Monday, July 26, 2004

What a weekend

Music: rockford - before I forget
Book: can't recall

Spent Friday night at the Emergency vet again after checking out Dan Corrigan's portion of the spot Art exhibit in Northeast Minneapolis. My doggie is still sick. I head off to Chicago for some shows - should be fun if everyone can get healthy for the trip. Saturday night at the Entry was odd. Politics make for an unfun night of music. I guess someone has to speak out though. I enjoyed the music but the vibe was off. Could be that I hadn't slept in a while. Same routine for the rest of the weekend...up with the doggie and then trying to catch an hour of sleep to no avail. My eyes are burning at the moment but I have things to take care of so I'll just look forward to a nap around 1pm or maybe an early night when I fall asleep at 7pm tonight. Ugh.