Thursday, March 25, 2004

Down with City Pages

Music: L'il Kim (yes I'm serious)
Book: Bad Heir Day by Wendy Holden

City Pages has ignored my music/CD Release/Touring schedule and general existence as a Minneapolis musical entity yet again. No big surprise but still a continued disappointment. For a publication claiming to be the "News and Arts Weekly of the Twin Cities" I have yet to see a focus on the arts. Their cover story is about Bush and his politics once again...if I wanted world news, I'd watch CNN.

(SIDE NOTE: Shitty Pages...woops..I meant CITY Pages has a tendency to A list sold out shows which is hysterical to me as those artists DO NOT NEED THE PUBLICITY!)

I realize I am opening my mouth to insert foot at some later date or just wishing bad luck/press upon me by criticising a local publication, but as they say...isn't any press good press? (If that's the case then City Pages should thank me for this scolding)

Ironically, the big time newspapers of the Twin Cities, Star Tribune and Pioneer Press, have consistently supported my arts and efforts from the very beginning. So, the "free" press could care less about Anne Deming and the 50 cent newpaper is calling for an interview. *sigh*

To clarify: I'm pleased with any mention and all support offered by or through the media, but sometimes the reality of the Twin Cities Independent Music community drives me to prozac.

So, hopefully you can simply check into my website and the online First Avenue concert calendar for a glimpse of what is to come on Saturday night at the Entry for my CD party celebrating the release of "Mulligan". (as it will not be highlighted in the Arts weekly)

I am now leaving to get some coffee as it is too early to drink Whiskey.