Friday, January 31, 2003

Switchblade Symphony

First of all, I forgot to write in my journal yesterday. Oops. And I've been getting a ton of requests for signed photos - weird. Good, but odd.

The show at Boom was wonderful. I got to hear everybody again except Tracy (she took the night off and just Emceed). I love the bar and the patrons and especially the music.

I heard a CD today while I shopping and asked what it was, they sold it and now it's in my CD Changer. There's a band called Switchblade Symphony with a track "dissolve" and initially I thought it was Sinead O'Connor doing a guest spot with Delerium. But it's a totally different group. I'm really enjoying all that I've heard so far.

I'm off to Dayton, Ohio tomorrow morning bright and early for a friend's wedding. I can't wait. Later...

Wednesday, January 29, 2003


Tonight I'll be playing at Boom again with Tracy Johnson, Hattie & MJ Kroll - that's the line-up last I heard. Many of you have e-mailed asking about the set time...uhm... well I'm not sure. I don't know the order of events right now but I'm the newest attendee so I'm thinking I'll go up somewhere around 9-ish. Everyone act is well worth checking plan on sticking around for the whole evening and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 27, 2003


I went to the Cat Show this weekend in St. Paul. Cute little kitties.

On Wednesday, January 29th, I will have the pleasure of sharing the stage with some fabulous females at BOOM in Northeast Minneapolis. More details to follow.

I have M. Doughty's song "Bottom of a well" and Ike Rielly's rap "I Don't want what you got going on" playing in my head. It's kind of nice...

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Pastor Paul's

I had a great night at First Ave for Pastor Pauls. I met some friends, old and new and from what I hear...the evening was a huge success for the mission. Cool huh? More later.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Pastor Paul

Don't forget to come down to First Ave this evening for Pastor Paul's Acoustic Garage Sale. Vendors, Music, Drinks...what more could you ask for...?

Monday, January 20, 2003


I had an interesting time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Small towns fascinate me. Driving back last night I chased the sunset, heading west faster than the world could turn I guess. The sky was a delicious shade of violet. I listened to every CD I haven't absorbed since Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed the drive. It was extremely cold though and believe it or not, Minneapolis was warmer than Wisconsin!

Employee party at First Ave tonight (friends and press and label people are invitied too I guess)

Mr. Manager and I plan on having a wonderful time.

Friday, January 17, 2003


Anybody ever read "The Story of O"? I'm in the middle of "Exit to Eden" by Anne Rice (big surprise there right?) and she mentions the book. Speaks very highly of it in fact. I'll check it out the next time I'm at the library or Dreamhaven.

Frou Frou is still the marvelous music filling my house.

I have to go find a chain saw now. Long story.

Thank you to the Star Tribune for mentioning me (along with the other participants) as a critic's pick for Pastor Paul's show next Wednesday at First Ave. Sweet huh?

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Frou Frou

I received Frou Frou's CD "Details" last night...I listened to 5 songs on the way home and 5 songs this morning. It's so wonderful! Hard to classify but definitely interesting. I'm off to visit Grandma this weekend in Wisconsin so I'll check back in the beginning of next week.

My Pastor Paul's show is Wednesday, January 22nd at First Avenue, so I hope you can make it down : )

Monday, January 13, 2003


This was a good weekend for CDs. I received "How Sweet It Is", the new Joan Osbourne adventure and Ani Difranco's double disc that has been out since fall (I'm just a little behind schedule).

I didn't even have a chance to listen to everything all the way through, but I'll get to it this week.

I also started 3 new songs, but they are all in their embryonic stages presently.I might have to release another CD in 2004 after all...

Happy Monday.

Sunday, January 12, 2003


I received a lovely e-mail from a fan this weekend with the subject line "Pointer":

"Drop the Bossy Slut mechandice. You are lossing respect and fan base."

As an artist my aim is never to offend. I create and explore and enjoy. Any of you who read my journal might have noticed, I have a sense of humor. This is where the "Bossy Slut" nickname/logo/joke comes slightly off-center self which I project through my music, my writing and live in concert.

Does anybody get tired of people telling you what to do, how to behave or maybe how to live your life? I do. This e-mail is just one of many criticisms which I receive on a daily basis. Without fail I become annoyed, offended and empowered. You don't have to like my words, my music or my lifestyle but you can respect my rights as an individual in a free fucking country to have my say.

I do not judge those around me, I have opinions which I try to express with kindness. I don't believe it is too much to ask for that in return.

Take your name off my mailing list if I offend you. Stop purchasing my music if you feel I have strayed from producing quality material but do not presume to ever tell me what to do with my life and my music.

By the way, I'm wearing an official Anne Deming "Bossy Slut" thong right now and goddamn if I'm not pleased as punch and comfy as hell.

Peace out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2003

Hard Candy

I picked up the Counting Crows new CD (it's not actually new, but I asked for it for Christmas so I've been wanting it for months and Santa didn't come through for me).

I love it! I love the music. I love the lyrics. The whole CD is a wonderful piece of art. My body starts to jiggle just thinking about the incities wild and crazy dancing.

Go pick it up tonight, if you haven't puchased "Hard Candy" already.

Tuesday, January 7, 2003


I went through a brief credit card craze last night. After a lovely dinner at the French Meadow Bakery in Uptown I felt the urge to order things over the phone. I called Lakeside Collections only to be informed that office hours were 8-5 CST. ARGH. so I picked up my Victoria's Secret catalog and ordered everything I had book-marked that wasn't out of stock or painted in pink. I felt much better after the ordeal and have a week now to look forward to the mailman arriving...packages in hand. Sick I know.

Musically, we're still working on the Easto Coast tour for spring of 2003. I'll post after everything is confirmed.


Monday, January 6, 2003


"So, I've been practicing my french much in fact that I pause before answering questions in the wrong language. Weird I know. I had a productive career meeting with Mr. Manager last night so we'll see what comes out of our brainstorming session. I purchased another Anne Rice book...just building my home library, but I haven't had the time to start it yet. Shame on me for not picking up my guitar this weekend, but I was too busy getting a massage and facial at the Red Door Salon to care one way or the other. I promise to practice more this week : ) I heard a cool CD and for the life of me can't remember who it is. Sinead O'Connor and Poe do guest vocals and it was rather cool. Deliruim like and I know it's related somehow but I can't recall the details. My brain appears fuzzy today. Maybe I should try writing again tomorrow. Peace out.

Thursday, January 2, 2003

Sex and the City

Does anybody else love watching that HBO show? I can't get enough of it. However, someone lent me the book because I'm addicted to the DVD's and I have to say I hate it. It's completely and utterly depressing! Maybe I'm not in the right frame of mind, but I'm so disheartened just imagining what these people live like. I guess Sarah Jessica Parker is just a fabulous actress who can make life interesting without seeming crass, but the book is making me cry. Being a weirdo though, I can't stop reading it. Once begun...a book must be finished. Thankfully I picked up "Con Men and Cutpurses: scenes from the Hogarthian underworld" which is my next literary escape.

Switching topics completely, I want to visit New Orleans again. To be honest, I'd actually like to live there. I know I have Anne Rice in the back of my head and all the romance of the French Quarter clouding my vision, but I had a glorious time there and I'd love to go back...maybe Valentine's Day...

Oh and I'm currently ironing out details for the East Coast tour in late winter, early spring. Fun fun fun!

Wednesday, January 1, 2003

New Years

My new years was...interesting...Fun stuff planned for 2003 though, more later : )