didn't even get 60 seconds worth of my tax dollars. So, now I've spent the past two days with some Ford Autoglass people who can't seem to find the right glass replacement. Thankfully, I haven't been breaking mirrors, but with my might as well have been.

I need a vacation. But instead, my doggie Sweets and I are heading home to my parents house over the weekend to work on wedding planning. You're all jealous I know. Sigh.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Holiday Weekend

Music: Big N Rich
Book: Live Bait - P.J. Tracy

Enjoying the sequel to Monkeewrench from Mother/duaghter duo PJ Tracy. Cool book. I painted and scraped and hauled yard crap all weekend. So sore, my armpits are sore. Who knew that was possible?My dog was thrilled with all the outdoor activity over the past few days - highly unusual for me. Made friends with a tiny, baby squirrel who ate bananas and crackers out of my hand. Felt like wonder woman. I named him Alfred only to find him run over in the middle of the road this morning. Very sad. Not exactly a survival creature of the wild. Was so cute though. Sad sad. Looking at houses to move to. Like the condo idea, but they all remind me of one big cookie. Cookie Cutter. Blakh. Guess were stuck with normal houses and wretched, WRETCHED house and yard work. That which does not kill us only makes us stronger right? Whoever said that never lived through a snowstorm in Minnesota.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Music: 3 Doors Down
Book: Codex - Lev Grossman

Weird book about ancient manuscripts and a modern video game. Never could sit through a single PC game so it's a little out of my interest circle. I crashed yesterday without practicing or reading or vacuuming - nothing. I slept. Not sick or anything - just wiped out I guess. The sun is finally shining in Minneapolis so people are a tad bit friendlier than the past couple weeks. No plans for Memorial Day except to relax and hang out with my doggie...which I'm very much looking forward to.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Loooon Weekend

Music: GooGoo Dolls
Book: Codex

Travel plans all over Wisconsin, flying out to Seattle and some Minneapolis shows planned for the next month or so. It was sunny and nice out on Saturday and Sunday so I was forced to participate in some yard maintenance projects. Blahk! I hate everything about that. I managed though. The Gilmore Girls is done for the summer and I've finished watching the complete season 3 DVD and now admit to a bit of withdrawl. Chadly and I haven't rehearsed in a week or so, but the writing is still progressing rather nicely.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Music: Green Day - on the radio
Book: none

This seems to be the week of screw ups. My website provider had server errors which caused issues with my website on and off over the past week. Very frustrating. But rest assured I'm still here, still playing and currently shopping for a new webhost. Gilmore Girls season finale was last night. I was a little stunned, but in a good way. Now, at least until September, I have my Tuesday's back. My addiction to the GG show is ridiculous, but it's one I indulge without a hint of remorse. I can't recall ever liking anything on TV (save I Dream of Jeannie re-runs) as much as I like the Gilmore Girls. Plus it's the only thing I watch *smile* Still raining in the Twin Cities; Chadly and I have a rehearsal this evening - rain makes me creative so all will be well tonight. Anyone reading a good book they could recommend. I swear, the poor cashiers at Borders and Barnes & Noble are ready to strangle me - I keep asking but they've run out of suggestions. Guess I have to start writing books myself.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

damage control

Music: linkin park
Book: sweet revenge - roberts

Ugh, what a show in Mankato. Should I be concerned that I'm getting married on Friday the 13th? The Coffee Hag, one of my favorite venues to play was close to disaster last night - through no fault of the audience or club. Chadly and I were about 5 minutes late, which isn't that big of a deal except that I hate late musicians so I especially despise it when I become one. We set up in record time only to break a string at the end of my first set. I went through 3 packs of D'addario string and every "G" string (no pun intended) was unwoven or broken at near the ring. I tried up-tuning a D but to no avail. Then the audience chimmed in to see if they or any of their friends had a guitar or strings or knew anyone with an extra set etc etc...but no one did. We ended up cancelling after only one set and heading home. I felt terrible and people kept arriving all the way up until 10pm when Chadly and I left for Minneapolis. Mankato is so loyal and loving and supportive - this was the absolute worst place for a rotten show. I owe them more. Some people even stayed late after finals (Friday was the last day of classes/exams for KMSU) and our friendly djs from the college radio station stopped down as well. Absolutely chaos and dissappointment. I'm enjoying a glass of wine at the moment and wallowing in a certain sadness about last night. I'll find some way to make it up to everybody. I handed out a ton of free CDs, but I would have rather played. Well, I stocked up on a ridiculous amount of strings today and have opened each packet to check their quality. I cringe at the thought of a repeat. Rain continues in the Twin Cities, but Chadly, Jon and I are jamming tomorrow night. Can't wait.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Rain Rain

