Monday, June 30, 2003

Fall on Your Knees

I finished "Fall on Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald. There are no words. She's a remarkable writer. I'm reminded of "The Usual suspects"...that movie with Kevin Spacey, in the sense that the story evolves out of order, and yet wouldn't seem to make sense any other way. The story pulled me in so deep I couldn't distinguish the characters from reality. I had to tell myself that I was reading a book. The family stayed with me, I thought about them all weekend, at the farmer's market, at the mall and out to dinner. I was consumed by this book. It's perfect and breathtaking and...wonderous. Please read it...if only to have the experience.

"She thinks music is already out there floating around and it's up to us to give it an opening into our world so we can hear it. As though the world were full of music we can't hear with 'the naked ear'...the song is shimmering around me like air in the desert, and all I have to do is welcome it. So I closed my eyes and opened myself up and let the song pass through me..." from "Fall On Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald

Friday, June 27, 2003

Tonite - Eagle Street Grill

Stop by the Eagle Street Grill tonight...I'll be playing from 9:00-12:30am.

In other non-music related gibberish, I'm almost finished with "Fall on Your Knees" by Ann-Marie McDonald. Quite an astonishing debut for a novel.

Thursday, June 26, 2003


Tomorrow night is my show at the Eagle Street Pub right across from the Xcel Center, 3 sets 9pm-12am. Should be fun...stop down and say hello. A friend of mine was kind enough to book a house concert, right here in Minneapolis (well actually St. Paul) for early fall. We'll post it once the details are ironed out. Last night I finished Harry Potter, book was very sad. Still, a satisfying read. The library is calling me as I have books to return and authors to track down and check out. Oh, 2 gigs next Friday and Saturday at Keegan's Pub in Northeast Minneapolis on University just over the Hennepin can stop by right after the fireworks. It's not like you have to work the next day...right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Last night I had a wonderful dinner at Uncle Frnaky's Hot Dog place followed by a movie. Mr. Manager and I caught a late showing of 'Finding Nemo' which was completely enchanting. Take any child, parent or friend - they will enjoy the movie. Now I'm looking forward to the DVD. Sick I know, but...oh well. I'm half way through Harry Potter.

Monday, June 23, 2003


I wrote a song last of right now - no title. Booked a few Minneapolis gigs for the next two weeks (strange how that happens quickly sometimes). I finished "Prey" by Michael Crighton on Saturday - wonderful book on the consequences of biology, evolution and improving on creation. Like the rest of the world I purchased Harry Potter over the weekend so now I'm in the middle of Hogwarts. It's stormy, grey and perfect ideal day.

Friday, June 20, 2003

Fleetwood Mac

I'm off to see Fleetwood Mac this evening...but now, I need a nap :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2003


Busy busy. Happy birthday sister turns 22 today...all the way in London so she's actually been that age for more than a few hours already. I'll be joining her overseas for a little fun and frolick mid July - which is fast approaching. Dinners to attend, receipts to organize and hotels to book are keeping me busy. For those of you from the tour who came out to say hello....Looks like I'll be back in late summer early fall for some more music! Thanks again! Cheers!


Thank you to everyone who took time to vote for me during Grainbelt's Local Legend competition. Unfortunately, I did not advance to the top 5. Nevertheless, your support and encouragement was and is still greatly appreciated.


Monday, June 16, 2003


Short but sweet. I'm tired, I have blisters underneath my calluses (did I spell that right?) and I have no idea how that happened. It was wonderful to visit new places and meet fabulous and crazy fans in every state. My puppy missed me dearly but the kitty was just as demanding when it came to welcome home hugs and kisses. My cousins, Mike and Bridget came out to see the show at Uncommon Ground and my friend Lindsey drove all the way from Madison to catch up. My travels were surrounded by family and friends making it the best one so far. Thank you to all who have supported me and continue to champion live music performed by unsigned, independent artists.

