Monday, March 28, 2005

Back From Wisconsin

Music: none
Book: none

Ashland, Wisconsin - while chilly - was loveyl as always. There was quite a nice crowd down for the show on Saturday night. I was even given a few venue recommendations for the Bayfield area. Easter Sunday was rather lowkey. Bad, violent news in my neighborhood this weekend, but I don't have all the details. Wrote another song called "Burn this down". Fun for me to sing...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Good News

Music: me
Book: Conde Naste Traveler

Last night I arrived home to a piece of mail from ASCAP with a check in it for Brutally Honest Publishing - which owns all my little musical creations. Apparently MTV2 used "I'm Not Okay" from my first acoustic CD, Beautifully Scarred, during a September 2004 feature. I had no idea. So opening the mail was like Christmas all over again!

We're trying to track down the clip, but it appears to be something on Alice in Chains. Not sure yet however so don't quote me on it.

I'm just thrilled to have the exposure. Plus, I hardly ever play the song live so it was nice of them to pick the odd man out. So happy *smile*

Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday, Monday

Music: Kathleen Wilhoite
Book: none

I survived the weekend. Haven't picked up my guitar in days though. All evidence of Friday's snowstorm has melted away and the sun is back...apparently for good. Bummer. Did I ever mention that my mother refers to me as Morticia Addams occasionally? No wonder huh? I did see Jesus Christ Superstar on Sunday with a very talented Mary I might add. Aside from her songs, I don't care to much for that musical. It was well done regardless. Chadly and I are crashing open mic at E. P. Atelier in downtown Minneapolis tomorrow - as an FYI.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Music: Eva Cassidy
Book: Back to "Beach Music" - Pat Conroy

My doggie amazes me. We were supposed to get a big storm, starting yesterday but nothing happened. I even woke up during the night and pulled the curtains aside to see if the world was a white blanket. No luck. This morning my dog was not her usually snuggle bunny self. The moment I was up she was yelling at me to go for her walk. So, earlier than normal, I clipped on her leash and we set out the back door at a run. Not even outside for 30 seconds and it started to snow. By the time we'd made it around the block it was coming down horizontally, right in our faces. She ran her usual route in less than half the time and bolted up the back stairs to head inside. And as I'm writing this, I realized I forgot to give her a treat. Bad mother, bad, bad mother. *sigh* Now she'll get two treats! Must be her sense of smell....she can tell when the weather changes maybe. Anyway, no plans for tonight. I have plans for tomorrow during the day and hoepfully seeing Ring Two Saturday night.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Books, books and more books

Music: none
Book: The Bride's Essential Wedding Planner

Are you laughing your butt off at my reading selection today? I am. Never would have thunk.

Anyway, I have good news all around. I roomed with two girls at Northwestern University with the same name - spelled differently of course. Sheri (spelled with an "e") just found out she's expecting and due this September. Shari (spelled with an "a") just found out her novel went through a bidding auction and was won by Doubleday/Random House and will be published and released in spring of 2006. Yey! How fabulous is that? I'm so excited for everyone. I'm booking more shows for summer 2005. April and May might be a bit slow for gigs but I have some personal travel to do and little time to play music - let's call it a brief gig hiatus (6 weeks or so). Plus it's a good time to write songs and contemplate that acoustic xmas album I've been kicking around for a while.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

More shows

Music: sinead o'connor
Book: beach music

Having problems with my email at the moments so I really am trying to get back to people. Promise.

I just booked a return gig at Java Joes in Des Moines as it is just a fabulous place to play. And I also received some recommendations for places in Iowa City and Ames...we'll make something work and just cover the entire state of Iowa some week. *smile*

My web calendar will be updated soon with new shows, but right now Mr. Manager uhm...I mean Mr. Fiance, is up to his eyeballs in Mudvayne, Kenny Chesney and Roy Wilkins. Concerts and artists much more demanding than acoustic singer/songwriter Anne Deming are demanding his attention.

We'll catch up soon. Thanks for all your congratulations by the way!

Oh and a snow storm is coming tomorrow and Friday. I am sooooo excited!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hell hath frozen over...

Music: Tori Amos - Live
Book: Beach Music - Pat Conroy (re-reading)

Uhm...Mr. Manager proposed on Friday so now he's Mr. Fiance and I'm officially engaged. *smile*No details yet... we have decided to have the wedding back in Wisconsin though...easier on the parents.

So sweet huh?

Monday, March 7, 2005

Back in Mpls...

Music: none
Book: Taltos - Anne Rice

I'll just take it day by day for anyone who cares...

Atlanta - arrived at said venue and all was dark, doors were locked. Headed across the street to Miss Q's gay bar and pool house for a drink with Todd the friendly bartender who kept calling the other venue wondering why they weren't open. Nice guy to help us out like that huh? Chadly and I had some delightful conversations but finally decided to cut our loses almost 2 hours past arrival time. As we were leaving...the Red Light opened. Pissed and happy at the same time we played our set, competed for the evening and won the M.U.S.I.C. night competition. Couldn't wait to leave Atlanta though.

Birmingham - WOW! Gorgeous city and even better people. Moonlight Music Cafe could be one of the coolest listening rooms I've ever played...or been to for that matter. We had an attentive audience, sold a bunch of CDs and heard another interesting musician from Florida named Eric Himan - check him out if he's in your town. "Outskirts of you" is a beautiful song. I would recommend this town and this venue to ANY traveling musician or poet or wine lover, person, kind soul. etc. THANK YOU KEITH!

The Carolinas - my advice to you is maybe investing in some street lights, but other than that, you have a lovely state(s). Charlotte was great at the Evening Muse BUT we checked into a hotel, keyed the lock and found the room already occupied, we switched rooms only to have the plumbing not work and finally, turned down the covers to find stained sheets. Bye bye hotel, we left Charlotte immediately following the set at Evening Muse.

Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham - great fun, great cities. I fought against Greg Brown and Buddy Miller for the folk crowds and lost but enough of you came out to listen that we were pleased with the stops. Temple Ball was cool, but not our scene, the Open Eye was delightful. We even had an encore!!!! Chadly found a fabulous restaurant called the Mad Hatter in Durham so we feasted on organic veggies, killer onion rings and sinful desserts. I even scored a Nina Simone CD find in a tiny music store off Main Street. Another great band to check out is North Carolina's Parklife.

Now back to Alabama.

Opelika - Probably the most segregated community I have ever encountered. 8th and Rail was a great venue and filled with people...most of whom didn't know there was a music show happening on stage. The surprise of the evening was a "Deming" crowd in the front row who came to check me out and find out if we were all related. Oddly enough, our grandparents probably both came from Dubuque Iowa. Cool random event. Atlanta is not my favorite place to could be my favorite place to leave. And I was quite happy to land safe and sound in the Twin Cities. My pets were ecstatic at my homecoming and Mr. Manager appeared pleased as well *smile*

Thanks to those of you who came out to see me and my new friends in the south. Chadly survived traveling with me I think and hopefully I'll head back sometime soon.

I am so tired my eyes burn.