Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Music: damien rice
Book: wedding in december

Sitting at home in front of the tree sipping a cocktail mourning the loss of a friend whom I shared my first jack daniels with. Sad day.

Saturday, December 2, 2006


Music: 2000 Decembers Ago - Joy Williams
Book: Outlander - Diana Gabaldon

Chilly but pretty outside. I had a nice quiet show at the Mall Of America last night. I thought Christmas shopping began quick and fierce every December increasing with intensity up till the 25th, but there were only about 100 people in the entire mall last night. Odd. But a couple of my cds are now enroute to new states such as Utah, New Mexico and Idaho so I consider my performances a success! I might need a nap before heading out to see a movie this evening, but I'm looking forward to putting up my tree and listening to xmas tunes over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Music: mike doughty
Book: vatican secrets

Went on a beer run for the bare naked ladies on Sunday. Weird. But I did get to see the show in exchange for tracking down a case of heineken and a 12 year old bottle of scotch. Good times. Bob Seger show is Tuesday. Believe it or not...I'm a huge fan. Great tunes. Happy Turkey Day. Christmas shows at the mall of america begin on Saturday, December 2nd at 11am. See you there!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Snow glorious snow

Music: Tori Amos
Book: Incubus Dreams - Laurel K Hamilton

Where have I been? Where have I been...? Takes too long to explain so I'll just start out writing in my journal again. It is snowing outside at the moment and I'm drinking some herbal red tea with vanilla scents just staring out the window. Truly a wonderful way to spend the morning. Nothing tragic or dangerous per say, but enough white to cause excitment. I was just pondering the fact that the last time it snowed in Minneaoplis was in March....on the day Mr. Fiance proposed. Cute huh? This Saturday I will be playing a show in Winona, Minnesota sans Chadly on percussion who has another obligation. It's been a while since I've played all by my lonesome but I'd better get used to it and start practicing so I can prepare for my solo holiday shows at the Mall of America. I'm about to search online for some new xmas songs to master on guitar. Earlier in the week I finished "Breath of Snow and Ashes" by Diana Gabaldon and I cannot stress enough how intoxicating it was. When I reached page 900 (of 1200 and something) I forced myself to put the book down and clean my bathroom. I wanted to savor the story a bit longer and prevent the escapade from finishing. Now I plan on reading every single book all over again from book one all the way to the one I finished - book six.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Early Xmas

Music: damien rice
Book: fancy pants

My christmas tree is up already because I'll be on a cruise during the holidays. Mixing of the live show from the mabel tainter continues to progress. Holiday shows at the mall of america the first and second weekends in December. Should be a good time. Right now I'm enjoying a big glass of white wine in front of a roaring gas fire with my sweet doggie curled up on the end of the sofa. How very thomas kincaid. Sad but true....

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Odd Comments

Music: Niyaz
Book: P.S. I Love you

Why do people say thoughtless things? Someone was observing us being giggly and lighthearted over the weekend and decided to approach Mr. Husband. "I saw the way you two look at each other and laugh, you must be newlyweds. I give you five years.

"What a random and ridiculous thing to say, especially to someone you don't even know. Plus, I'm pretty sure the only people who know about our marriage are the two people actually participating in the event - us.What's the word I'm looking for...? Oh right - moron!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Furniture Fiasco

Music: none
Book: none *gasp*

Three years ago I purchased some furniture at Marshall Fields. My boyfriend joined me at the store as I was finalizing delivery following payment. When the transaction was completed, the sales person turned to my boyfriend, shook his hand (my hand was left hanging, outstretched and ignored) and said "I hope you enjoy your chair and ottoman sir, it has been a pleasure doing business with you". Then he turned and walked away back into the store offices. I was furious at having been ignored by this ignorant sales individual who had erroneously assumed the furniture purchase was my boyfriend's instead of mine. Was it more likely for the male to be the breadwinner of the family?...even though there was no proof that my boyfriend and I were a "family" to speak of at that point in time. Anyway, steam bursting from my body, we left the store and I kept the furniture - all the while stewing about it. I called the store when I got home but they didn't seem too bothered by the sale's person's behavior. The fact that I had shopped, haggled, paid and spent two hours at the store meant nothing compared to the two SECONDS my boyfriend had spent showing up. Unreal. Anway, fast forward to this month when Mr. Husband and I shopped for several pieces of furniture at a different store. I shopped, I bought (with my own money) and wouldn't you know it, but the hand written receipt of payment with my name and credit card information were mailed with additional materials addressed to my husband. I could bore you with all the details but I will give you the quick version. I went to the store and explained to the manager why I was insulted that my receipt and payment was sent to Mr. Husband (who has a different last name by the way) and not to me, but the only thing he kept saying over and over again was that he "didn't want to lose my business". He didn't fix anything, he didn't explain why this would happen and most importantly did not understand why I was upset that their furniture store seemed to think I needed male supervision to purchase a damn dining room set. *sigh* So now, Mr. Husband and I have no furniture for the new house we are moving to in October because I cancelled the entire order and asked for a refund. THAT came through loud and clear to the store manager. I feel a bit silly, but I am still very mad. Men reading this post might not understand but I bet there are a slew of woman who had had the displeasure of trying to purchase a car and been talked down to by a sales person who kept asking if their dad or boyfriend could stop by and help out with the purchase. It's a little thing, but I expect to be treated like a woman and an adult, with respect. Not as an idiot or as a trophy wife. Grrrr....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Not enough jewelry in the world