Peace Out!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

From the Road

I just had to take a few seconds to say thank you to everyone who has stopped out to see a show so far. I'm having an absolute blast on the road and each night is better than the next. I'm crashing in Cleveland this evening and then it's off to Zhedos Cafe outside of Detroit Michigan. Enjoy your CD's (I'm so happy you've been buying them) and I promise to return soon.

Love and other indoor sports - Anne

Friday, June 6, 2003

Random music and movies

: ""
Mr. Manager and I watched 8 Mile last night. Having lived in Detroit when I was very little I still recall some of the gross poverty and destitution of the inner city (while I didn't live IN the city, you couldn't avoid it) Anyway, I was impressed with the movie and with Eminem. Brittney Murphy was a strange casting choice for the girlfriend because I kept thinking to myself, 'what is that cute girl from Clueless doing having raunchy sex in an automobile factory?' But that's just my humble opinion : )

Since 'Slim Shady' was released I've developed a taste for Eminem's music. Having soaked up L'il Kim, Missy Elliot and DMX with a vengenace, I was more than primed for some cutting edge rap music (if you can even call it that). I love his music, I appreciate his honesty and am blown away by his ability to phrase. Lyrics and meaning are one thing, but irony, self deprication and a sense of humor mixed into one big song that people still want to listen to is damn near a miracle. Looks like I'll have to pick up 'The Eminem show' for the road...that should make for an interesting set of tour gigs, n'est pas?

I'm off on the road again tonight. Wish me luck and please come out to say hello and listen for a bit if you can. This tour is comprised of a bunch of new venues and I'm really excited to play. Once again, keep voting for me on or (home page) for Local Legend of the Twin Cities. Say it with me..."FREE BEER!"

Thursday, June 5, 2003


I finished "Priestess of Avalon" which was standard prose for Marion Zimmer Bradley, although she died just before completing the novel and it was finished by Diana L. Paxson (who shares credit on the jacket sleeve). There's a switch in the voice, but it's still a worthy read. Hungry for more, the first book I grabbed yesterday was "The Cradle Will Fall" by Mary Higgins Clark. I can't recall every reading her but she's an extremely beloved mystery writer. I'm only about 50 pages into the story but it's truly entertaining. It's odd though, that the reader learns the real killer at about page 30, but there's still danger and intruige. Worth a shot anyway. My journey to NY starts Saturday and I hope many of you across the country can make a show on my travels to the East Coast and back through the Midwest.

Please keep voting for me during the Local Legends Contest on or as your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Peace out...

Tuesday, June 3, 2003


Better late than never? I'm just getting around to chatting about the Gallery Cabaret in Chicago - it was great. Chicago was freezing cold, but there were 3 dogs in the bar (very friendly) and a surprising number of early attendees to the show. During set up I got to chat with some friends from high school who now live in Chicago - it was awfully sweet of them to drop in to say hi and check out the music. A last minute opener ended up on the bill and I apologize, but I can't recall the name of their band (sorry). Wonderful guitar sounds and a vibrant energy to their music. The vocals were a little soft, but we were set up for a night of acoustic music and just didn't have the time to redo everything. Still enjoyable for them and us. I wish them was their very first show!

Nancy Connelly played a lovely set and I'd like to take a moment to urge her to record!!! My favorite song of hers is called "Love on Command" - beautiful songwriting and a very sensual voice delivering the poetry. "Bloody Christmas" was a thought provoking ballad about war and she literally brought the house down. Chicago welcomed me back with open arms and if anyone is traveling through Bucktown near Western Ave, I strongly urge you to stop into the Gallery for an eclectic jukebox, wonderful drinks, live music and a good feeling of comfort. The 14 hours of back-and-forth driving was a little much, but worth it. I'm only bitching a bit because I turn around and head all the way out to the East coast on Friday. No worries though - I'm looking forward to it. My puppy kept me company and I got to have a quick visit with my lovely grandmother in Wisconsin. Now I need a book and some new music to kick my mind into creativity. Guess it's time for a trip to my local independent book seller, "Dreamhaven".