Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still alive and kicking

Music: Alison Krause (sp?)
Book: Use the News - Maria Bartiromo

Haven't posted. Too busy. Sad excuse but the truth. I've been gobbling up investment and finance books like a camel at the water trough. Just figured it was something I should explore and be informed about. Love the knowledge. Booking shows for the fall but slow into winter - obviously - because of that whole getting-hitched-wedding-thing. I ate hords of mexican food for lunch so currently I can't move because I'm trying to digest 7 bowls of tortillas chips. It was ALL WORTH IT THOUGH! Now Mr. Fiancee and I will watch Mission Impossible I & II to pass the evening with the pets before he works the White Stripes show over the weekend. Maybe I'll finish writing a song or two... Hmmm...

Or golf...who knows. Bye for now.