Music: Sia
Book: Match me if you can

My existence used to be so very peaceful. As of today, I have never been more stressed in my entire life. How does the rest of the world live like this? It boggles the mind and makes my eyes cross.

Friday, September 8, 2006


Music: Buddy Miller
Book: Bombay Ice

State Fair was an experience...not sure what to think of it. CHadly and I had a fun sounds check for a big music fest in Saint Paul - good times. New experience. Still selling our house, some interest and a showing this weekend. Kinda tired and currently wasting the night away watching eposides of Friends...

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Music: Tom Waits
Book: Memory Keeper's Daughter

Reading a book for book club...we meet on Thursday. I've been glued to my iPod for the past 36 hours...I can't leave. Haven't exactly figured out to shower with it yet but I'll figure it out. I have decided after much deliberation that one of the most perfect songs ever written is "Crawl" by Hattie Peterson. It is glorious and haunting. No matter how many times I listen to her play acoustic the lyrics slip through my blood and the only action is to play the song over again. I can't stand when it is over. Buddy and Julie Miller are also on my hot list of songwriters that the world is better off for having known. It's been very quiet as I listen to songs and figure out what new cover tunes I would like to learn. Mr. Husband pointed out that I tend to write morbid songs so my conver tunes - if any - need to be happy or at least a little rocking so that the melodramatic feel of the show doesn't overwhelm or depress my audience. *smile* No harm no foul.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Music: NPR
Book: wall street journal

I'm heading off to Cleveland to pose as a godmother for my new nephew Leo. Looking forward to the visit. No guitar in tow this time around, but the state fair is juuuust around the corner. I feel a storm approaching and after looking out my window - sure enough - the sky is a dark grey and I hear rumbles. Woo hoo.

Friday, August 4, 2006

oh i wish

Music: buckcherry
Book: the chill of death or something like that

I wish I were at a spa. The stress of selling a home is ridiculous - why do people do this? Makes you long for the days of noisy neighbors and shitty landlords...the joys of apartment living. Just kidding my own place and privacy far outweighs any nonsense with homes but still...one can dream. Happy Friday by the way, my pets are looking forward to having their mommy home to cuddle with them and I'm looking forward to a jam session with Chadly...Mabel Tainter approaches and I have nothing but excitement for the upcoming show. We might be playing the state fair too - I think I mentioned that - but don't have times yet. Regards...

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

heat wave

Music: playboy radio
Book: sacred sins

I was clearing leaves off the roof last night and distrurbed some neighborhood bees....so in the middle of a swarm I escaped with a few stings. Ouch. Ouch! OUCH! Damn they hurt. The record heat wave sweeping the midwest really isn't helping but I'll survive. The pets and I are wholed up in the air conditioning reading books and taking naps. Not much else to do. Severe thunderstorms are supposedly making their way to the Twin Cities for a cool down and some awesome thunder. Woo hoo...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

best present ever

Music: allison crowe

I received a fabulous present in the mail today...a t-shirt that says "I'm going to keep wearing black until God makes a darker color"Love it : )

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Music: Buckcherry
Book: The Pleasure is all mine

Weird memoire from a professional submission. Interesting none the less. Skipped out on CSNY last night playing Xcel, but my parents came to the show and had a blast. Drove by the new house my husband and I bought , but we can't move in until October. *Sigh* It is soooo hot and humid I am re-evaluating a trip to India next year. Good lord! Heading off to Cleveland soon for my god-nephews baptism. Should be quite the family affair. Celebrated my birthday last week on a boat - great view of the city. Bye for now.... Oh and Chadly and I have an offer for a few state fair shows which we are evaluting as I write - I'll keep everybody posted.

