Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Arm feeling better...or numb at least

Music: None
Book: Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr

Enjoyed a nice glass of wine last night at bev's. I missed the Gilmore Girls but compensated by going to bed early. Lovely, but slow day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Flop tumble down on your knees

Music: Tori Amos
Book: Bad Heir Day

Ugh. Soon, I am going to be an aunt. My big sister was supposed to give me a nephew on Saturday (to celebrate the CD release - hee hee), but apparently he's running late or maybe he got lost as boys tend to be bad at following directions. Anyway, last night the phone rang while I was just falling asleep in bed, I let it ring once and then bolted out of bed thinking it might be news on the baby. I grabbed my robe without turning on the lights and dashed down the stairs and ending up falling down them. Ouch. Thankfully, because of yoga I think, I'm able to bounce and bend but I feel like I've broken half my body this morning. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I guess grace is not one of my strong attributes. And ironically, it was a different sister simply calling to talk and catch up. Sweet conversation, but this morning I've made a decision to let voicemail pick up from now on. Once again...ugh.

Monday, March 29, 2004


Music: Stevie Ray Vaughn
Book: Vogue Magazine (that's a first huh?)

I'm overwhelmed by the support shown at the 7th Street Entry for my CD release this past Saturday. First Ave office and floor staff went above and beyond the call of duty with cabaret seating and pulling out white table cloths for the show (and even sticking around for the music!!!!). As far as audiences go, this could be the quietest, most polite group of listeners I've ever played for. I was just so impressed.

Hattie and Ben Weaver were deliciously entertaining, I trust you enjoyed them too.

I have to thank Chadly Koppenhaver and Ben Johnson, once again, (no matter how many times I gush about them it will literally never be enough) for joining me first in creating the music and then playing it live to share with all of you. Mr. Manager survived the evening on lead guitar and even wowed a few friends who were unaware of his musical talents.

I'm dead tired today after a broken water heater and hours of shopping. All of it fun though. Oh! And yummy sushi for dinner last night.

Mulligan is now on sale and should be posted online shortly. Cheapo will have it on shelves by the end of the week and CD Baby...well soon..

Thanks again for coming out to celebrate the music.

Friday, March 26, 2004

beautiful day

Music: Avenue Q soundtrack
Book: Bad Heir Day

Lovely write up in the Pioneer press - thank you Molly Priesmeyer! My sister arrived safe and sound last night so I'm kind of playing hooky today. I think we'll be enjoying a sociable or two at Bev's wine Bar this evening. Yoga last night was wonderful (except for the very smelly guy next to me - that's the first time it's ever happened but it was rather awful) Bikram yoga tomorrow morning to start of the weekend in style. I'm off to play outside now. Toodles...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Down with City Pages

Music: L'il Kim (yes I'm serious)
Book: Bad Heir Day by Wendy Holden

City Pages has ignored my music/CD Release/Touring schedule and general existence as a Minneapolis musical entity yet again. No big surprise but still a continued disappointment. For a publication claiming to be the "News and Arts Weekly of the Twin Cities" I have yet to see a focus on the arts. Their cover story is about Bush and his politics once again...if I wanted world news, I'd watch CNN.

(SIDE NOTE: Shitty Pages...woops..I meant CITY Pages has a tendency to A list sold out shows which is hysterical to me as those artists DO NOT NEED THE PUBLICITY!)

I realize I am opening my mouth to insert foot at some later date or just wishing bad luck/press upon me by criticising a local publication, but as they say...isn't any press good press? (If that's the case then City Pages should thank me for this scolding)

Ironically, the big time newspapers of the Twin Cities, Star Tribune and Pioneer Press, have consistently supported my arts and efforts from the very beginning. So, the "free" press could care less about Anne Deming and the 50 cent newpaper is calling for an interview. *sigh*

To clarify: I'm pleased with any mention and all support offered by or through the media, but sometimes the reality of the Twin Cities Independent Music community drives me to prozac.

So, hopefully you can simply check into my website and the online First Avenue concert calendar for a glimpse of what is to come on Saturday night at the Entry for my CD party celebrating the release of "Mulligan". (as it will not be highlighted in the Arts weekly)

I am now leaving to get some coffee as it is too early to drink Whiskey.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Walls are closing in...

Music: Howie Day
Book: Grail Church - Manchester

Busy day. Kitty sick. Want to finish Grail book. Yoga and rehearsal this evening. Uhm...more to tell but I've forgotten.

Monday, March 22, 2004


Music: head like a hole - NIN
Book: Grail Church by Manchester


Sunday, March 21, 2004

Weekend recovery

Music: Sinead O'Connor
Book: Bookless!

First Lady was wonderful...I must purchase all of Michael Malone's books...he has a style similar to Penelope Williamson. My kitty is on the computer now...I must go. My body still hurts but I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Saw "Taking Lives" - good movie, not great but okay.

