Tuesday, September 30, 2003


So I play Keegan's this Friday night (9:30-1:30am), then Nevin's pub in Chicago on Saturday opening for Mason Jennings. Can't wait. Plus, I get to see old friends at the pub. I miss Chicago. My Doughty CD's arrived in the mail so I listened to 'Skittish' 3 times already just this morning.... Sad to say I haven't even cracked into 'Rockity Roll'. It's all good though. Thanks to Mr. Manager's genius guitar playing and talent for catchy riffs...the play soundtrack I'm working on is progressing nicely. We'll see if Director Man likes the material later on this evening. I'm out of books. Guess it's time for Half.com again : ) I'd happily go broke buying books. Later.

Thursday, September 25, 2003


I'm having life issues.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


I'm having computer issues.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


It's the Gilmore Girls season premiere tonight! My favorite TV program in the whole wide world - (it's honestly surpassed "I Dream of Jeannie"). Haleluhia (did I spell that right?) Anyway...very excited.Also, my headache is gone - thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I'm almost through "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown so I have no idea what I'll be reading next. I ordered a bunch of Mike Doughty CDs on the internet because I seem to have lost every, single one that used to be in my possession. Hopefully, my dog didn't eat them.

Tour news: I'm opening for Mason Jennings in Chicago at Tommy Nevin's Pub in Evanston, IL on Saturday, October 4th, 10:15pm. I played Nevins a few times in college while attending Northwestern so it'll be nice to go back since I've been sticking to Uncommon Ground in the city lately. A change is always nice.

Also, I've been reviewing CD's for CollectedSounds.com and have unearthed some real gems. Check out Kim Char Meredith's CD, "Give and Take" as well as 9bobNote's newest release, "Cover Up Show". Fun, fun, fun.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Iris and headaches

Original topic n'est pas? The headache part is just that...for some reason my head feels like it's going to explode this morning. I skipped yoag yesterday - that could be the problem...no detox. I watched the DVD of "Iris" this weekend (with Kate Winslet and Judi Dench) Wonderful film. Beautifully done in every way, shape and form. Stunning actually. It's still with me I guess. I haven't slept a lot lately, but I'm loving all my books. "DaVinci Code" will be finished by afternoon. (provided my head shrinks back to it's normal size)

Friday, September 19, 2003

Dan Brown

I FINALLY picked up Dan Brown's "The DaVinci Code"...I've been waiting and waiting for a friend to pass it along but I read 10 times faster than anyone else I know (and I'm always at a loss for patience) So it just made sense to pick it up and even thought I'm in the middle of 2 other books, I HAVE to read this one. Fun fun fun. An interesting webstie to check out is: http://voicesandvisions.skybleedsscorpio.com; it's artists rambling on and on about listening to music, creating it, inspirations etc. Quite entertaining, I even added my own 2 cents. Peace out.

Thursday, September 18, 2003


After much contemplation I must confess that Mr. Manager was right and Tom Waits is indeed a genius.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


I'm in a Tori Amos mood again. That happens every 6 months or so. Today it was Choir Girl Hotel...can't get enough of 'Jackie O' and 'Northern Lad'. Great tunes.

My security system is going into the house this morning. You would think that would be a normal event, nothing exciting or weird, but my life's not normal. Apparently, one of my neighbors thought to highjack my installers. Strange don't you think? When Brinks started heading to the front door, my neighbors intercepted them and repeatedly tried to get the poor Brinks guys to install a system into THEIR house instead. Unbelievable. The security system is supposed to keep my little critters safe from Fire, Carbon Monoxide and strangers...who would have thought my neighbors were the suspicious characters. Grrr... I'm just a little put out about the incident. I'll be fine. Could be the fact that I had coffee this morning. Bad idea. It makes me crazy.

I'm reading "Blood Countess" right now...odd book. Gory, very gory. I'm waiting for my turn at "DiVinci Code" by Dan Brown.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Monday morning

I think that no matter what you do with your life, in your life or because of your life (job, lack of job, student - whatever) Monday mornings still act as a hurdle to jump over before enjoying the week. When I was waitressing in Chicago during college, Monday mornings were delightful. I woke up late, went to class, took a nap and then worked my ass of at Pete's waiting tables. Maybe I react well to physical labor? Who knows...my point is that Monday's are getting strange for me. No reason, just strange.

