Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Music: Melissa Ferrick
Book: When the Storm Breaks

A friend of mine lost her dog on Sunday night, searching the neighborhood all week, day and night, with no luck. I kept praying to St. Francis of Assissi (Patron Saint of Animals - after all I was raised Catholic) and today I found out that Skye - the lost German Shepard - came home at 6am this morning. She was filthy, stinky and dead tired, but somehow managed to make it home. She's probably sleeping the day away. I am so happy. I didn't realize it had been worrying me all week, but I feel so relieved about it. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things to handle so I can't imagine the joy of getting one back!!!

No guitar last night...I worked on my yard again and then fell into an exhausted sleep at 9pm. More manual labor this evening. I have to be done with the yard before my massage and manicure on Saturday (and of course singing for Adam and Mel's wedding). Such a girl huh????