Music: none
Book: "The Presence" by H. Graham

So-so book, but at least I'm reading. Seems like I've been too busy lately. I did yard work in the rain last night as I was tired of waiting for things to dry. Show this weekend at the Coffee Hag in Mankato with Chadly Koppenhaver on djimbe. So many songs written over the last couple of weeks...looks like I'll have to do an album, I just have no idea when that will be. More later.

Monday, May 2, 2005

Show this Friday

Music: Mudvayne
Book: Divine Evil - Roberts

Yes, it's true...I'm listeneing to Mudvayne. I was first introduced to them, literally, in person. They are apparently huge fans of the Indigo Girls. So when they played a sold out show at First Ave two years ago...they came down to listen to the music and get a picture with the legendary folk ladies. Mr. Manager and I hung out for a bit while we all had a beverage. Quiet guys. Anyway, Mr. Manager has worked with them a slew of times and has nothing but good things to say. Recently, I've found myself hooked on their hit song, "Happy?". I'm planning on an acoustic cover at a future show. Which brings me to the reason for my post. Chadly's wife, Barabara, is a musician as well and asked us (Mr. Percussion & I )to open for her at E. P. Atelier this Friday night. We'll only do a quick 30 minute set, but I'm really looking forward to it. You see, Barbara Meyer has the voice of a large gospel baritone stuck in the body of the world's tiniest white woman. It's a delight to listen to her enormous, ballsey voice AND this weekend, she is playing all her own creations. So, I must confess to being overly excited about taking the role of audience member for a change but we're still geeked about playing back at Atelier. *smile* I fear it will stop snowing and turn 75 degrees the moment we hit the stage driving everyone outside to enjoy the weather BUT you'll be missing out if you don't stop downtown Minneapolis this Friday night. And next week, we're back at Coffee Hag in Mankato...without Jana - we'll be missing a regular. Hopefully Brad and Girlfriend (sorry I don't knew her name) can hold down the fort.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, Monday...

Music: Buddy Guy
Book: none! *gasp*

My weekend was spent on yard work & songwriting...but mostly yardwork. I hate dirt with a vengence. Chadly and I did try out a few random new songs with djimbe and guitar which seemed to work out rather nicely. Mr. Manager was busy with Maroon 5 and Slipknot over the weekend - back to back - so I left him in a coma back home. It's rainy, cold and fabulous in Minneapolis at the moment. We have errands to run, CDs to mail out and houses to look at this evening. I might go get a cup of coffee so that I'm at least coherent for today's events.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Music: Buddy Guy
Book: none

Did I mention that a friend of mine had a baby girl over the weekend? Very exciting for all involved...not me of course, but I'm very happy for her. I'll be sticking to the midwest over the next few months as far as touring goes with a few more gigs in the Twin Cities area. I'm missing coffee shops and lilstening audiences so I figured I could step back and play some low key shows with a bunch of new material. Good times. Plus, I won't have to leave my doggie and Miss Kitty...not to mention Mr. Fiance. Must run...

Friday, April 15, 2005


Music: none
Book: The Bookseller of Kabul - Seierstad

Sunny day...which means that I'm grumpy. Had snacks and wine at the Newsroom last night. Tasty food and a weird atmosphere. I would like a vacation now.