Thursday, July 6, 2006


Music: Buckcherry
Book: The Expected One - Kathleen McGowan (advance copy)

Saw PINK at first ave last night and she was spectacular. It's a rarity for a performer to be bigger and better live than on the cd. She was gracious and entertaining and just ON. Great show, I would go back again in a heart beat. Now it looks like we're trying to see Tom Waits in Akron Ohio during August - we'll see if we can make this happen....

Friday, June 30, 2006


Music: Joe Cocker
Book: Light in Shadow - no idea it was a discount book at Borders

Happy Holiday weekend as we celebrate July 4th. I enjoyed the Tom Petty concert at Xcel way too much this week. His songs are cute and catchy - I don't even own a CD, but I knew everything he played! And to experience 18,000 people singing along with a performer on stage is a unique event. He didn't do a single thing except stand there with a guitar in hand in front of the mic (oh wait, he shook a morraca spelling?? for a song) But he was enchanting - no fake enthusiasm or "Hello Saint Paul!" crap. Just honest to goodness music. Quite a treat.

Things keep falling into place for the September 29th live recorded show at the Mabel Tainter - I can't wait! Chadly and I have a few rehearsals planned as we roll out a bit of new music and....I think that's about it. Have a safe and happy holiday.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Music: Joe Cocker - I Can Stand a Little Rain
Book: Caleb Carr - new one in paperback, can't wait

I remember the Alienist blowing mind mind away in college...it was a story unlike any I had heard before but the writing was hypnotic. Now I get to enjoy Carr's new novel. Mr. Husband and I made an offer on a gorgeous house in Wisconsin last night - hopefully we get it, if not, I guess we build. This process is insane. No shows this weekend but I am looking forward to the rain. My pets are curled up beside me and we have a lovely get together planned with friends in Prior Lake tonight. Good weekend all in all....

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Music: kt tungstall
Book: once an angel

Wonderful house concert last night at Parlor Parties hosted by CollectedSounds in Minneapolis. Got to hear Gregory Douglass - spectacular song writer with a beautful voice. Shopping for organic goods earlier in the day I threw out something near my tailbone so I've been lounging in bed with ice packs THE WHOLE DAMN WEEKEND. Its getting better-I think. Made for quite the interesting show. Back up dancers have never been my forte but let's just say I played as still as possible so not to upset my spinal chord - thankfully my roadie husband was along and hefted me and my guitar around with minimal amounts of laughter. Sold some CDs, had some snacks and a lovely Saturday night in Minneapolis. Now if only Pro Floors would come and install my new doors, Mr. Husband and I could move along with putting our house on the market and heading back to Wisconsin. Summer is looking more stressful by the minute - but change is always good. Happy Fathers day to al the dad's out there....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

so hot...

Music: none
Book: none

Just doing yard work ALL WEEKEND! Ugh. I miss shoveling snow...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

muggy and gloomy today

Music: blues
Book: none *gasp*

I really need to hit a book store. Not much literature peaking my interest right now though...Quiet on the home front today.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Baby boy

Music: none
Book: the world is flat

My big sister had another baby boy this morning - Leo David is his name. Hurray for nephew #2. Chadly and I are hitting a couple of open mics in the Twin Cities followed by a house concert in June. So to all you lovely people who have emailed asking for Minneapolis shows - well, here you go. We can't wait to see you there. I have pulled out all of my winter clothes that I packed away in April when it was 70 degrees, but now it's 40 degrees and I can't feel my fingers. So I'm covered head to toe in sweat shirts and flannel. Ahhh Minnesota. More house hunting today with Mr. Husband and practice tomorrow with Chadly. Good weekend, wouldn't you say?

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Music: Imogen Heap
Book: the world is flat

Loving Imogen's new CD - great music. I truly believe she is the most visionary musician in todays world of corporate owned record companies. How she maintains her high standard of creativity mixed with commercialism is a complete mystery - but an enjoyable one. She never dissapoints. I'm working on a cd review at the moment to send to collected sounds.com. Stay tuned.

Rainy and fabulous in the twin cities at the moment. Love it. No golf this weekend but I can catch up on laundry and chores - the exciting life of a rockstar. I'm exploring some twin cities shows in answer to the posts and emails I've received about having a show in the area. I'm working on it - I promise.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Revisiting Pemberley

Music: none
Book: Elizabeth & Darcy

Only Jane Austen fans will have a clue what I'm writing about. Stormy and dark in the Twin Cities right now and Mr. Husband and I will waste away the weekend looking over floor plans of home as we contemplate building. Quite an endeavor though. I have been receiving so many lovely emails from new music lovers who have been kind enough to share with me how much they are enjoying Mulligan. *sniffle* It just brings a tear to my eye... I'm recording a live CD in late summer and hopefully will have it out in stores by Christmas. Off to Starbucks....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Long time.."

