Friday, April 30, 2004


Music: Melissa Ferrick...still
Book: can't remember the title..sea something

Shopping for graduation gifts and random things. So so dinner in Uptown and a misbehaving puppy. Maybe I'll do housework tomorrow or something...nothing sucks worse than that. Oh, and it's cold too....

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


Music: Ani Difranco - Little Plastic Castles
Book: In The Dark - Melody Taylor

I've never won anything in my life. You know...the kind of random drawings and lucky numbers that powerball is made up of. But yesterday my name was pulled out of the hat for an entire day retreat at Spalon Montage in Edina, MN. How cool is that?!??! Now I have to decide when I want to pamper myself for the day and destress. Just knowing that you get to relax and be pampered is enough to melt away every last ounce of tension in the body, but it doesn't necessarily detract from the joy of such an experience. I'm thinking about end of June maybe after my "Heading West"'ll be a ton of driving and a nice way to close off the month. Started writing again...I guess you could say it's for CD #6.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Coffee Hag

Music: Heather Nova
Book: In the Dark

The coffee hag was a wonderful treat on Saturday night; great set up and an attentive audience. I bought the book mentioned above at the store as the author was there working away on her second novel. It's a vampire story by Melody of my favorite book topics. I'll let you know when I'm done. The only down side to the evening was that it rained CONSTANTLY on the drive down, during my show and horribly the entire way home. I don't mind it usually but site was rotten and I was worried about hitting a deer. I arrived home safe and sound though - so it all worked out.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Better morning

Music: Flutterby by Butterfly Boucher
Book: Face - Dean Koontz

The rain has washed away (rather violently) part of my garden so I'll have to do some damage control this evening and repair. I swear to god these flowers better be PRETTY or I'm buying silk ones next year and faking it! I hate playing in the dirt. I just finished the USA Today ("gives new depth to the word shallow" - hee hee, love that quote) and am starting koontz next. I received Butterfly Boucher's CD in the mail yesterday afternoon and it's great. What's most astonishing is that she played every instrument, wrote every song and arranged absolutely EVERY SINGLE THING on the album. I find that very inspiring.'s a damn good listen! Currently I'm enjoying a Red Tea from the republic of tea collection - tasty and relaxing. I have a beautiful bouquet of flowers right next to my computer and just finalized another gig for my "west" tour in June. After a bit of telephone tag I was able to reach my grandmother last night in Necedah for a brief catch up chat. I'm truly out of sorts if I don't speak to her every so often. Now I'm off to read.

P.S. Because so many of you have sent nice little notes and inquiries about my right arm hairline's healing nicely. I haven't played the guitar since my last show and still no yoga, but I'll be 100% soon and back to writing songs. Thanks for your kind thoughts and words...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Alarm bells

Music: none
Book: USA Today

I woke up to alarm bells this morning. Not my alarm clock but my motion sensor security system. Mr. Manager set it before I was even awake. Odd. Anyway, after the animals calmed down I took my dog on a freezing cold walk. I've spent the morning on the internet being unproductive but at least I know what the weather is like in Memphis. Booking calls have been strange this morning. No yes no or maybe to report only things like "I'm off to a carpool, I'll call you back at 4:45pm"..."My husband took the booking calendar to work by mistake" Or "What day is it? Bad morning...can you call back tomorrow?...oh and we really liked your cd". As I said: weird. It's as if everyone is having a scattered day. I've found that some days have better booking karma than others so if it looks bad, just stop right then and begin again the next day. On the flip side though, if things are running smoothly and the phones get answered, the response is positive and the calendar is filling up - then you must continue until you drop. Just my experience of course... Today, however, is a new one...I think I'll stick it out.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Glorious storms

Music: none
Book: random magazine

A book hasn't been able to keep my attention for the last few weeks...I guess that means it is spring!

