Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Long time no...blog

Music: Big & Rich
Book: The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach

Common Sense finance book by David Bach. It's stuff my father has been telling me since I was 12 years old. I'm hitting open mic at Ginkgo tomorrow evening because I haven't done a Twin Cities open mic since I first arrived. Seems like the world is descending upon Minneapolis this evening. Could be an interesting night.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Show tonight

Music: Big & Rich - save a horse (ride a cowboy)
Book: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

Great book so far; it's the TRUE story of a serial murderer working in the shadow of the Chicago world's fair around 1890.

I play the Coffee Hag in Mankato this evening, it's free show and I plan on working in some new songs. I wrote two more last night and re-worked lyrics this morning. Fun, fun fun...I hope Chadly likes them enough to put some drum beats down next week.

It's gloomy and rainy in Minneapolis...my favorite weather. Mr. Manager and I watched "People I know" with Al Pacino, Tea Leoni and Kim Basinger last night. Strange flick. I thought it was okay though. Bye for now.

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Music: Emm Gryner
Book: Must go to library!

Went to the Chicks with Attitude concert which was infested with 12 year olds made up by Maybeline. Odd, yet amusing. Charlotte Martin was wonderful - for the brief moments we saw her. I browsed through a cool magazine called Venus yesterday - I might have to subscribe. Got a bit tied up with things last night but still managed to get a good night's rest.

Today is My Daddy Dave's birthday. Going to call him now...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Music: none
Book: can't recall

Heading to the Chicks with Attitude Concert at the Orpheum this evening. Should be a good time. I'll let you know how the concert went tomorrow...

Monday, August 23, 2004

Human Stain

Music: Alison Kraus
Book: none

Mr. Manager and I watched "The Human Stain" last night. Well, I sat through the movie and Mr. Manager snored through it. Wonderful film. I think Mirimax can do no wrong. They take chances. I'm hoping to go to Chicks with Attitude at the Orpheum on Wednesday night. Depends on the calendar.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Music: Country Station
Book: None- ahhhhh

I had a whirlwind experience yesterday on my way to sing for someone's wedding. No invitations, everything was by email so I printed out the directions to the Church mentioned only to arrive at the church about 45 minutes before the ceremony - no one was there. I called everyone I knew to see if they could break into my email and double check for amy last minute news. Scary experience, but I finally got a hold of a friend who read through my emails but nothing was new besides a reference to a restaurant "next door" for the reception. I called 411 again and again asking random bars in Stillwater and Marine if they were hosting a reception for the groom and finally got a yes. No one was at the bar so we drove down dirt roads in Marine and saw a group of people outside, grabbed the guitar and ran to the circle of people. We arrived an hour late but the wedding had started behind schedule so we got there about 10 minutes before I had to sing. It rained outdoors during the ceremony but it was still nice. In fact, it was probably the coolest ceremony ever. Lutheran, Catholic, Jewish - you name it. They incorporated beautiful traditions from each religion and had friends and family alike add poetry, speeches, advise and blessings. The choir was incredible and they seemed to be the happiest "just married" couple I've ever seen. I can't believe my luck and good fortune that I was invited, then actually made it to the ceremony and got to experience such a touching celebration. I should write a song for Mel and Adam....

Thursday, August 19, 2004

And the silver goes to

Music: none
Book: When the storm breaks

Rebecca Giddens won the silver medal yesterday in Kayak Slalom competition in Athens. Her sister (now Dr. Lindsey Bennett - they're kind of an overachieving family - was in my grade and is one of the best friends a girl could have. I'm so happy for Rebecca and her family that I have purchased every single paper that has a blurb or picture in it about the momentous day. Safe travels back home to the USA for the Bennett Family!!!! We're so proud of you : )

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Music: Melissa Ferrick
Book: When the Storm Breaks

A friend of mine lost her dog on Sunday night, searching the neighborhood all week, day and night, with no luck. I kept praying to St. Francis of Assissi (Patron Saint of Animals - after all I was raised Catholic) and today I found out that Skye - the lost German Shepard - came home at 6am this morning. She was filthy, stinky and dead tired, but somehow managed to make it home. She's probably sleeping the day away. I am so happy. I didn't realize it had been worrying me all week, but I feel so relieved about it. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things to handle so I can't imagine the joy of getting one back!!!

No guitar last night...I worked on my yard again and then fell into an exhausted sleep at 9pm. More manual labor this evening. I have to be done with the yard before my massage and manicure on Saturday (and of course singing for Adam and Mel's wedding). Such a girl huh????