Reminder: show tomorrow night at the Dinkytowner in (duh) Dinkytown.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Good Movie

Music: NPR
Book: America (the book) - Daily Show

Funny book. Irreverant but very funny. Mr. Fiance rented "Spanglish" last night and I thought it was fabulous. I'm almost finished with Willett's book - roughly two more short stories left. I'll be sad when it's over. My mother comes into town this weekend for some shopping and a relaxing spa day at Spalon Montage. Good times. I have a little show this weekend at the Dinkytowner in Minneapolis. Misplaced Music (we met up at a music conference in Indianapolis over the summer) invited me to open the evening's show with a brief acoustic set followed by a little interview. Fun. Short and sweet - I love those shows. Stop down if you're able.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Green Bay

Music: none
Book: Jenny & The Jaws of Life

Surviving in Green Bay. Lovely weather. Pets are enjoying the parents big house. Back to Minneapolis tomorrow. More later.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005


Music: Damien Rice
Book: Jenny & the Jaws of Life

Finished "No Escape" by follow up book to her page turner: "When the Storm Breaks". After seeing "Closer" (excellent movie by the way) I've had Rice's song "Blower's Daughter" in my head which forced me to locate the lost CD and play the damn song over and over again. I thought it was nice before but I have this movie reel playing in my mind along with the music now and it's made it somehow addictive. I'm having some work done on the house this week. I'm rather useless with anything other than a paintbrush ( and a guitar of course) so I'm loving the assistance. I'm not moving into the vein of political songwriting by any means but I am taking an opportunity to write about my perceptions of being. A lot of things strike me as odd lately so I'm just getting it off my chest. Should be interesting once Chadly gets ahold of the songs *smile*. My mac'n'cheese lunch is awful, but I don't feel like braving the outdoors...I'll suck it up and go work out instead.

Sunday, April 3, 2005


Music: damien rice
Book: no escape - heather lowell

Sunshine and calm weather makes me feel guilty for not doing yard work. I'd rather finish reading my book, have some green tea and maybe work out later on. Mr. Fiance dragged me to "Sin City" on Friday night which I found repulsive as far as the story goes but the camera and color work was brilliant. I recommend waiting for the video and then watching the entire movie in fast forward with the mute button firmly depressed. Bride broohaha yesterday so today I think I'll take it easy and write some music instead.

Friday, April 1, 2005


Music: 89.3FM The Current
Book: Jenny & the Jaws of Life by Jincy Willett

If Willett's book jacket is to be believed...I'm reading something orginally published in 1987 - recently reprinted & back by popular demand. From the success of her latest book, "Winner of the National Book Award" - I guess I could buy into that. "Jenny" is a collection of desturbingly morbid and amusing tales. So far, I'm loving it. Though I almost wish that each story was a full novel instead of these 30 page snippets of fascinating people. Hopefully Jincy will keep writing for many years to come.

It's snowing...on April odd. I'm trying to plan out some recording for June, but it's not looking so promising. Maybe in the fall...? Well, I have chores and songwriting planned for the weekend but no shows. Nice change of pace. Happy Friday.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Back From Wisconsin

Music: none
Book: none

Ashland, Wisconsin - while chilly - was loveyl as always. There was quite a nice crowd down for the show on Saturday night. I was even given a few venue recommendations for the Bayfield area. Easter Sunday was rather lowkey. Bad, violent news in my neighborhood this weekend, but I don't have all the details. Wrote another song called "Burn this down". Fun for me to sing...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Good News

Music: me
Book: Conde Naste Traveler

Last night I arrived home to a piece of mail from ASCAP with a check in it for Brutally Honest Publishing - which owns all my little musical creations. Apparently MTV2 used "I'm Not Okay" from my first acoustic CD, Beautifully Scarred, during a September 2004 feature. I had no idea. So opening the mail was like Christmas all over again!

We're trying to track down the clip, but it appears to be something on Alice in Chains. Not sure yet however so don't quote me on it.

I'm just thrilled to have the exposure. Plus, I hardly ever play the song live so it was nice of them to pick the odd man out. So happy *smile*

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday, Monday

Music: Kathleen Wilhoite
Book: none

I survived the weekend. Haven't picked up my guitar in days though. All evidence of Friday's snowstorm has melted away and the sun is back...apparently for good. Bummer. Did I ever mention that my mother refers to me as Morticia Addams occasionally? No wonder huh? I did see Jesus Christ Superstar on Sunday with a very talented Mary I might add. Aside from her songs, I don't care to much for that musical. It was well done regardless. Chadly and I are crashing open mic at E. P. Atelier in downtown Minneapolis tomorrow - as an FYI.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Music: Eva Cassidy
Book: Back to "Beach Music" - Pat Conroy