Minneapolis had some glorious storms last night. Tons of rain, thunder and lightning - my poor doggie was crossing her legs (I thought she was going to wet her pants) because the winds and turrential downpours would have carried her away. She got brave a time or two but then backed away quickly once I actually opened the back porch door for her to go potty outside. Around 8pm she gave in, ran outside, ran back in (completely soaked) and promptly went to bed - under the covers next to me! Not that this is interesting to any of you, but Sweetie Pie looked so funny, I couldnt' stop laughing about it.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Singing for my...flight

Music: radio
Book: Newspaper

So, Mr. Manager just booked a series of Minneapolis/St. Paul International airport gigs called Friday Night Live. Seeing as 20-30K people go through the airport on any given day I'm amazed at the reach capabilities of this opportunity. While traveling through Atlanta in the fall I witnessed a similar set up at the airport but didn't catch the music as I was boarding my own plane. But I thought it was a great idea and am thrilled to be a part of it in Minneapolis. The tentative start date is April 30th...but I will definitely keep you posted on the details. Cheers! Oh and Mr. Manager worked the American Idol show at Xcel center in St. Paul last night so now our house is full of Clay and kelly paraphinalia..even flowers. I guess Clay didn't want them...

Friday, April 16, 2004

Funny story

Music: Melissa Ferrick - it is an amazing CD
Book: White Teeth - found once again

A woman who recently bought my Mulligan Cd for her guitar-loving daughter told me a funny story. Apparently her 8 year old listens to the CD over and over and over again in order to fall asleep. But two night ago while she was getting ready for bed she decided to dance around the house completely buck-ass-naked holding a fake microphone and singing along with her Anne Deming CD. I thought that was the most hysterical thing I had ever heard! What a compliment , huh?

In other news...Europe is calling again (after only 8 months away) so I'm planning a return trip with guitar and CDs - which will hopefully arrive with the rest of my luggage this time around.

Oh and it looks Mr. manager booked me a gig at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. Interesting and strange but I'm looking forward to it none-the-less.

Happy Friday : )

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Required listening

Music: Melissa Ferrick - 70 people @ 7000 feet
Book: can't find my book today

I'm groggy and slightly grumpy but my dog doesn't seem to mind so we'll be fine. I'll get in a better mood shortly. I just booked a show in Milwaukee at the Bremen Cafe for May which is terribly exciting because I've been wanting to play there for a while! I feel like cooking but can't seem to decided what to make because I'm not hungry at the moment. Odd huh?

I forgot to mention my relaxing evening with Amy from on Monday night. We listened to Indiegrrl artists and drank some wine. I brought my Sweetie Pie and we mingled with the pets. It was a nice break from the chaos.

Monday, April 12, 2004


Music: Heather Nova - Storm
Book: White Teeth

No time for reading this weekend, but I did manage to finally watch a few episodes of the Sopranos! I know, 7 years late, but I've been a bit busy. I joined a web list for Indie female artists and I'm thoroughly enoying the one is bitter and everyone is suprisingly supportive and helpful. An added bonus would be finding out about artists all over the country. Kinda cool. I had coffee this morning and it went straight to my legs which can't stop shaking. Guess it was a strong brew (damn you Mr. Manager!) Just kidding...sort of. At least I'll get a lot done...

Completely random, but some day I would love to vacation at one of the Von Essen Hotels *sigh*

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Ashland & Easter

Music: Heather Nova - Storm
Book: White Teeth

A long drive through Minnesota and Wisconsin brought me to the absolutely charming establishment known as the Black Cat Coffeehouse. After an initial scare when a patron told me my eyes were so pretty he wanted to pluck them out and take them home, I ordered dinner and a latte while checking out the very cool music room! Initially there was a small group but the room quickly filled. Everyone stayed through the night and we closed down the venue. I must admit it was a little sad to leave. If you play acoustic anything, I highly recommend contacting Jen Chen at the Black Cat for a booking...I hope to return this summer.

The drive home was long and lonely especially since today is Easter so even gas stations closed down last night around 10PM. I stayed awake hoping the gas would hold out and a bathroom would appear somewhere between Duluth and Minneapolis. All is well now, I arrived back home safe but tired and now we're going to plan on a quiet night at home.

