Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bossy fans

Music: Frou Frou
Book: Wall Street Journal

I was recently chastised for not updated the my online journal via the annedeming.com website. (Actually it was a family member and they were just being funny, but I figured I should proabably post anyway) Well, I was hoping to post a wedding picture or two but we haven't received any yet. Then I was hoping to post about some news about future shows, but the ones I've confirmed are for the fall of 2006. Some tentative dates are on the table for mid-February and March but I'm missing some pertinent details like venue and door times (Example: "Hey Anne, I'd love for you to join me for a show on February 19th...are you free?" I respond with "Sounds interesting, where is the show and what are the set times? Send the details and we'll see if we can work something out?" They respond, "Cool, let's call it confirmed!") So as you can see, I'm missing some vital information at this point in time. *sigh* Music people are an odd bunch. I should mention that Mr. Manager (now also going by the name of Mr. Husband) and I had a wonderful snow-filled honeymoon in Canada - snow, ice skating, beaucoup de fromage and dog sledding! Many travelers had entertained me with tales of fabulous music to be found and enjoyed all over Quebec - however - the only thing we heard was recycled 80's music EVERYWHERE! Tons of Phil Colins, Duran Duran and a little bit of Ace of Base...truly frightening. One show I am extremely excited about is a return to the Mabel Tainter in September where we will be recording a LIVE CD! The Mabel is - hands down - the most beautiful stage I have ever had the pleasure of playing. I'm sure there will be a return to the Coffee Hag in Mankato before the snow disappears and of course back to the Acoustic Cafe in Winona thsi March. Now, for purely selfish reasons, I just have to find a way to make it back out West into Montana and Wyoming so I can experience my favorite road trip all over again. I promise to post when I have pictures and concert news. Until then, happy winter. Regards...