Tuesday, July 5, 2005

A fuddy duddy in your 20's?

Music: Mindy Smith - One Moment More
Book: Stolen by Kelly Armstrong

As I sit at my computer eating a slice of cheese pizza I'm wondering if it's possible to become a cranky, embittered fuddy duddy while still in your 20's. I've just spent several hours of my morning straightening out a mistake made by my credit card company. I started out calm and collected and by hour two, I turned into a raving lunatic, much like Elliot on the popular "Scrubs" sitcom. Things are psuedo straightened out, but there was no gaurantee that this mistake wouldn't happen again. (They messed up account numbers during billing). Ugh is all I have to say.

I spent an enjoyable,yet hectic, holiday weekend entertaining my 15 month-old nephew, his parents and my mother. It's a wonder I wasn't jilted by my fiancee. Mr. Manager handled everything well, but chose to sleep on the couch. Seemed to be a safe zone for him. Last night after 28 loads of laundry I crawled into bed and fell asleep to the thunder of firecrackers blasting away well past 2am this morning. I'm all for independence, but I hate celebrating the 4th of July.

I'm reading Armstrong's sequel to "Bitten" called "Stolen" - catchy and quick - but I have to admit to being a sucker for vampire/werewolf novels. So, consider the source. *smirk* In fact, I just purchased "The Historian" but I won't read it until I finish all my other books lined up in wait. (No worries, there are only 3 novels).

Chadly and I haven't rehearsed in weeks, but my guitar has been schooled a time or two now that my hand is healing from the drill bit incident. I should just lock myself in a room until August 2005.

I'll quit complaining for at least another day or two. I hope everyone's 4th was relaxing. Peace out.