My doggie amazes me. We were supposed to get a big storm, starting yesterday but nothing happened. I even woke up during the night and pulled the curtains aside to see if the world was a white blanket. No luck. This morning my dog was not her usually snuggle bunny self. The moment I was up she was yelling at me to go for her walk. So, earlier than normal, I clipped on her leash and we set out the back door at a run. Not even outside for 30 seconds and it started to snow. By the time we'd made it around the block it was coming down horizontally, right in our faces. She ran her usual route in less than half the time and bolted up the back stairs to head inside. And as I'm writing this, I realized I forgot to give her a treat. Bad mother, bad, bad mother. *sigh* Now she'll get two treats! Must be her sense of smell....she can tell when the weather changes maybe. Anyway, no plans for tonight. I have plans for tomorrow during the day and hoepfully seeing Ring Two Saturday night.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Books, books and more books

Music: none
Book: The Bride's Essential Wedding Planner

Are you laughing your butt off at my reading selection today? I am. Never would have thunk.

Anyway, I have good news all around. I roomed with two girls at Northwestern University with the same name - spelled differently of course. Sheri (spelled with an "e") just found out she's expecting and due this September. Shari (spelled with an "a") just found out her novel went through a bidding auction and was won by Doubleday/Random House and will be published and released in spring of 2006. Yey! How fabulous is that? I'm so excited for everyone. I'm booking more shows for summer 2005. April and May might be a bit slow for gigs but I have some personal travel to do and little time to play music - let's call it a brief gig hiatus (6 weeks or so). Plus it's a good time to write songs and contemplate that acoustic xmas album I've been kicking around for a while.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

More shows

Music: sinead o'connor
Book: beach music

Having problems with my email at the moments so I really am trying to get back to people. Promise.

I just booked a return gig at Java Joes in Des Moines as it is just a fabulous place to play. And I also received some recommendations for places in Iowa City and Ames...we'll make something work and just cover the entire state of Iowa some week. *smile*

My web calendar will be updated soon with new shows, but right now Mr. Manager uhm...I mean Mr. Fiance, is up to his eyeballs in Mudvayne, Kenny Chesney and Roy Wilkins. Concerts and artists much more demanding than acoustic singer/songwriter Anne Deming are demanding his attention.

We'll catch up soon. Thanks for all your congratulations by the way!

Oh and a snow storm is coming tomorrow and Friday. I am sooooo excited!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hell hath frozen over...

Music: Tori Amos - Live
Book: Beach Music - Pat Conroy (re-reading)

Uhm...Mr. Manager proposed on Friday so now he's Mr. Fiance and I'm officially engaged. *smile*No details yet... we have decided to have the wedding back in Wisconsin though...easier on the parents.

So sweet huh?

Monday, March 7, 2005

Back in Mpls...

Music: none
Book: Taltos - Anne Rice

I'll just take it day by day for anyone who cares...

Atlanta - arrived at said venue and all was dark, doors were locked. Headed across the street to Miss Q's gay bar and pool house for a drink with Todd the friendly bartender who kept calling the other venue wondering why they weren't open. Nice guy to help us out like that huh? Chadly and I had some delightful conversations but finally decided to cut our loses almost 2 hours past arrival time. As we were leaving...the Red Light opened. Pissed and happy at the same time we played our set, competed for the evening and won the M.U.S.I.C. night competition. Couldn't wait to leave Atlanta though.

Birmingham - WOW! Gorgeous city and even better people. Moonlight Music Cafe could be one of the coolest listening rooms I've ever played...or been to for that matter. We had an attentive audience, sold a bunch of CDs and heard another interesting musician from Florida named Eric Himan - check him out if he's in your town. "Outskirts of you" is a beautiful song. I would recommend this town and this venue to ANY traveling musician or poet or wine lover, person, kind soul. etc. THANK YOU KEITH!

The Carolinas - my advice to you is maybe investing in some street lights, but other than that, you have a lovely state(s). Charlotte was great at the Evening Muse BUT we checked into a hotel, keyed the lock and found the room already occupied, we switched rooms only to have the plumbing not work and finally, turned down the covers to find stained sheets. Bye bye hotel, we left Charlotte immediately following the set at Evening Muse.

Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham - great fun, great cities. I fought against Greg Brown and Buddy Miller for the folk crowds and lost but enough of you came out to listen that we were pleased with the stops. Temple Ball was cool, but not our scene, the Open Eye was delightful. We even had an encore!!!! Chadly found a fabulous restaurant called the Mad Hatter in Durham so we feasted on organic veggies, killer onion rings and sinful desserts. I even scored a Nina Simone CD find in a tiny music store off Main Street. Another great band to check out is North Carolina's Parklife.

Now back to Alabama.

Opelika - Probably the most segregated community I have ever encountered. 8th and Rail was a great venue and filled with people...most of whom didn't know there was a music show happening on stage. The surprise of the evening was a "Deming" crowd in the front row who came to check me out and find out if we were all related. Oddly enough, our grandparents probably both came from Dubuque Iowa. Cool random event. Atlanta is not my favorite place to could be my favorite place to leave. And I was quite happy to land safe and sound in the Twin Cities. My pets were ecstatic at my homecoming and Mr. Manager appeared pleased as well *smile*

Thanks to those of you who came out to see me and my new friends in the south. Chadly survived traveling with me I think and hopefully I'll head back sometime soon.

I am so tired my eyes burn.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Music: Sinead O'Connor
Book: I'm bookless!!!!

I need to pick up some reading materials from the library before my plane leaves. I caught a cold this week and have been injesting fluids at a frightening pace to cure myself in record time. I'm not feeling quite as wretched as I did on Tuesday or even on Wednesday for that matter BUT my head feels like it weighs a ton. And it's currently full of snot. Ugh. Blasted germs. Well, I'm still looking forward to singing in new territories next week. Please come out and see a show if you can make it...

Mr. Manager will be taking care of Sweets and Miss Kitty while I'm away. I know it's sick but I hope they all miss me greatly *smirk*

Monday, February 21, 2005

Weird weekend

Music: Sinead O'Connor
Book: Lolita in Tehran

Went to see a boxing match at Rivercenter on Friday night and apparently the promoter died of a heart attack in the lobby before anything even began. Strange. The boxing was interested from afar and way too graphic up close. I enjoyed the fight from the back of the auditorium. The snow was lovely all weekend and I slept a lot. I ended the weekend with a fashion show of sorts at a friend's house in St. Paul. Weird huh? I have a short attention span as of late. Who knew. Chadly and I leave for our southern tour this weekend and I'm very excited and yet a little apprehensive. I'm thinking I might just miss Minneapolis.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

no reason

Music: Peter Gabriel
Book: The Mummy - Anne Rice

Flipping freezing outside this morning. Reading books, writing songs and walking the doggie. All in all, a good way to pass the time. Very sleepy today though...

Monday, February 14, 2005


Music: Peter Gabriel
Book: The Mummy - Anne Rice

Dismall day out, weird snowy fog stuff. Lovely to me though. Interesting show at the BLB last night...not much more to say than that, except that Chadly was on FIRE with his percussion magic.

I saw several movies this week, Eulogy - which was so funny I almost wet my pants ( dark humor though - just to warn you) and Shall We Dance, actually warm and enjoyable. I love watching ballroom dancing. I think I just let a skeleton out of my closet, but I'm okay with that *smile* Happy Valentine's Day. Mr. Manager is taking me ice skating this evening...I haven't done that since I was 8 years old. Hope I don't break anything...

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Music: none
Book: Sense of Evil - Kay Hooper

Played First Ave last night for Pastor Paul's showcase charity event. Many, many people there just like last year, but the sound was a little off. It's always fun to play the main stage but I feel bad when things are rushed and out of my control (musically speaking of course). I finished reading "pope joan" - great historical fiction, plus I've been fascinated by the legend since the first mention of a supposed female pope. Plans are finalized for heading south at the end of the month. I'm truly looking forward to hitting the carolinas and alabama, atlanta etc...

I MUST get back to songwriting! I've been so frustrated with my inability to finish all these songs I started over the winter. Nora Roberts (romance writer) says, "I can fix a bad page, but I can't fix a blank one" Maybe I need to take that approach and just start finishing songs and then I'll go back to re-work them later.

Valentine's day approaches and I have no gift for my honey...what to do? what to do? Any ideas?

