Sunday, August 1, 2004

On the road again...

Music: None
Book: Back in Kansas - kinda boring...don't bother

Left Chicago and stopped by Green Bay to pick up the pets this morning. Now Im back in Minneapolis shoving pizza down my throat before searching down my hairbrush. I figure that's about all the primping time I'm gonna get before hitting the Fineline with my fabulous percussionist, Chadly Koppenhaver. He's joining me on stage for the Cure DuChenne MD Benefit Concert. It was a success last year and I predict it will be better tonight. Golf thingy tomorrow

My head hurts, no idea why. Changes Coffeehouse was a slighty off gig. Nice people, deserted strip mall location and a Park Forest power outage made for an interesting evening. The kindness of strangers is still at the top of the list for making or breaking a show and this one passed the test.