Monday, November 1, 2004


Music: Country
Book: Killing Dance - Laurell K. Hamilton

The Dolly Parton concert was wonderful on Friday night. I ran myself ragged over the weekend so I'm sorry for the late post. My only critique of the concert would be the lack of full songs...Dolly's set list was more revue style with only one verse and one chorus of a song bleeding into another song and then another. Her banter with the audience (while scripted) was delightful. She is a true entertainer and a marvelous songwriter. What a treat! If you get the chance - buy tickets to the show.

In other news: I am so tired of political TV/Radio/Mail ads right now I could scream. In one half-hour program on Sunday I saw at least a dozen ads, but I stopped counting at 10. Guess what? If you haven't decided who to vote for by now you could be the dumbest person alive. You know what you believe and what the candidates stand for so make a choice. Is anyone truly swayed by that 10 second radio spots not endorsed by either candidate but just by the party? Harsh, but it's how I feel. We've been bombarded with nothing but politics the entire summer and fall - even if you had wanted to, you couldn't have hidden from the information. My point being - I don't think the ads and brochures are helping; I feel it's wasted money and that makes me a little angry and quite sad. But as long as you vote - I guess you're forgiven. (you probably don't care what I think though and that's okay)

My next show is the Heartland in Chicago on Sunday, November 14th. I haven't played there since I was in college so it will be fun to go back. The last two weeks of November are packed full of shows all over the midwest so you can come out, enjoy the music and start your christmas shopping early by picking up a CD or two or three for family and friends. Now I have to get back to 2005 bookings.