It's the Coffee Hag in Mankato on Friday night and Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis on Sunday night - please come out to share the music with me and Chadly *smiles*

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Horrible Me

Music: Book on Tape - State of Fear
Book: Pope Joan - Donna Woolfolk Cross

It's been forever since I've written in my journal. I just can't seem to get the hang of it in 2005. So far this year, shows have been amazing! In Detroit, I got to share the stage with Annie Capps and her husband Rod - who could be the finest guitar player alive. Then I traveled to Cleveland, well Lakewood actually, where I caught up with some fellow Kyle Vincent fans and picked up a copy of his latest CD.

The songwriter night at Winchester was a humbling and invigorating experience. Anne E Dechant was on fire with social angst which was breath-taking to behold. I was more than a bit overwhelmed sitting next to her, but I probably got the best seat in the house *smile*. Ever since she and I played a show at Uncommon Ground in Chicago I've been a big fan of her music, especially her songwriting. But this time, she blew me away with a new creation called "Second Class Citizen" Brilliant song with heart-wrenching poetry. I can't wait until it's recorded because I'm going to buy several copies and distribute them to everyone I now. Another great aspect of the night was hearing Randy Holfax. Amazing songwriter without a CD, but he's working on it. He hails from around Kent State and if you get a chance, please, please, please, check him out!

In random news, we rented the movie Cellular last night and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I love it when a movie you've never even heard of takes you by surprise.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Music: Kathleen Wilhoite - Shiva
Book: Winner of the National Book Award - by Jincy Willett

I've been awfully lax in my journal reports as of late. Maybe I'm settling into laziness. Seems you can't be busy and lazy at the same time least not in my world. "Winner of the National Book Award" is a refreshingly sarcastic and brilliant novel about twin sisters who couldn't be more opposite and the people who write about them. Not since Binnie Kirshenbaum have I become so instantly enamoured of any writer. Willet is wonderful.

Snow to come in the Twin Cities all week, which I find delightful. What's the point of living in this climate unless you get snow to accompany the cold?! My Seattle sister comes to visit tomorrow and we're spending 4 straight days pampering ourselves into stupidity. Quelle Beau temps huh?

I have a basket of half finished songs begging for completion but for some reason I'm ignoring them in favor of the next new song verse or chord progression. Odd...I'll finish them eventually, but this is a new stage for me.

I purchased a glorious pillowtop bed this week and I can't seem to stay out of it. The mattress just calls to me and then I fall asleep instantly. It's marvelous, but of course, the honeymoon can't last forever; my days must be filled with something other than napping *smile* but not today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Happy Anniversary

Music: none
Book: Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Mr. Manager and I are celebrating 5 years of dating....instead of the bonds of love, we like to call it the "bondage of our love" There is no escape. We had a fun evening of ice skating, wine bars and a night on the town planned, but this morning Jon came down with a nasty cold instead. I guess we will celebrate over chicken noodle soup and gingerale. Still a happy day. Actually, since it's a snowy, slushy mess outside - staying indoors with the boiler cranked sounds like a good time. We rented a few movies; I believe we'll make it through the night : )

Friday, January 7, 2005

Gone gone gone for the winter - Trip Shakespeare

Music: NPR
Book: Blue Horizon - Wilbur Smith

A few weeks turned into a couple of months but today, officially, my sister moved out. It's just Mr. Manager and I again with our lovely pets Sweets and Kitty. Nice change. I've been searching out historical fiction books and obtained quite a few recommendations. Yesterday I finished "The Daughter of Time" by Jospehine Tey which was a quick and delightful mystery. I love royal scandal.

Recently, surfing the internet I came upon a yoga retreat overseas and am very intruiged with the concept so I've been doing ashtanga yoga religiously, just in case I sign up for the excursion. I'm loving my new SUV by the way...a few extra feet up gives you miles of road to look forward to.

Oh and next Saturday, January 15th is my show in Menominie, Wisconsin at the Maibel Tainter Theatre - it's a beautiful venue...please come out to see me if you are able!

Wednesday, January 5, 2005


Music: Avril Lavigne - believe it or not
Book: Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey

I have movies overdue and books to return to the library as well as laundry to finish and shoveling. Not a fun week. I would like to think I'm being productive but in reality I'm just playing catch-up. Nothing new on my end. Hope your holidays were fun and maybe relaxing?