Wednesday, August 4, 2004

crazy days

Music: Melissa Ferrick
Book: just finished Code Name: Nanny and loved it!

Kinda of a spy romance thriller mystery book but very very enjoyable. I don't even remember turning pages, just the fun story. Strange day, much is undecided but we'll see if things pan out accordingly. My sister is coming to live with me and Mr. Manager for a while to get settled in Minneapolis. Should be fun. The fabulous drummer, Chadly Koppenhaver and I are planning to get together to jam sometime before the fall. Schedules are so busy that we might not meet until the leaves fall. Ugh. Sweetie Pie and Miss Kitty are adjusting to life back at home after a little vacation at my parents house this past weekend. Kitty wants to be adopted by my mother. A friend of mine from college just got engaged. Woo hoo! Good for her, happy thoughts and congratulations for Andrea B. I have so much going on in my head that I can't even straighten it out long enough to write a song. A step back might be helpful...