Sunday, August 8, 2004


Music: Linkin Park - not kidding
Book: Honest Illusions - Nora Roberts

Long horrible drive in torrential rain storms the entire way to Ashland Wisconsin and back to Minneapolis. Got in late last night around 1am. Brilliant show however! I will stress again how much I enjoy playing the Black Cat in Ashland. It was standing room only in the coffeehouse and filled to bursting with the kindest of people. Thank you to all who purchased CDs. Enjoy the music! Purchased a new yoga DVD by Karen Voight and spent a ton of money on clothing at the MOA (aka Mall of Hysteria) and I bought a rug too. Doesn't really match anything but I still like it. Much happening right now. Should be doing yard work but I'm settling for pilates and some dusting. Ah the life of a rock star. I was given a video game called Civilization - all about history and the making of it from the very beginning. Sounds interesting but I'd much rather read a book. We'll see if I even crack it open. Did I mention my sister is coming to live with me for a bit? Should prove fun and interesting. Bye for now.