Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Music: none
Book: Face - Kooontz

I'm reading 3 books at the same time...I rarely do that but I seem be misplacing each of them the moment I put one down. Therefore I'm forced to go in search of the other two. Last night I ate something bad and spent most of my night being sick. Blahk. Mr. Manager was kind enough to bring me some gingerale, which helped considerably.

In happier news, I'm planning out my next tour stops. Seattle again and California for a stretch in February of 2005. How odd that Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland rarely seem like a trip anymore. My mind thinks "14 hours? Hah! That's nothing!" I would have fainted at the thought a mere year ago.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Ireland in October and London again this November. I'd hate for my passport to get bored. I haven't touched my guitar since Sunday and am itching to write down all the songs from my tour. For some reason, open mic sounds like a good time tonight...possibly because I'm intruigued with the concept of only playing for 10 minutes. At the moment, that sounds like heaven.