Oh and I just bought Melissa Ferrick's 70 people @ 7000 feet, her live disc. So far, great listen!

Saturday, April 10, 2004


Music: None
Book: White Teeth - by Zadie Smith

I head off to Ashland, WI in a few hours for my show at the Black Cat's almost 4 hours away! Who knew? Should be fun though...good day for a drive I think. Wish I could take my puppy with me though *smile* I had a stressful day yesterday so I actually went to bed at 8pm. It made 7am this morning feel divine. I had more to tell but I've forgotten already!

Thursday, April 8, 2004

La la la la

Music: None
Book: Ahhh - none!

Talked and talked and talked last night...feel like I can stay quiet now for a month. I don't think I'd make it though. Today is filled with errands and catch up phone calls. Relatively unexciting. I did find an old favorite pair of pants hiding in the back of my closet that have been "missing" for about 6 months. I love when that happens. It probably means I'll have to clean out my clothes soon, but who knows what I'll find.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Officially Crazy Aunt Anne!

Music: Melissa Ethridge
Book: 1000 places to see before you die

I have a nephew: Noah Joshua Bates. All else seems kinda insignificant comparatively...huh...

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

No Nephew

Music: Bad talk radio
Book: ten poems to set you free by Roger Housden

I heard the poem "Lake and Maple" by Jane Hirshfield a few months ago and have been trying to acquire it ever since. (Seeing as it haunted me) I finally found it in the collection of poems above. It's rather inspirational so I thought I would share:

Lake and Maple
by Jane Hirshfield

I want to give myself
as this maple
that burned and burned
for three days without stinting
and then in two more
dropped off every leaf;
as this lake that,
no matter what comes
to its green-blue depths,
both takes and returns it.
In the still heart,
that refuses nothing,the world is twice-born-
two earths wheeling,
two heavens,
two egrets reaching
down into subtraction;
even the fish
for an instant doubled,
before it is gone.
I want the fish.
I want the losing it all
when it rains and I wantthe returning transparence.
I want the place
by the edge-flowers where
the shallow sand is deceptive,where whatever
steps in must plunge,
and I want that plunging.
I want the ones
who come in secret to drink
only in early darkness,
and I want the ones
who are swallowed.
I want the way
the water sees without eyes,
hears without ears,
shivers without will or fear
at the gentlest touch.
I want the way it
accepts the cold moonlight
and lets it pass,
the way it lets all of it pass
without judgement or comment.
There is a lake,
Lalla Ded sang, no larger
than one seed of mustard,
that all things return to.
O heart, if you
will not, cannot, give me the lake,
then give me the song.

Monday, April 5, 2004

busy work

Music: Melissa Ethridge - Lucky
Book: Tom Clancy's Op Center

I tried building a retaining wall for a front proch garden one handed on Saturday...didn't go so well. I watched a ton of movies and went slightly stir crazy not being able to play the guitar while my right arm heals. *grrr* I finished the book "Bad Heir Day" by Wendy Holden which was close to hysterical. I watched "Second hand lions" and was absolutely delighted! I've spent this Monday morning looking into refinancing my house but it's driving me crazy so I'm taking a break. CD sales continue to be strong - thank you for supporting the independent musician and being so complimentary of my (and Jon, Chadly & Ben's) studio efforts.

There was more but my head is fuzzy and I'd really love a Caribou Coffee....

Friday, April 2, 2004


Music: Blues Compilation
Book: Finished Track of the Cat - now back to Bad Heir Day (which I had misplaced)

My cousin Cary and I met for a lovely dinner at La Bodega last night, drank our way through a bottle of wine and talked over and in between every subject imaginable. Ah good times, good times. And yet still, in other news, NO NEPHEW. Gorgeous, sunny day in the Twin Cities, hopefully I'll be able to sneak an extra walk in for my doggie. As Mr. Manager pointed our, Sweetie Pie looks like a moving mop in her excitement to get and be outside.