Sunday, August 15, 2004

All I've got is what's on my back a guitar & a backpack but my soul is intact

Music: Dan Bern - author of the quote above.
Book: Thrill - (Wretched, WRETCHED awful book on tape but I have to finish it)

I'm dead tired but back in Minneapolis after hitting Chicago, Indianapolis and Necedah. Weird weekend. Tons of driving and I feel like little was accomplished. I only caught snippets of the Music Summit and it's showcase, but did enjoy stopping back into CATH Coffeehouse to play a set. Nora was wonderful as always. I caught wind of a beautiful alto singer who just got ropped into harmonies with one of the showcase performers so I grabbed one of her CDs (her band was Diamonds & Rust but not part of the showcase). Interesting music mix on Saturday as I was one of the few women singing. Usually the women acoustic singers overwhelm the men, but in this case it was the opposite. My doggie was happy to see me when I walked through my back door this evening, but things have calmed down now and I'm trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Maybe I'll just go to bed. So sleepy! Feeling "off" at the moment...I even had to drive in silence for about two hours this morning. I just needed quiet; that's never happened before.