Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Horrible Me

Music: Book on Tape - State of Fear
Book: Pope Joan - Donna Woolfolk Cross

It's been forever since I've written in my journal. I just can't seem to get the hang of it in 2005. So far this year, shows have been amazing! In Detroit, I got to share the stage with Annie Capps and her husband Rod - who could be the finest guitar player alive. Then I traveled to Cleveland, well Lakewood actually, where I caught up with some fellow Kyle Vincent fans and picked up a copy of his latest CD.

The songwriter night at Winchester was a humbling and invigorating experience. Anne E Dechant was on fire with social angst which was breath-taking to behold. I was more than a bit overwhelmed sitting next to her, but I probably got the best seat in the house *smile*. Ever since she and I played a show at Uncommon Ground in Chicago I've been a big fan of her music, especially her songwriting. But this time, she blew me away with a new creation called "Second Class Citizen" Brilliant song with heart-wrenching poetry. I can't wait until it's recorded because I'm going to buy several copies and distribute them to everyone I now. Another great aspect of the night was hearing Randy Holfax. Amazing songwriter without a CD, but he's working on it. He hails from around Kent State and if you get a chance, please, please, please, check him out!

In random news, we rented the movie Cellular last night and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I love it when a movie you've never even heard of takes you by surprise.