Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Music: melissa ferrick
Book: stolen - kelly armstrong

i don't feel luck capital letters today. over the weekend i was cleaning the basement when some drill bits fell off the shelf gouging my left hand. (the protective cap was off) after bleeding all over the house for an hour or so things settled down. my left hand hurts alot so no guitar for a couple of days, but i'll recover. stupid household chores. i need a maid...or a keeper...that would prevent me from future accidents. my family arrives in droves today for the holiday. i think we're planning on shopping. can't wait to see how my 1-year old nephew and my doggie sweetie pie get along. should be amusing...

just booked a show in escanaba for the end of july and should confirm a date for iowa city later this summer. very anxious to be on the road again.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Hello, remember me?

Music: 89.3 the Current
Book: Shadow Game - Christine Feehan

Been very busy, haven't posted. Sorry. My touring hiatus is less than one month away from being over. I'm getting antsy. Winona's Acoustic Cafe show got cancelled - again - due to a double booking. The other artist was driving 12 hours for the show so I wasn't going to interfere and cause a commotion. We might reschedule for late July. Chadly and I have been asked back to the Mabel Tainter Theatre in Menomonie, WI for the fall. We are EXCITED! Such a cool venue and the most welcoming audience. We're kicking around the idea of a live recording there too *smile* I've been traveling all over the palce lately - half for music - half for keeping up with my life. I'm drinking an absolutely terrible cup of coffee which I keep forgetting is bad so I sip and grimace. Lovely huh? Sweetie Pie sat through a home haircut yesterday and she looks adorable. Miss Kitty (my officially fat feline) actually dove into a sink full of water and stayed there last night. I wonder if someone is selling crack to the pets in my neighborhood. I'll be on the lookout.

Thursday, June 9, 2005


Music: I hope you dance
Book: Blue Dahlia - Nora Roberts

Just to clarify. No show in Winona on Saturday the 11th. I play the Acoustic Cafe in Winona, MN on Friday, June 24th. This weekend I head out for an extended stay in Seattle, Washington. Should be fun. I plan on sleeping throughout the entire flight. There is a show scheduled at the Dinkytowner this July in Minneapolis and an outdoor park in St. Paul this August. Tired today. So tired. I'm looking forward to curling up in bed with a good book.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Music: hattie peterson
Book: Realm of Shadows - terrible book, great story.

I'm in window hell. In December we broke a doubel pane window of glass on the first floor. In December. Do you know how hard it is to have a broken window in the middle of winter? We got it fixed within 12 hours, but that's a long, COLD time without barriers between people and the elements. Then I was swatting a fly with a book. Dumb I know, but a few months ago I was chasing after it and getting so frustrated that when he finally landed I smacked him...and the window he was perched on. Breaking another pain of glass. Two days ago I was downtown Minneapolis and some kid smashed the rear windshild of my car. Just shattered. Cops could have cared less too. By the time they showed up, with the accident report all filled out - they policeman got out of his car, handed me the case number and got right back in his cruiser to drive away. Unreal. Not exactly intense police business I understand but I didn't even get 60 seconds worth of my tax dollars. So, now I've spent the past two days with some Ford Autoglass people who can't seem to find the right glass replacement. Thankfully, I haven't been breaking mirrors, but with my luck...it might as well have been.

I need a vacation. But instead, my doggie Sweets and I are heading home to my parents house over the weekend to work on wedding planning. You're all jealous I know. Sigh.