Sunday, August 22, 2004


Music: Country Station
Book: None- ahhhhh

I had a whirlwind experience yesterday on my way to sing for someone's wedding. No invitations, everything was by email so I printed out the directions to the Church mentioned only to arrive at the church about 45 minutes before the ceremony - no one was there. I called everyone I knew to see if they could break into my email and double check for amy last minute news. Scary experience, but I finally got a hold of a friend who read through my emails but nothing was new besides a reference to a restaurant "next door" for the reception. I called 411 again and again asking random bars in Stillwater and Marine if they were hosting a reception for the groom and finally got a yes. No one was at the bar so we drove down dirt roads in Marine and saw a group of people outside, grabbed the guitar and ran to the circle of people. We arrived an hour late but the wedding had started behind schedule so we got there about 10 minutes before I had to sing. It rained outdoors during the ceremony but it was still nice. In fact, it was probably the coolest ceremony ever. Lutheran, Catholic, Jewish - you name it. They incorporated beautiful traditions from each religion and had friends and family alike add poetry, speeches, advise and blessings. The choir was incredible and they seemed to be the happiest "just married" couple I've ever seen. I can't believe my luck and good fortune that I was invited, then actually made it to the ceremony and got to experience such a touching celebration. I should write a song for Mel and Adam....