Tuesday, June 29, 2004

3 Doors Down

Music: Dolly Parton
Book: Nanny Diaries

Hopefully big concert tonight at Xcel: 3 Doors Down and Nickelback. Fun fun. My birthday is coming up shortly and I might get to take a fun little trip but we'll see how it pans out. Must workout this evening, yoga probably because I've been ingesting fast food like it's going out of style - yoga will set me back on track. Sweetie Pie hates the fireworks that have been going off with alarming frequently the closer we get to the 4th of July. That needs to end as it's driving everyone in the neighborhood crazy. Much to do, gotta run.

Sunday, June 27, 2004


Music: Joan Osborne
Book: Wild Orchids

Political people are driving me nuts. I went strolling around St. Paul before semi-crashing soundcheck for Nickleback and 3 Doors Down at Xcel this afternoon. On Grand Ave I was stopped by a few people (at separate times) petitioning for both Bush and Kerry however, it was so negative and aggressive that it pissed me off. I wouldn't even consider it campaigning: Slogans like "Defeat Bush!" or "Down with Kerry!" say nothing about principles, beliefs or a better America...it just sounds like hate to me. Sad. I've heard about as much bass as I can take so I'm skipping out, heading back home to read a book with my puppy. Once again...ugh.

Friday, June 25, 2004

A weekend of visual entertainment

Music: Mindy Smith (yes again, can't stop listening)
Book: Almost finished with Face - Koontz

I purchased Janet Evanovich's "Ten Big Ones" yesterday but handed it over to a friend so I would finish the book I have first. Last night I rented "Fourplay" with Irene Jacob and Colin Firth and laughed so hard I spit out my drink twice! That's never happened before. Rather dark for a comedy but I thought it was wonderfully done. Not for eveyone though...some might find it off and possibly depressing. Anywho...then I started watching "Secret Window" but got sleepy so I called it quits and went to bed. Ah...Stephen King. I'm finally feeling rested again and can't wait to find an open mic to hit in the Twin Cities! The Darkness is in town for a show tonight...uhm...honestly, it's the only music that makes me twitch uncomfortably. Spinal Tap, but for real. Glad I'm not going. Can't say the same for Mr. Manager though *sigh*

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Music: none
Book: Face - Kooontz

I'm reading 3 books at the same time...I rarely do that but I seem be misplacing each of them the moment I put one down. Therefore I'm forced to go in search of the other two. Last night I ate something bad and spent most of my night being sick. Blahk. Mr. Manager was kind enough to bring me some gingerale, which helped considerably.

In happier news, I'm planning out my next tour stops. Seattle again and California for a stretch in February of 2005. How odd that Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland rarely seem like a trip anymore. My mind thinks "14 hours? Hah! That's nothing!" I would have fainted at the thought a mere year ago.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Ireland in October and London again this November. I'd hate for my passport to get bored. I haven't touched my guitar since Sunday and am itching to write down all the songs from my tour. For some reason, open mic sounds like a good time tonight...possibly because I'm intruigued with the concept of only playing for 10 minutes. At the moment, that sounds like heaven.

Monday, June 21, 2004


Music: Mindy Smith
Book: The Face - Koontz

Where to begin? Should I break the trip up by state? Or possibly by show? Order of fun? Levels of disaster? Glad to be back, glad to have gone. I had a lovely, but definitely exhausting time of it.

I traveled to Aberdeen, South Dakota (only to discover cities called Aberdeen in both Montana AND Wyoming. Weird) School had been out for about a week, therefore attendance at the Red Rooster was less than the normal college crowd. People still drifted in ¡V prompted by a charming article in the paper and flyers peppering the entire venue. Since Mr. Manager and I go to a lot of hard work and effort creating, printing and mailing posters, it is always nice when the establishment takes the time to distribute them. Self explanatory to some, but you¡¦d be surprised how many posters sit behind the counter untouched until I ask about them. Grrr.

I almost drove off the road when I reached the Badlands of North Dakota. Gorgeous! Montana just got prettier! Actually until I reached Kansas I couldn't have been more in awe of the landscape. Bozeman proved to be a daunting city, but only because I tried hiking a mountain twice the size of Olympia. Recovery was slow and luckily I didn¡¦t start hurting until the morning after my show at Leaf and Bean. Due to the distance separating Minneapolis from Montana, I think it¡¦ll be a while before I can return but I hope to do so as soon as possible. The town was inviting and gave me quite the welcome.

Wyoming made me fall in love with cowboys and convicts¡Kin that order. I was invited out for a drink or two with several groups of show attendees from Zen¡¦s. We had a hysterical conversation about prison and politics while enjoying a beverage at the Hitching post. Fun town and I hear there¡¦s a big party in May every year during Frontier Days. Giddy-up¡Knext year maybe *sigh *

Colorado promised me sun and beauty but delivered rain and fog so I was unable to enjoy the mountains as much as I¡¦d hoped. Tuesday was a benefit show for a guy named Jules who is getting kicked by cancer at an alarmingly young age. It was a raging party of a fundraiser but a depressing night. My fingers are crossed that we raised a good chunk of change to help out with his bills and expenses. I went home sad and thoughtful. Next I hit Englewood for more rain and fog (thankfully I missed the tornadoes that struck southern Colorado) and took myself off to a movie theatre to escape the rotten weather. Show was a good time and I ran into some folks from high school that had relocated to Denver. Amazing how many long lost faces my career is able to track down.