Music: REM
Book: Elizabeth & Darcy

I've been travelling and reading and writing. Yes I have been lax in my journal updates but golf and cleaning and music - I guess you could call it - LIFE - has gotten in the way of working. Go figure. Chadly and I are looking into some area gigs with almost ZERO travel time. The city of Minneapolis is getting me down lately....hard to get an answer from your city council member as a homeowner. Working through it...

Monday, March 13, 2006

Mrs. Braintree

Music: lots of boring talk radio
Book: Re-reading DaVinci Code

SNOW, glorious snow. Loads of it, heaps of wonderful, heavy, pretty snow. Writing snows and setting up some rehearsal time with Chadly for next week. I've never been a big fan of happy hour but this week I'm meeting a bunch of friends for one this Thursday. (I'm more the - open a NICE bottle of wine at home with a hunk of cheese kind of person)

I shoveled and paid bills and tried to venture out on the roads but spent an hour going 1/4 mile. So The day was spent at home catching up on housework and cooking.

Snow angels!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Music: NPR
Book: Building Trust - Hyler Bracey

I'm in a business book mood. People often inquire why I would bother reading the Wall Street Journal or studying the stock market. After laughing, I say that it interests me and it affects me. News appears in the Wall Street Journal first, then a day later it's on CNN, then perhaps your local news station and roughly a week later in the USA Today. Just my personal opinion of course, but still my experience. Plus, like it or not, music is first and foremost a business. We have moved past the days of having a wealthy patron commission an artist to paint, write a sonnet or sing a song. The art is detached from the job, but as a musician I have to understand and appreciate this business of art before I can make a creative impact. And I ran across a lovely quote this morning that I wanted to share...

"Many people have the amibition to succeed; they may even have aptitude for their job. And yet they do not move ahead. Why? Perhaps they think that since they can master the job, there is no need to master themselves." -John Stevenson


Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Fast Track

Music: Tom Waits
Book: "The Definition of Success" - Forbes Leadership Library

Intruiging read. I like inspirational quotes and this book is full of them. I've written some new songs, but have yet to throw them at Chadly during a rehearsal. We've been on opposite sides of the country for a while. I returned safely from Florida but needed a vacation to recover from my vacation with the grandparents - rather exhausting. However, Mickey Mouse and I were able to catch up after a 15 year hiatus. Good times. I have a show at the Acoustic Cafe in Winona, MN on Friday, March 31st which should be a low- key acoustic evening with old friends. And I am thrilled to report that contracts are being signed for my return to the Mabel Tainter Theatre in Menomonie, WI. Mark your calendars for September 29th and - drum roll....we'll be recording the show for a LIVE CD. What a thrill...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Triple Rock

Music: silence
Book: The Haviland Touch - Kay Hooper

LATE show at the Triple Rock in Minneapolis last night. Chadly was on fire playing djimbe and we had a small yet very responsive crowd. Good times had by all. Slightly sleepy this morning but I'll recover. We haven't had a chance to rehearse the new tunes so it was tried and true stand bys but I must admit to having a wonderful time playing last night. I recored the show on camcorder and will have to watch later this week....could be interesting.

Must catch up on the Wall Street Journal and then I'm off to Disney World and a brief Florida get-away by Friday.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Music: none
Book: Wall Street Journal

Very happy to report that we're are getting about 4 inches of snow this evening. So exciting. If it's going to be cold then we had better have snow. I have lovely Valentine's Day roses brightening up my room st present. Mr. Husband and I saw the Black Watch last night at Xcel - skottish & british bagpipes, sword dancing with lots of pomp and circumstance. Tonight we head to First Ave to see Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Best live band in the world! I have a show this Sunday at the Triple Rock this Sunday - stop down if you're playing hookey from work next Monday and can sleep it off. Bye for now...

