Monday, August 29, 2005


Music: Still Alison Krauss
Book: Damn, Why Didn't I Write That - Marc McCuthcheon

Reading books like mad. This is a week for concerts. I see Neil Diamond - yes you read right - on Wednesday, then Chadly and I head off to Iowa, my second musical home, for some Des Moines Music Shows and then it's the ROLLING STONES on Tuesday back in the Twin Cities. I should try and figure out a time to head to the Minnesota State Fair before it's over too. Hmmmm.

Hattie Peterson is coming out of musical hiding and doing a show this Friday. It's a living room show with Emm Gryner though so good luck finding a seat cushion. I'm sure it's sold out. My doggie was at the vet with severe itching and then red spots. Turns out it is just allergies. BAD allergies, but allergies none-the-less. Now she's doped up snoozing on the couch, but apprently sleeping soundly.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still alive and kicking

Music: Alison Krause (sp?)
Book: Use the News - Maria Bartiromo

Haven't posted. Too busy. Sad excuse but the truth. I've been gobbling up investment and finance books like a camel at the water trough. Just figured it was something I should explore and be informed about. Love the knowledge. Booking shows for the fall but slow into winter - obviously - because of that whole getting-hitched-wedding-thing. I ate hords of mexican food for lunch so currently I can't move because I'm trying to digest 7 bowls of tortillas chips. It was ALL WORTH IT THOUGH! Now Mr. Fiancee and I will watch Mission Impossible I & II to pass the evening with the pets before he works the White Stripes show over the weekend. Maybe I'll finish writing a song or two... Hmmm...

Or golf...who knows. Bye for now.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

checking in

Music: none
Book: rich dad, poor dad

Fun rehearsal for music. Good golfing day. Wrote some cool tunes that Chadly and I banged away at. Busy busy busy but I'll try and check in again.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Back from Mankato

Music: none
Book: none

Wicked hot this weekend. Mankato was interesting. After playing the Hag for over a year which is all ages, a 21 plus venue with smoking and drinking is simply a different deck of cards. We had a delightful audience though and an invitation to return to the Wine Cafe this fall. We're grateful for both. Good times. I think it might be too hot to hit the driving range this evening, but...maybe not. I could pick up some shoes for the course at Dicks after having my guitar serviced at the Podium. Quite a bit of running around, but I have air conditioning so I'll survive. This Thursday is the Summer in the Park music series so I'll be in Rogers Minnesota playing for free. Open to the public and it should be a breezy 80 degrees. State Fair is coming soon too, but I'm not performing. Next week is South Dakota and Nebraska. Must find books on tape. Perhaps on investing...?