Friday, October 29, 2004

well hello Dolly

Music: a terribly off key CD - I can't name
Book: Bloody Bones - Hamilton

I finished "Lunatic Cafe" and am almost done with "Bloody Bones"; I must admit the Anita Blake Vampire series is getting better and better. Dolly Parton concert is tonight at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul...luckily I don't have to be there until 8:30 so I can nap and then take in some good ol' country music. Mr Manager and I watched "Walking Tall" last night and I drooled all through the movie but especially when the Rock took his shirt off. * yummy* Oh, I'm drooling again. I've had a rush of CD orders through the website and stores which pleases me greatly and I wanted to thank those of you purchasing the catalog enmasse. Hope you enjoy the music! Have a lovely weekend...I wish I could sleep straight through it.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Music: none
Book: Dust to dust - Tami Hoag

So-so book, Tami Hoag's other works have been more to my liking. I did end up enjoying the Hamilton book, now I have to start off on the rest of the Anita Blakes series.

I played Aberdeen, South Dakota on Saturday and went up against the opening night of the Rocky Horror Picture show - apprently half the town was cast. Enough of a crowd showed up by showtime to make the trip worthwhile. Odd show though. I slept through most of Sunday to recoup from driving straight there and back. Not always a wise choice but I was wide awake & just wanted my own bed. It's hard to sleep in a hotel when home is only a few hours away. Plus, I've been listening to the audio book of "Dragonfly in Amber" which I've read before but the actress on tape is wonderful and has brought the story to life for me once again!

I'm planning out my winter tour of 2005 and it's looking like Nashville, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas for the month of February - a break from the winter chill of the Twin Cities : )

Friday, October 22, 2004

South Dakota

Music: Holly Williams
Book: Laughing Corpse - Laurell K. Hamilton

I've begun the Anita Blake Vampire series by Laurell K. Hamilton...I'm not a fan yet, but the book is interesting enough. I hear the series becomes addictive around book four. Seeing as I'm a fast reader I can stick it out and muddle through the beginning of the series. I leave for South Dakota tomorrow morning; I play at 9pm on Saturday night at the Red Rooster in Aberdeen, SD. Come one come all. Tonight I was hoping to see a spooky film so we might catch "The Grudge". I've heard it's horrible but Halloween is just around the corner and I've always been good for a scare. It's fabulously gloomy, raining and dark today, not terribly cold, but very London-like weather. I absolutely LOVE IT!

South Dakota

Music: Holly Williams
Book: Laughing Corpse - Laurell K. Hamilton

I've begun the Anita Blake Vampire series by Laurell K. Hamilton...I'm not a fan yet, but the book is interesting enough. I hear the series becomes addictive around book four. Seeing as I'm a fast reader I can stick it out and muddle through the beginning of the series. I leave for South Dakota tomorrow morning; I play at 9pm on Saturday night at the Red Rooster in Aberdeen, SD. Come one come all. Tonight I was hoping to see a spooky film so we might catch "The Grudge". I've heard it's horrible but Halloween is just around the corner and I've always been good for a scare. It's fabulously gloomy, raining and dark today, not terribly cold, but very London-like weather. I absolutely LOVE IT!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Good/Bad shows

Music: Holly Williams
Book: How to make love like a porn star - Jenna Jameson

Jenna's autobiography is fascinating...but I don't recommend reading it during lunch at Perkins in Lincoln, Nebraska. People look at you funny.

About tour: The first time I played Hastings, NE - it was wonderful. Kind audience, beautiful day, CDs sold etc...This time around, there wasn't an empty seat in the venue, but there was a table of teenagers who laughed, cackled, yelled and shouted during my entire set. The room was silent save for the occasional coffee steamer in the background and the shouting match happening in the front of Blue Moon. I mention it because the rest of the audience was so kind and attentive that it was so distracting and embarrassing for the venue, for myself and the other patrons that so few could ruin a show for so many. I left very upset, but still plan to return for their music festival over Memorial weekend in May of 2005. For those nice people who stayed and clapped and expressed gratitude for my coming back to Hastings...thank you, thank you and thank you again for the warm welcome and quiet curtesy. It was a very rough show and your support stopped me from throwing a coffee mug across the room and screaming like a banshee before quitting the show all together. Believe me...I wanted to - that could be the sole benefit of being one's own employer.

Omaha was an entirely different story! Mick's Music and Bar is extraordinary. Great room, unbelievably sound and's simply an electric vibe! Theresa opened (wonderful rhythmic guitar playing) and everyone in the audience stayed for my set - even though it was late on a Sunday night and no one had ever heard of me before. I was charmed and absolutley grateful to be allowed the opportunity to play there. I was so hyped about it that I sailed home - 6 straight hours - only stopping once for gas and a bathroom break. I was wide awake when I rolled into the Twin Cities at 5:30am this morning. Music is better than caffeine. Tonight I will probably dream of Omaha.

On a side note: one of my books on tape this weekend was "Holy Fools" by Joanne Harris. I definitely recommend the read. It's full of witchcraft, gypsies, church scandal and murder all set at an French abbey in the year 1610. Quite an engrossing tale!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Boiler hell

Music: none
Book: none

Is that an oxymoron? Install of boiler I'm looking at options. Maybe Florida? Ugh. I read eveything Karie Marie Moning has written and now am in search of a different kind of book. We'll see what I find. Label showcase is this Thursday at Escape and then I'm off to Omaha & Hastings for some fun shows in the middle of America. I'm looking forward to a vacation, but have no idea when that will be. Once again I'd like to remind everyone that Gilmore Girls is on TV this evening and should not be missed. I'm going to roll up in a ball and cry now. At least I'm writing songs and that makes the world a bit more tolerable today.

Thursday, October 7, 2004

It's official this year sucks

Music: NPR
Book: Dark Highlander - Karen Marie Moning

Moning writes hot, steaming romance novels - fabulous reading. Hedonistic pleasure at its best. In other news: many songs have been written these past few weeks and I'm feeling a bit melancholy about letting them go. That's okay every once in a while. Also, my bank account is sad news.

So far in 2004 my water heater went in March then I got squirrels in my attic around April, July I started looking for a new boiler and low and behold it went bad in September so I had asbestos removed on Monday and the new boiler goes in on October 19th. (Not to mention the ankle injury over Labor Day Weekend - and my numerous trips to the vet with my sick dog Sweetie Pie) And THEN last night I heard a strange rattling in my engine when I idled, which goes away in park, so I took it to my friendly Ford dealer and found out my transmission fluid needs replacing as does my power steering, the right headlight is out and they haven't pinpointed the rattling but it doesn't look good. I swear 2005 can't come fast enough. Touring is the only thing making me smile. So in a nutshell: I wanted to thank everyone for buying CDs (because it keeps me out of bankruptcy) and especially for coming out to see my shows as I roam about the country. When all is lost, we still have hope.

Monday, October 4, 2004


Music: none
Book: none

Maybe I should become a hermit... I could still write music and hang out with my dog I think.

Friday, October 1, 2004


Music: Mike Doughty
Book: Moning "Highland something"

Sorry to be absent...I've been working and writing and reading. Rainy day in the Twin Cities. Apparently it's going to be quite cold this evening. I'd be excited except for the fact that I have no heat. Ah well...

I need a new winter coat and some tennis shoes so it's a mandatory shopping night. Off to MOA.