Monday, May 17, 2004

Back in Minneapolis

Music: Sista Otis
Book: Sushi for Beginners

Not much time to read, but books on tape are a savior when driving mile after endless mile. My pets greeted me warmly upon returning to Minneapolis and I must admit to sleeping most of yesterday away. Thank you to one and all who stopped out to the shows, which on the whole, were enjoyable. I had a few snafus on the road, such as the woman who decided to change a dirty diaper in the front row of my show, and the TV that was blaring a rented blockbuster movie during my set time which the club owners refused to turn off, or even turn down for that matter. That being said, even with the most wretched of touring circumstances, a brave soul or two from those shows signed up for my mailing list and bought a CD or two while apologizing for their fellow man.

I was able to catch up with many friends and meet a few new ones during my travels. Des Moines was a delicious surprise and I can't believe the swarms of people who stopped down to Java Joe's for such a warm reception. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Once again, Xhedos in Detroit restored every ounce of purpose and affirmation to my artistic heart. That audience is the height of respect and attention, support is endless and genuine. There are no words to describe what it means to be able to play there time and again. I'm planning on returning before end of summer. On a side note, Alison Lewis opened up for me at Xhedos, we swapped CDs and I was able to soak up her music on the road to Cleveland, Ohio. She has the most distinct voice I've heard in ages and recommend checking out her trip hoppy/trance band, The Twilight Babies, which is 180 degrees from her acoustic music but just as engaging.

I stuffed myself silly on Skyline Chilli in Cincinnati, Ohio and had the most yummy food from the entire tour in Newport, KY just over the river. Cool venues, neat area - amazing friends! As you can probably tell I'm trying to make up for a long absence from my journal musings...throwing in observations and updates in a very haphazard manner - sorry.

We kicked off the arts festival in Edinboro, PA with hot as hell weather but a lovely night of music. Another spot I'm hoping to return to before fall.

Chicago is still my first home so any and every show there is an experience. I played two extremes: Gallery Cabaret for open mic on Mother's Day to a room full of people and dogs while enjoying myself thoroughly and listening to local talent and then Gunther Murphy's for the MECA conference a week later where there was a bit of confusion between MECA and the venue about set times, but the sound guys, bar keeps, bouncers and patrons were friendly, accommodating and supportive by purchasing CDs and being frightfully quiet during the show.

Now I'm home and trying to sift through your kind emails and online CD purchases which will be in the mail shortly. I appreciate the word of mouth marketing technique which continues to bring more people down to each and every show. Your support keeps me going. Thank you again.

Oh and I wrote a couple of songs on the road because I kept oscilating between angst and awe from one show to the next and as we all know: emotional extremes are songwriting goldmines. More music to come.

Regards - Anne