Monday, August 16, 2004

Back Breaking work

Music: none
Book: Thrill

Working on the yard this evening tearing up my side, side walk. Some some kids shooting bbguns. Grrrr...called the police on the little deliquents. Maybe I'll go nuts all week and finish my landscaping before my day at the spa on Saturday. Here I come Spalon Montage.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

All I've got is what's on my back a guitar & a backpack but my soul is intact

Music: Dan Bern - author of the quote above.
Book: Thrill - (Wretched, WRETCHED awful book on tape but I have to finish it)

I'm dead tired but back in Minneapolis after hitting Chicago, Indianapolis and Necedah. Weird weekend. Tons of driving and I feel like little was accomplished. I only caught snippets of the Music Summit and it's showcase, but did enjoy stopping back into CATH Coffeehouse to play a set. Nora was wonderful as always. I caught wind of a beautiful alto singer who just got ropped into harmonies with one of the showcase performers so I grabbed one of her CDs (her band was Diamonds & Rust but not part of the showcase). Interesting music mix on Saturday as I was one of the few women singing. Usually the women acoustic singers overwhelm the men, but in this case it was the opposite. My doggie was happy to see me when I walked through my back door this evening, but things have calmed down now and I'm trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. Maybe I'll just go to bed. So sleepy! Feeling "off" at the moment...I even had to drive in silence for about two hours this morning. I just needed quiet; that's never happened before.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

La la la la life goes on

Music: Linkin Park - again
Book: When the Wind Blows - James Patterson

Going to walk the dog, get a quote on new facia siding for my roof and pack for Indianapolis. I head for Chicago to my aunt and uncle's house in Glenview for a brief visit before joining the Midwest Music Conference Showcase in Indianapolis, IN on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to shop at H&M on Michigan Ave Saturday morning. Sunday I'm stopping at grandma's house for lunch in the tiny town of Necedah. Family weekend I guess. Too bad the puppy can't come along too! Gloomy and gorgeous in the Twin Cities today. I actually ordered hot chocolate for breakfast. Busy morning booking fall shows and checking on flights to Italy for spring of 2005. Now it's time for my workout. Bye.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Music: Book on tape
Book: When the Wind Blows - James Patterson

Screaming headache today...for no reason that I can think of. I'm listening to the Patterson book. It's interesting but I'm pretty sure that unless my advil kicks in the headache will interfere with enjoying the book. I need to go back to bed.

Sunday, August 8, 2004


Music: Linkin Park - not kidding
Book: Honest Illusions - Nora Roberts

Long horrible drive in torrential rain storms the entire way to Ashland Wisconsin and back to Minneapolis. Got in late last night around 1am. Brilliant show however! I will stress again how much I enjoy playing the Black Cat in Ashland. It was standing room only in the coffeehouse and filled to bursting with the kindest of people. Thank you to all who purchased CDs. Enjoy the music! Purchased a new yoga DVD by Karen Voight and spent a ton of money on clothing at the MOA (aka Mall of Hysteria) and I bought a rug too. Doesn't really match anything but I still like it. Much happening right now. Should be doing yard work but I'm settling for pilates and some dusting. Ah the life of a rock star. I was given a video game called Civilization - all about history and the making of it from the very beginning. Sounds interesting but I'd much rather read a book. We'll see if I even crack it open. Did I mention my sister is coming to live with me for a bit? Should prove fun and interesting. Bye for now.

Thursday, August 5, 2004


Music: Holly McNarland and Tori Amos
Book: Nice - by Jen Sacks

Funny book. Good music. Weird week. I'm going to buy some plants.

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

crazy days

Music: Melissa Ferrick
Book: just finished Code Name: Nanny and loved it!

Kinda of a spy romance thriller mystery book but very very enjoyable. I don't even remember turning pages, just the fun story. Strange day, much is undecided but we'll see if things pan out accordingly. My sister is coming to live with me and Mr. Manager for a while to get settled in Minneapolis. Should be fun. The fabulous drummer, Chadly Koppenhaver and I are planning to get together to jam sometime before the fall. Schedules are so busy that we might not meet until the leaves fall. Ugh. Sweetie Pie and Miss Kitty are adjusting to life back at home after a little vacation at my parents house this past weekend. Kitty wants to be adopted by my mother. A friend of mine from college just got engaged. Woo hoo! Good for her, happy thoughts and congratulations for Andrea B. I have so much going on in my head that I can't even straighten it out long enough to write a song. A step back might be helpful...

Monday, August 2, 2004


Music: Annie Capps
Book: NICE

Cure DuChenne benefit was last night. Smaller attendance than last year but still a good showing of supporters from start to finish. Chadly Koppenhaver and I did a stripped down version of my songs with him on jdimbe (spelling???) and me on acoustic guitar. It felt so right. The songs were simple but ridiculously full and energized. If he's available and up for it, we might continue to book some more shows of this nature. Fall is very scattered as far as concerts go so I'll spend some time straightening that out this week. Oh, and California is looking solid for touring this winter.

On a side note: I've been pondering the different music vibes from city to city. Some are really laid back and others are just vibrant. The mix is a good thing though because I feel it influences the way I play and perform; I adjust to the audience. This also gives me an opportunity to explore "old" songs in new ways.

Sunday, August 1, 2004

On the road again...

Music: None
Book: Back in Kansas - kinda boring...don't bother

Left Chicago and stopped by Green Bay to pick up the pets this morning. Now Im back in Minneapolis shoving pizza down my throat before searching down my hairbrush. I figure that's about all the primping time I'm gonna get before hitting the Fineline with my fabulous percussionist, Chadly Koppenhaver. He's joining me on stage for the Cure DuChenne MD Benefit Concert. It was a success last year and I predict it will be better tonight. Golf thingy tomorrow www.cureduchenne.org

My head hurts, no idea why. Changes Coffeehouse was a slighty off gig. Nice people, deserted strip mall location and a Park Forest power outage made for an interesting evening. The kindness of strangers is still at the top of the list for making or breaking a show and this one passed the test.