Wednesday, December 31, 2003


Still sick. Sore Throat. New Year's Eve is not looking like a party - and yet I am still determined to go : ) what a tropper huh? I'm currently listening to Tori Amos' "Little Earthquakes" which is a delight as I bought it in 1991 when I was a freshman in highschool but it's still brilliant.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003


I'm fighting off a nasty cold. Blahk. I hate it when my throat is sore. Things are falling into place for CD #4 and my website is going through some changes. I'm car shopping and it makes my eyes cross but it's still kind of fun. Tonight I plan on slamming some B&B and going straight to bed (after a bubble bath of course)

*sigh* How awfully girly huh?

Monday, December 29, 2003


Due to the generosity of family and friends I have replenished my book list of 'to read's. Currently I'm smack dab in the middle of "Holy Blood Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln. Marvelous read. Full of intrigue surrounding the Cathars, Clement V and the Knights Templar. Love it. I've already highlighted some 30 passages because I'd like to review them later on or at least pick up some of hte reference material. Fascinating stuff. I recorded some initial tracks at Third Ear on Sunday and am quite excited about doing the CD this month, well, January anyway.

Now I'm tired, it's nap time...

Saturday, December 27, 2003


It's Mr. Manager's birthday today. I'm recording some initial songs tomorrow at Third Ear, so I can pass it off to the band for when we rehearse. Fun. Tons of driving this holiday season but all my gifts were a huge success - it truly is more fun to give. But I did make out with some cool presents from family and friends. I even got a monogramed scarf - I love it. First time for everything. Off to breakfast.

P.S. I'm thrilled to be back in Minneapolis.

P.S.S Smaller show than anticipated but we still filled two rooms last Tuesday for the hosue concert. Good times.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

In Green Bay

Gig tonight at the parent's house. Good be 20 people could be 200. Should be interesting. At least the pets are happy with the tree : )

Saturday, December 20, 2003


For quite some time, I've had callouses on my left hand fingertips...compliments of the Taylor guitar. But this week has created callouses on my callouses and now I've split my fingers open. Possibly a combination of cold and dry and snow and song, but a strange part of me feels like Jimi Hendrix. Rock star...woo hoo!

I've written 6 or 7 complete new songs and fragements of a dozen others. This poses an interesting question - do I record them in January or not? I usually like to settle into a song by playing it at least 500 times and most of those times live by the way. However, new songs bring an excitement so unique that it's hard to stay away from them. Hence, the bloody broken fingertips. Subsonsciously I believe I'm trying to play the new songs 500 times all in one week to make them fair game for CD number four. I'm weird...I know.

I might have fuond a drummer and Mr. Possible Bass Player is stopping by the afternoon for an audition. Fun.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Snow and stuff

Last night was an interesting x-mas party with free CD take-aways. Strange, but good. I think. Then it snowed, but everything was light, fluffy and pretty. I'm in the middle of a so-so book and looking forward to something I can really enjoy. Suggestions? Maybe this is a good thing with all the music writing and guitar splurging.

I've decided I want to learn how to play the drums, but haven't told my dog about it yet.

The holidays tire me out, but I do love presents. Buying them is most often the best part for me, but today I received a Christopher Radko kitten ornament that is absolutely to die for. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Sweet huh?

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Emmylou Harris - Stumble Into Grace

I just finished a CD review and thought I would post it on my journal as well hand it in. I finished writing another song last night too. It's called 'Something to Betray'; despite the title it's a happy song. Honest. The only problem is wanting to add all these new tunes to my CD next month. Don't worry...I'll figure it all out...

Emmylou Harris
Stumble into Grace

I know it’s girly but I have to say that the CD jacket for ‘Stumble into Grace’ is beautiful. After seeing Emmylou perform last year I was amazed at her poise and elegance. Well, that vibrant dimension of her character shows through in every picture, every promo, and every video clip. She’s a stunner, there’s no two ways about it. That being said…how she looks has nothing to do with her voice, but lucky for us – it fits. My exposure to Emmylou began with ‘Red Dirt Girl’. You might be wondering what hole I lived in during the 1990’s when ‘Wrecking Ball’ soared over mainstream radio. Uhm, I was still listening to Madonna. Needless to say, I’ve been making up for lost time. A word of warning though: fans of ‘Red Dirt Girl’ might be a bit surprised by the bare bones sound and soft production woven through the music. Emmylou’s voice is clear as a bell and somewhat eerie at times. Her knack for poignant lyrics that romanticize the mundane hook the listener with the usual degree of force, but her newest release is quite different from her previous recordings. Recently, she appeared to be moving towards pop music, but ‘Stumble into Grace’ yanks her back to folk with a vengeance. ‘Stumble’ is a beautiful creation full of life and vivid imagery. Well worth the listen and delightfully full of surprises. (Killer track: number four - Time in Babylon)

Monday, December 15, 2003

Linda Eder - so so

Saturday night, my mother and I went to see Linda Eder at the State Theatre. I first heard Eder's music in high school from a Broadway CD, Jeckel & Hyde. She had such a clear, powerful voice that I got hooked. So when I heard she was passing through Minneapolis this December, I thought it worth while to check her out LIVE. Well, yes, she is a gifted performer. Eder plays to the audience, sucking a song for all it's worth, but...I guess I'd skip her Christmas show. Anyone can sing 'Silent Night' or 'Here comes Santa Claus' but why would they want to? And who wants to hear that?