Monday, February 6, 2006


Music: Ricky Martin - I kid you not
Book: wall street journal online

Not being a huge fan of football I decided to hit the gym after dinner and skip the superbowl but I made it back home toward the end of the third quarter. Mr. Husband had been enjoying the game while perusing our wedding picture proofs. A knock at the door brought Jon out to the front porch where a woman claimed to have five children at home who were hungry and she had no money to feed them. She said something about an SIS check (?) which was supposed to arrive in the mail on Monday, then the woman asked for $20 to see her through until tomorrow. I had heard bits and pieces of the conversation from inside the house where I was trying to keep the pets from leaping through the crack in the door to go exploring outside at night. Dilemma. We donate to our charities of choice because they are held accountable for how they spend OUR money - and they are legitimate organizations. I do not receive any welfare or subsidation from the government so it's always tough to hand over money that I've earned on my own. A stranger at the door begging for money is a bundle of uncertainty. There is no way to prove a story one way or another. There is no agency checking to make sure no food money goes to cigarettes or liquer which is why I give to my church and the salvation army and other charities. If I were home alone I would not have even opened up the door - because that's not safe or smart. But we did open the door, and we did listen to her request. After quick deliberation, Jon and I opened the cupboards and the fridge and filled an entire bag with food: soups, rice & sauce, pasta and fruit - all fresh from the grocery store this weekend. We handed her the bag which she did not immediately take. Slightly upset, she said, "Is this supposed to feed five kids? I asked you for money!" I bit my tongue as Jon handed over the food and said we would share what we had and wished her luck. What I really wanted to say was "YES! There is enough food to feed a crowd of twenty people. That's exactly what's it's supposed to do - feed your children just like you asked." Her response: "Don't you even have five dollars?". Jon said good night and closed the door. Here's the thing, sad but true, if her story was true...beggars cannot be choosers. If her kids were hungry, then why wasn't she pleased with more food than $20 could buy at any store? In today's socety we are surrounded by scams - credit card fraud, identity theft, get-rich-quick scemes and unethical talent agents. As a result - we are sceptical. As we should be, as we HAVE to be. So it is left up to us, to each of us, when approached to determine the truth - if any - behind the words. Honestly, I think it was a false story, but in the event that there was even one child sitting home alone and hungry we could not in good conscience turn someone away when we have food to share. No one should ever go hungry. But the entire experience left a very bad taste in my mouth. Another sad fact is that there is a homeless shelter for families not even a mile from our house. If she was truly in need that should have been the first stop before knocking on my door. They are ready and able to help. But, as I said before...there was food to share so we did. Now, we are left to wonder.....

Thursday, February 2, 2006


Music: silence
Book: Betrayed by the Bench & the Wall Street Journal

Last night Mr. Husband and I ventured to Block E for a snack and a movie. Unfortunately, we chose to see Underworld II - Blahk! Terrible. Visually stunning like the first, but absolutely terrible. No harm done though...the popcorn was tasty. There is a tentative gig out in lala land for February 19th but I'm still missing some details. Plus Sunday nights are usually a wicked time to hit the town during a Minnesota February. I need a massage and a stay at home job...all I'd really like to do right now is read the Wall Street Journal in bed and hang out with my pets. Does that seem odd? I'm hoping to sneak into the Black Watch for Valentines day - I'm a sucker for Scots in kilts. Scattered thoughts this morning but I blame it on the unusually high temperatures and sunny days. Where the hell is my WINTER & SNOW?!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bossy fans

Music: Frou Frou
Book: Wall Street Journal

I was recently chastised for not updated the my online journal via the annedeming.com website. (Actually it was a family member and they were just being funny, but I figured I should proabably post anyway) Well, I was hoping to post a wedding picture or two but we haven't received any yet. Then I was hoping to post about some news about future shows, but the ones I've confirmed are for the fall of 2006. Some tentative dates are on the table for mid-February and March but I'm missing some pertinent details like venue and door times (Example: "Hey Anne, I'd love for you to join me for a show on February 19th...are you free?" I respond with "Sounds interesting, where is the show and what are the set times? Send the details and we'll see if we can work something out?" They respond, "Cool, let's call it confirmed!") So as you can see, I'm missing some vital information at this point in time. *sigh* Music people are an odd bunch. I should mention that Mr. Manager (now also going by the name of Mr. Husband) and I had a wonderful snow-filled honeymoon in Canada - snow, ice skating, beaucoup de fromage and dog sledding! Many travelers had entertained me with tales of fabulous music to be found and enjoyed all over Quebec - however - the only thing we heard was recycled 80's music EVERYWHERE! Tons of Phil Colins, Duran Duran and a little bit of Ace of Base...truly frightening. One show I am extremely excited about is a return to the Mabel Tainter in September where we will be recording a LIVE CD! The Mabel is - hands down - the most beautiful stage I have ever had the pleasure of playing. I'm sure there will be a return to the Coffee Hag in Mankato before the snow disappears and of course back to the Acoustic Cafe in Winona thsi March. Now, for purely selfish reasons, I just have to find a way to make it back out West into Montana and Wyoming so I can experience my favorite road trip all over again. I promise to post when I have pictures and concert news. Until then, happy winter. Regards...