Monday, May 31, 2004


Music: Nothing
Book: The hier

Lazy weekend. Much rain, more sleep. Timberwolves game tonight that Mr. Manager might be dragging me into a sports bar to watch (painful). Doggie gets a bath in about 4 minutes and then book shopping for the 30th time this weekend.

Oh and there was a little hoopla about a "sexist" ad in acoustic guitar magazine: the nude back of a woman made to look like a guitar by attaching strings and a bridge to her back (right over the plumber butt) I searched it down only to be awe struck by it's beauty. No matter how hard I searched there was no offense to be found. Page 21 of this month's issue in case you'd like to make up your own mind. happy holiday.

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Music: none
Book: jester - james patterson

Played the airport last night to many many many people and actually had a remarkably good time. Mr. Manager and I went to Morton's for good wine and snacks only to see a few LA Laker people milling about before tonight's Timberwolve's game. I must confess to be a TAD bit sore - all over- from working out, playing, running around etc, but it is a vacation weekend so I'm taking it easy watching movies and laying around the house. I need a new book, but can't seem to pick one seeing as I just finished the Jester and the library is closed the whole darn weekend. I'll be back playing the airport again next Friday in case you're flying through the Twin Cities and happen to stop by terminal F.

Bye for now.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Putting the damage on - Tori Amos

Music: Italian
Book: The Jester

So last night was awful. How do I put it nicely? I received a plethora of emails expressing excitement and pleasure that I was singing an early acoustic set in a child-friendly establishment on a weekday night for a change. Everyone couldn't wait to come...supposedly. The numbers for the door, however, were disappointingly low. A few brave, kind souls fought the rain and made it to the show…but where was everyone else?

I had a random thought that it's easier for me to be on tour than it is to stay in the Twin Cities and play gigs. At least on the road I have a guaranteed following of loyal fans. Here, in my own city, it's hit or miss: a glorious CD release show followed by a handful of people on a Wednesday night. Ironically, I don't mind the small shows; in fact, sometimes they become the most rewarding. But I DO mind the expectations I develop when people express interest in having more venue options, swear they can’t wait to see me, mention a group of friends coming along etc etc etc…but then don't show up. It makes me feel wretched - for me, for the few who show up and for the poor venue who just got screwed out of a good crowd.

To be clear, I don't want your money...I need it to survive as a musician, but that's not why I play. Day after day, artists slash open a vein and bleed out every known emotion for the masses to dissect, explore and sometimes reject - completely! Whether or not people accept the music or the message, we still get up and do the same damn thing the next day. Because we have to. Because we want to. Because we need to and it's a waste not to share what you can with the world with hope that someone out there, anywhere benefits from what you do.

Last night, that 9-year old girl I mentioned yesterday mouthed every word to every song she knew from my latest CD. Realistically, I only sang for her. I enjoyed performing at Acadia for the few who showed up but it was a struggle and in the end, sadness won.

I war with myself, my conflicting emotions every time these heartbreaking feelings seep out after being crushed by my own expectations. Probably my own fault, but that disappointment is there none-the-less. And I’m ashamed that I allowed those painful, destructive thoughts into my psyche when I should have been giving the audience in front of me every ounce of passion and concentration.

Side note: Another factor could be the insane man who joined the show for my last set, sharing comments such as: "All republicans are fascists", "Welfare people can't do anything", "My favorite bottle of wine is $6" and "Everyone is corrupt, EVERYONE, me, him and YOU TOO!" (pointing a finger at me). Needless to say, regardless of political affiliation, I would think the entire population en mass would find some offense with this man. He seemed to judge and attack every person he came in contact with. He was verbal and abusive and unfortunately determined to have a conversation with the poor souls who came out to see a live music show at Acadia. Just the icing on yesterday's cake.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Sorry, forgetting to post

Music: Pimsleur - Italien
Book: Fox Evil - Minette Walters

I was told that some of my family may be traveling to Italy next June so I thought I would learn some Italien just in case I can go (if it works out with my schedule).

Please stop down to the Acadia Cafe tonight...I might have a percussion guest and it'll be a rare treat to have an acoustic show in the Twin Cities. PLUS, this is an all ages show so people can bring their children for a change. (A few weeks ago I recieved a wonderful email from a woman who's daughter (9) falls asleep to "Mulligan" every night at full volume and even dances around the room naked with a fake microphone. Seeing as I used to do that to Madonna (dance - not naked) I figured it would be awfully cool to meet this little songstress at a future show.) Here's hoping it works with everyone's schedule.

I'm trying to figure out a time to head out to California, but with UK in the fall and the summer already's looking like late January or early February of 2005. Maybe it'll turn into a little winter getaway. We'll see.

