Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Crying, crying, crying

Music: Cure
Book: So You Wanna Be A Rock & Roll Star - Slichter

Just got a $6000 quote to replace my 40 year old boiler with a brand spanking new one. I think I'll go crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head for a bit. It seemed like a good idea to take care of this in the summer when I wouldn't freeze my ass off should anything happen to my house. However, seeing as it's 90 degrees outside the ONLY thing I can think about now is the fact that I have to spend $6000 on a new boiler. Just to have heat. Ugh. My dog and cat liked the Minnegasco guy who came to check things out - so I did too. Wouldn't hurt to have commission and a job go to someone cool.

Oh and I actually got "A listed" in City Pages for my 7th Street Entry show this Saturday. But wait...ah yes...they didn't mention me, the entire blurb was about my opening act Ember Swift. Cool for her. SUCKS for me as I live in this town. At least they spelled my name correctly. That's gotta be a first for our "Entertainment Weekly" Can you detect the sarcasm?! Anyone... Anyone?!?!?!?!