Sunday, June 13, 2004


Music: Mindy Smith
Book: All that remains

Lots of driving but it's going rather quickly as the landscape is so gorgeous. I asked Mr. manager to post a bit for me about climbing the world's tallest mountain today but I actually survived it. Rocks...mudslides, torrential rains and blazing sun - and that was only in the first 30 minutes. I ran home though to soak in a tube just in case I was going to be sore tomorrow. No aches or pains yet. Dogs are everywhere so I'm surviving without my pets even though I miss them. I'm off to Cheyenne on Monday morning and then Colorado then Nebraska and Kansas etc etc etc. Music from "The Unsinkable Molly Brown: is raging around in my head. Hee hee. Bozeman is a darling town and terribly friendly...I haven't passed a soul who didn't wish me a good day or a beautiful morning. Unreal! My typing is awful, I'm sorry, I'm rushing off to sound check now but the computer was free in the lobby lounge of the hotel so I grabbed it. Next time I'm thinking about bringing friends with me so I have someone to experience all this Western glory with, but not talking for days on end until I reach a gig is doing wonders for my voice...I have the strength of 10 Celine Dions. Bad reference : )