As a reminder, if you'd like to host a hosue concert in California - or any city for that matter - please email us at and we'll work it into the schedule. Quiet, intimate, acoustic shows are a favorite of mine so if I'm not touring to your area but you'd like me to...just send me a note.

That's all for now. Cheers. Bye-bye.

Monday, May 24, 2004


Music: jade island - on tape
Book: Fox Evil - Minette Walters

"Fox Evil" is one scary book, but so appropriate as I live in Minneapolis which is loaded with land/tax issues - the heart of Walters book. Tenant, animal and renter rights all boiled into a spooky mystery; she never fails to confuse and intrigue me.

The band got together and played a fun house gig on Friday night in Uptown. I met a load of new faces and heard a bunch of music. Traingle Park was haunting and goofy at the same time - if that's at all possible. I have a few relatives driving into town this afternoon for a full house later on. It's rained day in, day out for almost 4 days now and looks to continue through the week. Call me crazy but I absolutely love this weather and will cry when it's over and the nasty sun pops out. Slight headache at the moment but I've reached my maz for painkillers and it's not even lunch time!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Email Down

Music: Books on tape
Book: Jade Island

My email is being difficult this morning...I can see I have messages but am unable to view or reply to them *sigh*. I'll recover, but wanted to post something about it in case anyone is waiting for an answer about booking or gig shares etc. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon - no worries.

Mr. Manager and I saw Shrek 2 last night and I thought it was adorable. Definitely better than Tuesday night's movie...but admitedly not as pretty, visually, as Van Helsing.

I had horrible dreams last night that my car broke down and needed something like $17,000 worth of work. Strange. The I dreamed that someone messed with my guitar - the details are fuzzy but something about painting it nauseous shades of yellow and drilling holes into the body. Where it's coming from...I have no idea. Even the cat was looking at me strangely when I woke up.

Anyone looking to buy a house in Uptown? If so, I know of a fabulous 3 bedroom for sale...

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I've been lucky in my life: food to eat and bed to sleep at night

Music: Billy Pilgrim
Book: Sushi (with 10 pages to go) & Jade Island

Last night I laughed my tushy off at Van Helsing the movie. Sad part being of course that it wasn't supposed to be a funny movie. At least Kate Beckensale was pretty to look at. I'm thinking of going to see Shrek tonight just to wash away last night's vision of gothic messiness.

This afternoon I saw a man brushing his teeth in a public drinking fountain...I guess there's a first time for everything.

My fingers are still number from playing so much but I've been tinkering here and there to bleed out a few more songs from the road.

Ani Difranco said it best:

"How can I go home with nothing to say
And know you're going to look at me that way
You'll say girl you kicked some butt
I'll say I don't really remember
But my fingers are sore and my voice is too"

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


Music: books on tape
Book: Sushi still (but I'm almost done)

Going to work out for the first time in 2 weeks. My legs don't seem to be working. I fell asleep at 6pm last night and slept until 7:30am when my doggie had to go outside. Rather nice, my sleeping that is, not the doggie, even though she's wonderful too. My sister is settling into Winona, MN and hopefully Mr. Manager and I will be able to visit her soon. I scheduled a day at Spalon Montage for August which I'm looking forward to with ridiculous amounts of glee and hedonism.

Fellow Indiegrrl, Jen Porter from Chicago will be joining the Anne Deming/Ember Swift show at the 7th Street Entry on July 24th. So excited, should be a fabulous night of music!

More to tell, but it's slipping by at the moment. Oh and I'm off to see Van Helsing this evening. I love goth movies : )

Monday, May 17, 2004

Back in Minneapolis

Music: Sista Otis
Book: Sushi for Beginners

Not much time to read, but books on tape are a savior when driving mile after endless mile. My pets greeted me warmly upon returning to Minneapolis and I must admit to sleeping most of yesterday away. Thank you to one and all who stopped out to the shows, which on the whole, were enjoyable. I had a few snafus on the road, such as the woman who decided to change a dirty diaper in the front row of my show, and the TV that was blaring a rented blockbuster movie during my set time which the club owners refused to turn off, or even turn down for that matter. That being said, even with the most wretched of touring circumstances, a brave soul or two from those shows signed up for my mailing list and bought a CD or two while apologizing for their fellow man.

I was able to catch up with many friends and meet a few new ones during my travels. Des Moines was a delicious surprise and I can't believe the swarms of people who stopped down to Java Joe's for such a warm reception. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Once again, Xhedos in Detroit restored every ounce of purpose and affirmation to my artistic heart. That audience is the height of respect and attention, support is endless and genuine. There are no words to describe what it means to be able to play there time and again. I'm planning on returning before end of summer. On a side note, Alison Lewis opened up for me at Xhedos, we swapped CDs and I was able to soak up her music on the road to Cleveland, Ohio. She has the most distinct voice I've heard in ages and recommend checking out her trip hoppy/trance band, The Twilight Babies, which is 180 degrees from her acoustic music but just as engaging.