Friday, March 19, 2004

feeling rotten

Music: Nina Simone
Book: First Lady - MM

Bad reaction to some vaccinations yesterday. Painful - everywhere...must get sleep and some food I think. ouch. Back to bed after some concert flyering.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Business Day

Music: Mike Doughty
Book: First Lady by Michael Malone

Sleet and rain today. Odd... Yesterday was horrible so I'm putting the day behind me. Today is better but I have calls to return and appointments and such. Busy but far from productive. I feel like a nap.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Music: Social Distortion
Book: 100 places to see before you die - Patricia Schultz

I'm reading through two cool books and the latest issue of Yachts magazinge...the international issue. Strange day. I hope I have the energy to attend the hockey game this evening. At least there's a snack bar and some beverages to tie me over. What a long day...

Monday, March 15, 2004

Forgot to write over the weekend

Music: Howie Day
Book: Story People - Brian Andreas (book of poems)

Bikram yoga did wonders last night...I swear I feel invinsible after a practice. If only I had 3 hours every day to dedicate always for yoga and morning fasts. In my next life maybe. I read through Story People last night...which I do at least once a week...Andreas inspires me. Rather spiritual post wouldn't you say? I believe it's a hockey game at Xcel tomorrow but I feel creepy going to a game after that horrible Kanucks/Avalanche attack. We'll see how I feel on Tuesday.

I splurged on some jewelry this wekend and I must say it felt nice to drop a little cash on something other than my "Mulligan" CD for a change. (no pun intended)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

No clue

Music: Hattie Peterson "Crawl"
Book: The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander

Apparently Bob Dylan rocked Roy Wilkins in St. Paul last night. Good to hear. I found it odd that he put a picture of the Virgin Mary on his crew/back stage passes, but that's just me. I spent the morning chatting with an expert on Vienna travel, cuisine and culture which makes me want to return...well...if possible, tomorrow. Vienna could be one of the most magical cities in the entire world. The only problem would be finding a dog sitter and being able to leave my dog for any length of time. (I'm rather attached to my friendly, furry companion).

I froze my tushy off this morning in 6 degree Minnesota weather, but at least I didnt' have to pee outside - that would officially suck. I have a few outdoor-type siblings so camping and traipsing through the wilderness in any/every season is not unheard of...or even bizarre. *shudder to think of it*

I've been asked why I'm in mourning by three people today and it's not even 10am - this could be the last time I dress completely in black. The pale and tragic look can't be avoided normally so I guess I look like the black widow or something. Oh well...its a change. Bye for now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Missed show

Music: Sarah M.
Book: Dumas Club

Mr. Manager and I missed Vienna last night at the Fineline. Due to an error on out part, we assumed the show would go on later than posted (we even had a friend call to let us know the correct set times, but missed the call) and...well...missed the show. *sigh*

I have a bunch of appointments all over the city this evening so I'm hoping it doesn't snow.

My March email should be arriving in Mailboxes shortly. Cd release, cd release, cd release..etc etc

Happy Birthday mom.

uhm...that's all for now.

Monday, March 8, 2004


Music: Sinead O'Connor - "Stretched on your grave"
Book: currently without

Mr. Manager and I went to see Toby Lightman open for Edwin McCain last night at First Ave. Pete somebody opened too and I'm going to apologize right now for forgetting his last name but he was rather entertaining as well. Sooooo, Amy at passed on Toby's promo CD about 2 weeks ago for me to take a listen. Toby's acoustic guitar thumping out soul/R&B rhythms coupled with her gravelly and oddly melodic voice caught me hook, line and sinker.

The best way to describe her live concert is to portray the audience. At first the crowd was thin...clinging to tables, to the bars, like lonely barnacles waiting for a whale, but then everyone else just arrived fashionably late I guess. So there were a few hundred present for the show by the time the music started. (But I have to say that there were an extraordinary amount of 30-something drunks falling about, tripping on stairs, spilling drinks - that sort of thing - and it was only 9PM! And on a Sunday night no less.)

Anyway, Pete (the opener, opener) woke everyone up to the point that people were midly interested in the world about them but unwilling to leave the safety of their charis. But then Toby hit the stage and enchanted them. It was like people filtered in from off the street to follow the sound of her voice. Zombie like, but polite. People moved closer and closer to the stage, quiet during her songs and then gradually more and more appreciative of the music coming from the stage. Her last song was a disappointment, a cover of Mary J. Blige's "Real Love" which was done extremely well, but Mike Doughty has been covering it for years AND I would have liked to hear more of Toby's original music. When she finished her set to thunderous applause...there was a crowd of fans waiting not-so-patiently to buy her CDs, sign up for her mailing list and just to say hi. She was a definite hit with McCain fans and I was truly impressed with her set.

She could ditch her second acoustic guitarist though...there was really no need. She was all that and a bag of snacks, by herself, under the lights, winning people over left and right.

