Friday, November 29, 2002

Turkey Day

Nice relaxing day. Talked to the family, watched some movies and ate a little bird. I saw about 20 minutes of the Faith Hill special last night but I have to say I was drawn to her blonde back up singer more than the star. That woman was amazing! I'm almost finished reading "Good In Bed" and then I'm moving along to the new Anne Rice novel...perhaps some inspiration for another song...?

Wednesday, November 27, 2002


I'm reading an hysterical book called "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner and it should see me through the Thanksgiving holiday. Ike Reilley (sp?) is tonight at First Ave, but I don't think we'll be making it to the show. Tomorrow involves a lot of sleeping, yoga and tea followed by some serious attempts to name my frickin' songs. problem, labeling...ugh...huge difficulty. I'll simply have to trudge on.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

James Bond

I'm still a bit under the weather, but I feel much better than last week. I saw 007 this Friday and I must say that Pierce Brosnan assisted is my speedy recovery *sigh*. On Saturday I convinced Mr. Manager to rent the earlier Brosnan flicks and I DVD'd my way through the weekend.

I bought a tree....Miss kitty knocked it over a few it's now strapped to the banister in 20 different sections to ensure I don't have to re-wrap soggy presents again. Oh well, I did have fun decorating, plus the house smells wonderfull!

Earlier this fall, I submitted a song to the International Songwriters competition - no go though, I just heard back but I wasn't selected.

Susan Tedeschi is next Friday at the Fineline and I have a show at the Riverview Cafe on Saturday. Should be fun...but I'm not looking forward to postering/promo in such frigid temperatures. Grrrr.

Friday, November 22, 2002


So, I've been in bed for about 48 hours. Not feeling too hot still, but definitely better than Wednesday. I'll survive, but I'm apologizing for the absence from e-mail and phone. Mabe I'll be back to normal next week. No worries though....

Tuesday, November 19, 2002


I've been listening to Tori...still...but also to Sinead O'Connor's "Am I Not Your Girl"...I love that damn cd. I just checked out and discovered she has a new disc out featuring 13 traditional Irish songs with a new twist. Where have I been?! Guess I'm off to Cheapo to pick up some Sinead. I've got a plethura (sp?) of new music ideas swimming inside my head lately, but they all involve collaberation. Justin, if you're out there, I promise to give you a call!

My sister Carolyn and I will be back packing around Europe this summer. Have I mentioned that yet? I went to the library today to pick up travel books on Europe - I'm so excited, but I'm glad I get to plan and research a little bit. The more I know the better. I hope the kitty can survive without me : ) Mr. Manager will be fine I'm sure...

Monday, November 18, 2002


I forgot to mention that the watercolor painter, James Poff had his showing on November 9th up in St. Cloud, MN. I was hoping to make it to the art show, but the wedding was too early to be able to travel there and back in time. *sigh* Well, I do hope things went well and I wanted to offer closure to at least one of the subjects I write about in my journal : ) (I'm not very good at that)

Kitty and I played all weekend and I watched a Betty Page 8mm. Interesting, but it wasn't a documentary which is why I had originally rented it. It was 35 minutes of her dancing. Still fun, but I wanted to hear more aout her life and maybe an interview or two. Anybody know anything about that? A recommmendation perhaps?

Friday, November 15, 2002

I'm off to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Harry Potter

It seems silly to derive so much pleasure from the reading of children's book's but I find myself thoroughly enchanted with Harry Potter once again. I only needed to read the 2nd book before the movie this Friday, but here I am smack dab in the middle of the third with no intention of stopping : ) A book called "Good in Bed" was recommended to me by a fellow book worm and I think I might dive into that one after my immature reading is complete.

I've been invited to Chicago this weekend to attend a dinner...I think I might know half the attendees (by blood) so it could be fun, but I had a quiet weekend planned with a lot of promo stuff and mailing out of CD's. Decisions, decisions. I'll figure it out.

I'm still loving Tori's CD "Scarlet's Walk"...I prefer the disc version of sorta fairytale to the radio clip, but I enjoy both. I'd really like Robert Randolph to come back into town; I could use a high energy show. Well, at least I have Susan Tedeschi to look forward to in December.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002


I'm knee deep in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", I forgot how enjoyable these books are. I opted for Happy Hour instead of songwriting last night, but at least I got to meet up with some friends I hadn't seen in a long while : )

I also got "The Princess Bride" on DVD...don't you just love presents that appear for no reason other than because...?

Monday, November 11, 2002


I survived Shania Twain...actually the wedding was extraordinary: beautiful, elegant, simple and fabulousy fun. I haven't seen such a party since my sister's wedding last year. The bride and groom couldn't take their eyes off each other and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of their special day. Love doesn't even begin to describe those two : )

I did, however, over indulge in the Jack Daniels and even found myself with a cigarette in hand several drinks into the party. Ugh...I had a blast, but I definitely paid for it on Sunday morning. Luckily, I found myself the greasiest Tex Mex breakfast North of San Jose and took it easy for the rest of the day. I gave Mr. Manager his Christmas gift early...he begged, I folded. Kinda fun though. I guess I'm just prolonging the holiday season.

I'm currently reading "Royal Babylon" by Karl Shaw: every little piece of dirt concerning European royalty since the 16th century. I'm completely entertained. Next is re-reading "Harry potter: Chamber of Secrets"; I have to refresh my brain before Friday's premiere. Then, I just heard about Patricia Cornwell's (sp?) new book, a non-fiction forensic case study of solving the Jack the Ripper mystery. Sounds fascinating and she's getting rave reviews.

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

It's Election Day

Get off your ass and vote... other news, it's still Shania Twain all day every day at my house while I cram for the wedding on Saturday. I always wonder when people ask me to cover another artist whether they are interested in me trying to sound like the original singer or if they want to hear me do it differently - my way. Guess I'll find out on Saturday, huh?

Had a friend over last night to watch "Priscilla: Queen of the Desert"...very bizarre. I laughed often but was so confused by the entire movie. I think Guy Pierce is wonderful though : )

I'm going to read up on detox. I figure I eat too much sugar and french fries so it might be a good idea to be healthy for 2 days or so and then start from scratch again (or as close to scratch as you can get in 48 hours)

Monday, November 4, 2002


I painted my hallway (which starts downstairs and climbs the stairs and encompasses the entire upstairs hallway as well) I painted it yellow. When I was looking for the color, my swatch seemed nude, beige with a hint of sunshine, however, when I put 3 gallons of it on a wall...the biggest wall in the house...well, it's a little rainbow-esque. I'm not saying a don't like it because I actually think I love it! My poor kitty needs sunglasses though. It's rather bold and not what I expected but I love it - it's fabulous. The only reason I'm posting this is in case anybody should unknowingly step into my house and find themselves confused by the cheery colors. It's so frickin' happy it's almost unbearable...but I'm soaking it up : )

I've been listening to Shania Twain over and over and over again in preparation for the wedding this weekend that I've been asked to sing at. My boyfriend is ready to kill me...or Shania, but I know he carries a slight torch for the little country songstress so I bet she's safe...