Orginally from Brianerd Minnesota (I didn't know that until Saturday - and spelling?) Linda Eder has connections and heart strings woven into the Twin Cities. As a result, a Minnesota choir joined her on stage this weekend and it was absolutely disasterous. This choir was from some western suburb and had the word 'gospel' in their name but they were uneven, tone deaf and literally wretched. What an awful way to ruin a beautiful concert. Eder's band was a perfect fit but the choir oozed into the crevice of any song they were allowed to sing. I couldn't get out of the theatre fast enough. The sad part about my post is that I'm not being very fair. Why should an amateur choir be held up to the same standards of a professional entertainer? They shouldn't...unless of course the audience forked up $50 per person for a ticket price. A local 'hobby' choir just shouldn't have been invited or allowed to perform with a Broadway/Recording artist. Not a good fit.

I am glad I went to see the show as I've wanted to hear Eder live for quite a while, but maybe I'll post some requests for a solo show on her message board...

Saturday, December 13, 2003


I got some pictures from the Barking Spider and Xhedos...I'll try and post them. Too bad many of you will not be able to feel the sensation from the shows. It was an indescribable tour. My mother and I are going to see Linda Eder this evening (She's the vocals from Jeckel and Hyde the musical) Stunning voice. I've always liked her singing. Fun Christmas event. Recording is looking great for next month. Woo Hoo!!!!

More later...

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Can't talk...too busy writing...

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Spectacular blizzard in the Twin Cities yesterday. Driving was a slow go, but the view was worth it. Plus I turned on my heated matress pad and crawled into bed looking out at the pretty snow. I finally slept last the dead. It's official - I can only last 5 days on four hours of sleep a night. Good to know huh? Christmas party tonight, but I will make time for my guitar. Songs are just swirling inside my head. It's a wonder I haven't started speaking in rhyme and verse. Odd.

I'm still listening to Kyle Vincent. Good thing he lives on the coast, otherwise I'd have to worry about a restraining order. By the way, I trust you're all amused instead of frightened. No worries, I'm as close to sane as is humanly possible....for me that is.

I'm off to work a fundraiser. Toodles.

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Kyle, Kyle and more Kyle

I didn’t want to come back. Returning to Minneapolis was the hardest thing to do. Kyle Vincent, LIVE, is beyond description. Who would have thought it was possible to fall in love at first sight? Because I did…I fell in love with his songs, his voice. His music is love to me. If you check into my web journal you know that I caught a glimpse of Kyle in Boston at NEMO back in September and immediately ordered every CD he composed because my first impression of the performance was breathtaking…and I was right.

My heart is, as most of you know, already owned and operated by Mr. Manager, so there’s no room for anyone else. But the strange thing about music is that it opens up the spirit and makes your heart bigger. Do you believe in past lives or souls that keep meeting up over and over again regardless of time or circumstance? I have always believed, or better yet, known. There have been people who seem familiar before a handshake or even a hello. Kyle is one of those souls. He and I both joked about being long lost siblings. I even called my parents to double check if there was a secret love child, possibly missing for 20-some years. No such luck…I can still hope though.

Every night, hearing Kyle play, feeling him sing, I just radiated happiness. For 3 nights straight I didn’t get more than 4 hours of sleep per night because I was still high from the music. Kyle is a drug. All of you lucky bastards in Pittsburg get to see his show tonight. I hate you. I want to be with you. Monday was a vacation day so he rested while I drove back to Minnesota. Through rain and snow I constantly fought the urge to turn the car around and follow him to the next show. Opening for him was lovely, but hearing him play is religious. I played ‘Solitary Road’, his newest release about 7 times back to back to back on the drive home and I still want more.

If Kyle didn’t have a cat, a rabbit and a girlfriend, I’d kidnap him and keep him safe and sound in a spare bedroom, or I’d build him a studio and shower him with presents so that he would sing for me. Visitors could come and listen of course because it would be selfish and wrong to stifle his genius, but I want him closer, I want him here, I want his music to be mine. Go see his shows, go hear his voice and experience his music – you will be forever changed for the better.

Yes, I’m insane. What do you expect after having a spiritual ZEN moment?! An epiphany! I’m only human. Kyle’s the god. It sounds surreal…like propaganda…can it be true? Yes. Yes. Yes, it’s true and it gets better. His ‘people’ are tremendous workers – they define the meaning of support!

Carolyn – goddess of merchandise. Thank you for all of your help. Kyle is blessed to have you around. I wish I could have said good bye one more time.

Candy – lovely to meet you. Thanks for all your help and cooperation. I am now determined to visit Nebraska.

Carl – (does anyone else sense a theme?) I suspect you gave me a very, VERY generous music tip at the fabulous Case bar, the Barking Spider. You hot piece of yummy construction….don’t change and rock on with your music.

I need to rest. I need to write music. I need to listen to Kyle Vincent again….

Thursday, December 4, 2003


Byebye. See you in Chicago, or Detroit or Cleveland - where ever. I can't take my puppy along with me this time because of the weather. *sigh* I'll be fine...I just haven't traveled without a companion for a while...thank goodness I got an MP3 player as an early Christmas gift to keep me company on the road. I have shopping to do in Chicago (just an excuse to spend money) and I have Christmas gifts to drop off at every tour stop. It's called multi-tasking. Gotta Love it. I bought tickets for me and my mother to see Linda Eder in Minneapolis when I return to the Twin Cities. Now my only problem is finding a tree and decorating the whole damn thing before I leave town. Possible? Probably not, but I'm still going to try.