I'm working with a playwright from New York here in Minneapolis on a fellowship while creating his play. I've been asked to collaberate, musically speaking. I'm thrilled and completely challenged (that sounds like I need therapy or special ed doesn't it?) Regardless, I'm excited. I've never done anything like this before - writing for another artistic venue...soundtrack for a movie, songs for a play...it just sounds so specific and powerful. Hopefully everyone can be patient with me while I figure out how to be an artist for someone else, better yet, how to work with another artist than just to be one on my own. Nonsense writing today, I'm sorry.

Mr. Manager and I went to see Conjure One and Delirium last night at the Quest. Blahk. Very disappointing. There was a band in the background and a singer up front (for both bands) but they remained separate entities on stage. Never connecting, or even acknowledging each other's existence. Odd. I stayed until about 11pm and then took off because it was bad and boring and some couple in front of us had obviously double dosed on ecstasy so my limbs were in danger of being clobbered.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Man in Black

I must have two, separate hearts: one for music and one for everything else. Most difficult things that I see or experience can be looked at through logical eyes and then stored away to deal with or analyze at a future date in time. But if something happens that is music related I become a weeping willow. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me *sigh*

It's like at NEMO when I was just thunderstruck by Kyle Vincent - he wasn't saying anything new or particularly ground breaking but it was the emotion that carried his words striking me so powerfully. After listening to him play, I felt like I'd been through a hurricane...not a bad one, just unexpected and certainly powerful. Once again, I'm still not making sense.

Johnny Cash...dead at 71. Rather difficult to swallow. He's Mr. Managers idol, rock star supreme; Cash could do no wrong and we never went on a trip without him somewhere in the car. It took quite a while for me to appreciate his music (sometimes even to stomach it) but even during my most hateful hours driving down Interstate 94 hearing about Cash's love being 'flushed down the toilet', I had to confess a grudging admiration for his talent and charisma. The world has suffered a crushing loss today that will be felt for years to come. He was elequent through simplicity and insightful by being blunt. A diamond in the rough that you wouldn't want to change. It felt right to listen to his music this morning so I searched for some cd's only to come up empty. Not surprisingly, KFAI came through playing 3 Johnny Cash tunes one after the other bright and early this morning at 7:15am. Thank God Minneapolis is lucky enough to have a station all about the music.

Thursday, September 11, 2003


I've been a bit lax about posting in my journal this week. I apologize. I mentioned Kyle Vincent right? Well, if I didn't go out and buy all his cd's - every single one of them that you can get your hands on...he's brilliant. Being an idiot I found myself crying at NEMO just listening to him play. Kyle possesses a sweet voice, writes heartfelt lyrics and contains a bundle of talent. I wish him the best and hope to catch another show soon. Melanie Dekker was also a fun surprise...she's got one of those raspy voices that drip with emotion. Sometimes she growls or squeaks before actually picking a note, but it's all music and very catchy. I believe she's in Europe right now...Germany maybe?

I ordered a bunch of new books off www.half.com because I can't control my addiction to words. Saturday I'm meeting with a writer to discuss music for his play and Sunday Mr. Manager and I are going to the Quest (don't care for that club) to see Delirium. Fun weekend ahead.

Monday, September 8, 2003

Back from NEMO

Mr. Manager and I arrived safely back in Minneapolis last night to a very warm welcome from the pets. *missed them lots*. NEMO was extraordinary...I need some time to unpack and collect my thoughts, never mind checking email and finding my car keyes, but I promise to post as much as possible because it was just so fabulous. I picked up "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown at the airport (can't remember which city) but I love it. Makes me extremely anxious to read the DaVinci Code next. Oh and I read "Hester Among the Ruins"-can't say a lot except that I recommend it highly. It struck a very personal note with me after having an awful time in Munich, Germany. The book is very engrossing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Back to School

I heard through the grapevine that it's back to school time for Minneapolis. Who knew? Personally, I'd rather have my freedom and the time to read anything and everything I want than be cooped up all day in a classroom. Education is readily available if you just put the effort into looking.

"The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant is extremely quick. Time frames, stories and characters kind of explode into the scene...not like any book I've read in a while. Women and their purpose in life (per the book/Bible) become a fascinating study the more I look into it. I wonder what other books are out there concerning female interpretations of biblical events. Anyone believe Mary Magdelane wrote a gospel? Something to think about...

This weekend I spent some time on my lawn, trying to plant bulbs before a frost so that I have pretty flowers in the spring. We'll see how it goes. My puppy and I went walking around the neighborhood this weekend. Kinda fun and low key.

Didn't write any songs this weekend, but I played a lot...a LOT! Fingers hurt but I'll recover.