Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Furniture Fiasco

Music: none
Book: none *gasp*

Three years ago I purchased some furniture at Marshall Fields. My boyfriend joined me at the store as I was finalizing delivery following payment. When the transaction was completed, the sales person turned to my boyfriend, shook his hand (my hand was left hanging, outstretched and ignored) and said "I hope you enjoy your chair and ottoman sir, it has been a pleasure doing business with you". Then he turned and walked away back into the store offices. I was furious at having been ignored by this ignorant sales individual who had erroneously assumed the furniture purchase was my boyfriend's instead of mine. Was it more likely for the male to be the breadwinner of the family?...even though there was no proof that my boyfriend and I were a "family" to speak of at that point in time. Anyway, steam bursting from my body, we left the store and I kept the furniture - all the while stewing about it. I called the store when I got home but they didn't seem too bothered by the sale's person's behavior. The fact that I had shopped, haggled, paid and spent two hours at the store meant nothing compared to the two SECONDS my boyfriend had spent showing up. Unreal. Anway, fast forward to this month when Mr. Husband and I shopped for several pieces of furniture at a different store. I shopped, I bought (with my own money) and wouldn't you know it, but the hand written receipt of payment with my name and credit card information were mailed with additional materials addressed to my husband. I could bore you with all the details but I will give you the quick version. I went to the store and explained to the manager why I was insulted that my receipt and payment was sent to Mr. Husband (who has a different last name by the way) and not to me, but the only thing he kept saying over and over again was that he "didn't want to lose my business". He didn't fix anything, he didn't explain why this would happen and most importantly did not understand why I was upset that their furniture store seemed to think I needed male supervision to purchase a damn dining room set. *sigh* So now, Mr. Husband and I have no furniture for the new house we are moving to in October because I cancelled the entire order and asked for a refund. THAT came through loud and clear to the store manager. I feel a bit silly, but I am still very mad. Men reading this post might not understand but I bet there are a slew of woman who had had the displeasure of trying to purchase a car and been talked down to by a sales person who kept asking if their dad or boyfriend could stop by and help out with the purchase. It's a little thing, but I expect to be treated like a woman and an adult, with respect. Not as an idiot or as a trophy wife. Grrrr....