Hastings Nebraska was an amazing show. Small town, huge crowd filled with listeners. I was invited back for their Memorial Day music festival next year. Here¡¦s hoping it works out with my schedule. The only hitch of the evening was the 4-year-old kleptomaniac who tried stealing my money jar, CDs and finally the TAYLOR guitar before his mother and I yanked it away from his greedy little hand. Never had that happen before and maybe I¡¦ll laugh about it in a few years but my heart just started beating normally again from when I tore my guitar back from his thieving little hands. Ugh.

Kansas isn't much to look at and when I arrived 4 hours before the show I had high hopes of locating a book store to pass the time but after asking no fewer than 4 PEOPLE where I could find one ¡V and receiving a vehement ¡§no idea¡¨ accompanied by a blank stare, well, I gave up. The ¡¥Choke was cool, kind people who bought a ton of CDs and dropped more than the suggested amount into the money donation jar and a lively crowd, but I was tired and missing my pets and Mr. Manager so I hightailed it out of the city as fast as I could.

More stuff happened but as I said before. Still tired. I need a break and have to take care of touring junk for the next round of shows. Happy to be home¡KI¡¦d be happier in bed though ƒº

Saturday, June 19, 2004


Music: Mindy Smith
Book: Widow

Tired. Must sleep. Going out for Sushi instead. Hmmmm.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Music: Mindy Smith
Book: All that remains

Lots of driving but it's going rather quickly as the landscape is so gorgeous. I asked Mr. manager to post a bit for me about climbing the world's tallest mountain today but I actually survived it. Rocks...mudslides, torrential rains and blazing sun - and that was only in the first 30 minutes. I ran home though to soak in a tube just in case I was going to be sore tomorrow. No aches or pains yet. Dogs are everywhere so I'm surviving without my pets even though I miss them. I'm off to Cheyenne on Monday morning and then Colorado then Nebraska and Kansas etc etc etc. Music from "The Unsinkable Molly Brown: is raging around in my head. Hee hee. Bozeman is a darling town and terribly friendly...I haven't passed a soul who didn't wish me a good day or a beautiful morning. Unreal! My typing is awful, I'm sorry, I'm rushing off to sound check now but the computer was free in the lobby lounge of the hotel so I grabbed it. Next time I'm thinking about bringing friends with me so I have someone to experience all this Western glory with, but not talking for days on end until I reach a gig is doing wonders for my voice...I have the strength of 10 Celine Dions. Bad reference : )

Friday, June 11, 2004


Music: Italian
Book: Countess

Made it to Abderdeen. Quiet, cool town. No cell phone coverage from the border into South Dakota on. Yikes. Praying for safe travels and strong tires. Miss my loves already though.

Monday, June 7, 2004

Happy Hour

Music: Pink
Book: Running Scared

Went to happy hour at Rock Bottom with about 95 other people. Good times, believe it or not. Slightly sleepy this evening, but I think it's due to the heat. Weird humidity today...not condusive to creativity. Must shower now. Bye bye.

Sunday, June 6, 2004


Music: Heart
Book: Rule of Four

Last night at Lee's was a big treat. I got to see a bunch of new bands, hear some Minneapolis live music that I miss a lot being on tour. I'm almost finished with the Rule of Four - I might be a little sad when it's over...or for the first time in my life I might just start reading the book all over again. Oh and we're going to see Harry Potter this afternoon. *smile*

Saturday, June 5, 2004

Show tonight

Music: None
Book: Rule of Four

Excellent book...very insightful. I feel like posting a quote or two but the list of possible entries is endless - they are all wonderful. Just go out and buy the book please. Mr. Manager and I are headed out to dinner before the GINA for missing persons show at Lee's Liquor Lounge this evening. Wicked storm happening at the moment: lightning, thunder, rain...Minneapolis is such a fun place to live. *hee hee* My little nephew is getting baptized this weekend in Cleveland, I'm absent, of course because of my shows. I'll see the kid get dunked in water some other time. Next week is the west tour which I'm anxious to begin as I've never played that way and would like to make friends and hopefully fans during the trip. I hope to see some of you tonight at Lee's for the benefit show. Cheers.

Thursday, June 3, 2004


Music: Essential Heart
Book: In Babylon

I tracked down a HEART compilation CD - I love it. It's been too long since I've heard Ann Wilson's voice! Fell asleep awfully early last night but I feel wonderful this morning. Birthday party to attend later on this evening in Minneapolis and then MSP airport tomorrow night!

Wednesday, June 2, 2004


Music: Sista Otis
Book: The Hier

Mr. Manager and I went to see the Rockford Band at the Fineline last night. Ben Johnson, the talented bass player who joined me on "Mulligan" was playing in his band Rockford. Good times. I'm a bit sleepy now though...

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Rain rain rain

Music: Pimsleur Italian
Book: In Babylon - Marcel Moring

Just started the book so I have no idea how it's going yet. I wrote another song last night - the rain inspired me. I want to thank everyone who signed up for the mailing list at the airport on Friday night and pass on the hope that you receive my updates. Maybe I'm going blind or perhaps many of you were rushing to a gate but half of it is chicken scrawl so if you check into the website and realize you aren't receiving any mail then please sign up again via clicking on my cute puppy at the home page. I apologize for not being able to read it all right.

I watched "Children of the Century" with Juliet Binoche last night. Long time since I've been able to soak up a foreign film. Interesting story. Much to do. Gotta run.