I stuffed myself silly on Skyline Chilli in Cincinnati, Ohio and had the most yummy food from the entire tour in Newport, KY just over the river. Cool venues, neat area - amazing friends! As you can probably tell I'm trying to make up for a long absence from my journal musings...throwing in observations and updates in a very haphazard manner - sorry.

We kicked off the arts festival in Edinboro, PA with hot as hell weather but a lovely night of music. Another spot I'm hoping to return to before fall.

Chicago is still my first home so any and every show there is an experience. I played two extremes: Gallery Cabaret for open mic on Mother's Day to a room full of people and dogs while enjoying myself thoroughly and listening to local talent and then Gunther Murphy's for the MECA conference a week later where there was a bit of confusion between MECA and the venue about set times, but the sound guys, bar keeps, bouncers and patrons were friendly, accommodating and supportive by purchasing CDs and being frightfully quiet during the show.

Now I'm home and trying to sift through your kind emails and online CD purchases which will be in the mail shortly. I appreciate the word of mouth marketing technique which continues to bring more people down to each and every show. Your support keeps me going. Thank you again.

Oh and I wrote a couple of songs on the road because I kept oscilating between angst and awe from one show to the next and as we all know: emotional extremes are songwriting goldmines. More music to come.

Regards - Anne

Friday, May 14, 2004

on tour

Music: everything
Book: sushi for beginners

Tour is up and down. Much to say, no time. I'm in the fabulous town of Ferndale just outside of Detroit and will sound check at Xhedos in about 2 minutes. Glad to be back north. Edinboro was energizing. Tomorrow is chicago, don't forget to come down and support MECA. I miss Mpls though...


Friday, May 7, 2004

On the road again

Music: Billy Pilgrim
Book: Digital Fortress - Dan Brown

On the road. Please stop out to a show and say hi. See many of you real soon...

Missing my Sweetie Pie already....

Thursday, May 6, 2004


Music: Billy Pilgrim - Bloom
Book: Digital Fortress - Dan Brown

Billy Pilgrim is the one band I am dying to see play live...well...before I die. Anyone know if they tour? Beautiful music and quirky harmonies...not to mention catchy tunes are just stock piled into this 13 song disc. I just loved it from my first listen in college!

"Buried at Sea" was a great chase/mystery of a read. I recommend it for vacation reading, perhaps by the beach or definitely while sailing if you enjoy the water and don't get seasick. I'm going to spin the audio CD of Romeo & Juliet on my car ride to Des Moines for tomorrow night's show at Java Joe's. It's been a while since I've dug into a Shakespeare tragedy...and listening to the BBC version in the middle of the night on a strange, spooky highway sounds better than a horror flick on Halloween.

I'm picking up my 12-string Gibson from the Podium tomorrow morning after many repairs and a bunch of TLC...should be exciting. Let's see, other than that, I'm mailing bills, having my blotchy lawn soil tested to see how I can make it beautiful and I'm caving in this evening to watch the Friends finale. Call me crazy.

And finally, after much debate and confusion I WILL be playing the MECA music conference in Chicago next weekend, May 15th at Gunther Murphys on Belmont with the Katie Todd Band. Come on down if you're in the neighborhood. Fun fun fun! (I'm not on the calendar yet as we confirmed yesterday)

Tuesday, May 4, 2004


Music: radio - and it sucks
Book: buried at sea

Sleepy or I should say groggy as hell today! No idea why, but I'm thrilled about Gilmore Girls this evening - LOVE THAT SHOW. It's truly my only Must See TV show : ) Hopefully I'll find time to work out and pack and write a song or two before Friday. That's my goal anyway. My sister just confirmed that she's coming to Minnesota for a theatre internship. Too cool!!! So excited to have her near the Twin Cities. Mr. Manager is happy too, they get along like salt and pepper : )

Monday, May 3, 2004

Hit the road jack

Music: Butterfly Boucher
Book: Buried at Sea

Great book by the way! Crazy weekend...housework and homes and happy hour. I am ready to be on the road in my car and playing new cities. I have that itch. So soon....

Sunday, May 2, 2004

slow day

Music: Brenda Weiler - Crazy Happy
Book: Buried at Sea

Worked out this morning. Heading out to HH this afternoon. I did mad insane house upkeep yesterday, paint scraping/painting/yard work/cleaning - the works. I'm really tired now. At least I have time to write this evening.