Friday, July 30, 2004

in Chicago!!!!

Music: Can't recall...

I'm at Uncommon Ground listening to the best music I've heard in ages. Annie Capps from Ann Arbor and Martha's Trouble. What a beautiful night of music! I feel revived. Tonight I will sleep as my sick doggie is being tenderly cared for by my parents (thank goodness). Chicago misses me...I just know it. Feels like home : )

Monday, July 26, 2004

What a weekend

Music: rockford - before I forget
Book: can't recall

Spent Friday night at the Emergency vet again after checking out Dan Corrigan's portion of the spot Art exhibit in Northeast Minneapolis. My doggie is still sick. I head off to Chicago for some shows - should be fun if everyone can get healthy for the trip. Saturday night at the Entry was odd. Politics make for an unfun night of music. I guess someone has to speak out though. I enjoyed the music but the vibe was off. Could be that I hadn't slept in a while. Same routine for the rest of the weekend...up with the doggie and then trying to catch an hour of sleep to no avail. My eyes are burning at the moment but I have things to take care of so I'll just look forward to a nap around 1pm or maybe an early night when I fall asleep at 7pm tonight. Ugh.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

lovin' my band

Music: book on tape
Book: three fates

We rehearsed last night for saturday's show at the 7th Street Entry and I have to say it was wonderful. I miss playing music with those guys. I finally get a night off this evening and plan on watching movies and eating popcorn! Maybe a little yoga but I'm not pushing it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Crying, crying, crying

Music: Cure
Book: So You Wanna Be A Rock & Roll Star - Slichter

Just got a $6000 quote to replace my 40 year old boiler with a brand spanking new one. I think I'll go crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head for a bit. It seemed like a good idea to take care of this in the summer when I wouldn't freeze my ass off should anything happen to my house. However, seeing as it's 90 degrees outside the ONLY thing I can think about now is the fact that I have to spend $6000 on a new boiler. Just to have heat. Ugh. My dog and cat liked the Minnegasco guy who came to check things out - so I did too. Wouldn't hurt to have commission and a job go to someone cool.

Oh and I actually got "A listed" in City Pages for my 7th Street Entry show this Saturday. But wait...ah yes...they didn't mention me, the entire blurb was about my opening act Ember Swift. Cool for her. SUCKS for me as I live in this town. At least they spelled my name correctly. That's gotta be a first for our "Entertainment Weekly" Can you detect the sarcasm?! Anyone... Anyone?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I did something stupid

Music: Cure
Book: So You Wanna Be A Rock and Roll Star?

Last night I tried swatting at a bug and ending up shattering a pane of glass in my kitchen window. No harm no foul...well...except to the window but no one was injured. As Mr. Manager put it: "Without [my] hands we have no money" Hee hee, I thought that was funny. Never realized I was a commodity.I was able to finish "Monkeewrench" last night (by P.J. Tracey and HIGHLY recommend the book!) Because after traveling around to Home Depot and hardware stores I was beat so reading was the answer- and to top it off, that damn fly is STILL in my house. Ugh. I WAS going to organize a set list and run through in prep for Saturday's band show but never got around to it with all of my destructive chaos. Lots to do today as a result. By for now.

Monday, July 19, 2004


Music: The Cure
Book: Monkeewrench - P.J. Tracey

Great book on it's own but extra cool because it's set in Minneapolis about two blocks away from my house. I love that stuff. I'm more than a bit excited about my 7th Street Entry show this weekend: Saturday Night, with Jen Porter and Ember Swift. Woo Hoo!!!! Come one, come all, it's going to be fabulous. Tix are $5, small price to pay for some stellar music. After that I'm going to read "So you wanna be a rock and roll star" by Jacob Slighter of SemiSonic. I've heard nothing but goodness about the book. Friday night is a big deal in Northeast Minneapolis as the Spot Art organization is highlighting the work of my favorite local photographer, Dan Corrigan. Also, playing at Mayslacks at 9:30pm on Friday is Damascus Mile - fun, loud band. I'll be out and about enjoying the blazing Twin Cities music/art community.

Sunday, July 18, 2004


Music: sinead o'connor
Book: monkeewrench

Okay gig in Winona, MN. Some confusion and a double booking but we worked it out. Long drive back but I was glad to make it home last night. Enjoying a new book. Doggie is getting a little better each day. very very tired!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

My doggie is sick

Music: none
Book: Ten Big ones - Janet Evanovich

My puppy was bitten by a tick and has developed a weird tick disease - not Lyme but something I have to look up that sounds like Elixar but not quite that. The vet wrote it down so now I must do a little research. Yikes, talk about having a heart attack. I'm thinking of shortening my set in Duluth this evening just to make it back to the Twin Cities tonight to give my doggie her medicine and stop worrying about her. I'm sure she'll be fine because we're catching it early but it's frightening none-the-less. So, as a gentle reminder, if you'd like to stop down to the Amazing Grace Bakery tonight I start playing at 8pm and will probably go until 10pm instead of the posted 11pm. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 8, 2004

long time no post

Music: none
Book: moving target

I'm not having a good week. Busy, ugly, complicated...sigh...I'm waiting for Monday. Hopefully a show in Duluth will raise my spirits, but right now, so much is out of my hands that I'm simply rolling with it. It made sense to refrain from posting my blah thoughts....


Monday, July 5, 2004

the 3th

Music: none
Book: running scared

Took the doggie boating, was eaten alive by mosquitos, saw "Spy Kids" - which I loved! Must finish a few songs today and get ready for the Duluth, MN show on Saturday.