Sunday, March 7, 2004

toby lightman

Music: Anne Deming's new CD Mulligan
Book: Binnie still

Shopped. Watching Indiana Jones Temple of Doom....reminds me of being in grade school. Going to see Toby Lightman at First Ave tonight. And Liz Phair on Thursday.

Saturday, March 6, 2004

Bikram Yoga

Music: "Hold On" by Tom Waits
Book: "An Almost Perfect Moment" by Binnie Kirshenbaum

I went to Bikram Yoga this morning . . . worked my butt off. Felt great. More bookings for June on the way. Thoroughly enjoying "An Almost Perfect Moment" by Binnie Kirshenbaum. Beautiful Colin Firth on SNL tonight. . . drooling . . . but only a little. Toodles.

Friday, March 5, 2004

My new website

Well, if you're checking into the journal you've discovered my brand new website. Mr. Manager has been working furiously for the past few weeks to make everything perfect. How nice huh?

Minneapolis received loads of snow last night and it's absolutely gorgeous outside! My dog got stuck on our walk this morning so we're hoping our neighbors shovel before tonight.

Binnie Kirshenbaum's "an almost perfect moment" is proving to be just as engrossing as her previous novels, but definitely different in style. I'll finish the book this weekend for sure.

Happy hour is tonight as I haven't been out for fun in what seems like months. I need a vacation...maybe at a spa... hmmm....

Thursday, March 4, 2004

Busy day

Cold day. Slight headache. Yoga this evening. Doggie's birthday was yesterday...she was given anything she wanted. The cat was confused, but it made for an interesting evening. I hung new curtains, delivered promo cds, had a workout, saw one episode of "AbFab" and finally found sleep in the wee hours of the morning. Exciting new website coming sometime today. Should be a good day. I haven't been able to crack a book this week so I'm slightly out of sorts but hopefully I'll have time this weekend. Booked a ton of shows for spring and summer yesterday so the tour calendar is looking a bit chaotic, but I'm extremely happy about it so don't worry in the least. Cheers and all that. Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

: "Bad news"
It looks like Kyle Vincent will not be performing with me at the 7th Street Entry for my CD release on March 27th, 2004. Shit happens I guess. His people apologized...

BUT THE PARTY GOES ON! I STILL HAVE THE LOVELY AND TALENTED HATTIE AND MY WONDERFUL BAND OF MUSICIANS TO CELEBRATE THE NIGHT WITH. (other special guests to be announced...well...uhm...later, when we have a clue who that will be)


Peace, love and other indoor sports,


P.S. I think I'd like to go back to being just an artist for a while. This whole business woman thing is getting tiresome. I actually had one club owner in Iowa yell at me for a few minutes on the phone last week because I was "too famous" and "probably wanted way too much money" to play at his venue. He went on and on and on that he couldn't possibly pay someone as famous as I was...etc etc etc.

I would like to point out that in my press kit I had asked for an opening slot as I had never been in the area so this would be a small FIRST TIME SHOW/AUDIENCE. Ugh, plus the guy didn't even know who I was, hence, negating his one and only point - that I was "too famous". Which was a ridiculous statement to begin with.

I'm better at just performing than needing to have my head screwed on straight...*sigh*

Tuesday, March 2, 2004


This morning my dog Sweetie Pie and I went out for a little stroll in the drizzle. Happily minding our own business we suddenly heard a bark from across the street. There was a rather large german sheperd mix anxiously trying to say hello to my doggy, tail wagging and practically dancing it's way around the sidewalk. My tiny, 10 lbs dog lifted her head and wagged her tail without saying a word. Then the other dog's owner hit his own dog right across the face to stop his barking. I yelled that it was okay so the dogs could say hi, we weren't scared or upset but he just hit the dog again and again about 4 times quickly on the head - with the dog still barking and frantically trying to get to my Sweetie (or simply to escape his abusive bastard owner). So my dog started barking and the owner wouldn't even acknowledge me so I grabbed my dog and turned down an alley out of sight from the German Sheperd so he'd stop barking and the owner would hopefully stop hitting the poor pup. What an asshole! I wish I could have done more, but I'm not sure what would have kept the dog(s) safe or prevented the owner from getting angrier.

How horrible to even contemplate hurting an animal. In the next life, that jerk is probably coming back as a dung beetle. Grrrr....

Monday, March 1, 2004


Instead of suffering through the oscars last night I decided to watch "Searching for Debra Winger" - a Rosanna Arquette experience production. I found it absolutely amazing. Arquette has never been a favorite actress of mine or even tolerable. I did enjoy her part in Pulp Fiction but in my eyes she has always been rather overshadowed by her gifted younger sister, Patricia. Anyway, it was a truly remarkable documentary and I encourage you to rent it. It's a movie for women about struggles in the entertainment industry that filter into mainstream society - and as a result into the homes, hearts and minds of women everywhere. Oh and I just bought Binnie Kirshenbaum's newest book, "An almost perfect moment". Can't wait!