Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Words of Wisdom

Music: NPR
Book: Building Trust - Hyler Bracey

I'm in a business book mood. People often inquire why I would bother reading the Wall Street Journal or studying the stock market. After laughing, I say that it interests me and it affects me. News appears in the Wall Street Journal first, then a day later it's on CNN, then perhaps your local news station and roughly a week later in the USA Today. Just my personal opinion of course, but still my experience. Plus, like it or not, music is first and foremost a business. We have moved past the days of having a wealthy patron commission an artist to paint, write a sonnet or sing a song. The art is detached from the job, but as a musician I have to understand and appreciate this business of art before I can make a creative impact. And I ran across a lovely quote this morning that I wanted to share...

"Many people have the amibition to succeed; they may even have aptitude for their job. And yet they do not move ahead. Why? Perhaps they think that since they can master the job, there is no need to master themselves." -John Stevenson
