Monday, November 29, 2004

Back in Minneapolis

Music: NPR
Book: none

Friday night was awful in Appleton. Good intentions, but a weird night. The copper rock is a great venue, good food, friendly service, but the patrons talk. I mention this because I feel the need to apologize for those of you who drove down to the show only to have your ears buzz from the other half of the audience. People listened on and off, but talked the whole damn night. Hard work and not a fun show for anyone. As an artist if you cover Green Day or Avril maybe this is the venue for you.

Saturday night was a surprising treat however. The road to Escanaba (41 then M35) is treacherous at best but worth the drive. Rain, sleet and mists accompanied me and my father up to Michigan from Green Bay and not realizing there was an hour time difference...I arrived 25 minutes late. Luckily the paper printed my start time as 8:30pm so it all worked out in the end. I cannot stress enough how CHARMING the patrons were or how gracious the venue. I am so glad to have played the 8th Street Coffeehouse and for those of you still wanting to buy CDs when none were left in the car *smile* please order online and I'll give you a discount! Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

still slightly ill

Music: none
Book: outlander - Gabaldon

I would like to be better now. I'm looking forward to the Appleton show tomorrow...please stop on down to the Copper Rock if you're in the area. And of course Escanaba for Saturday night. Back to bed for Anne. Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Music: me
Book: none

I have the flu.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Music: NPR
Book: City of Secrets - Follian

Almost done with City of Secrets - great read. Next I'm taking on Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander". I haven't read it in so long that I need to take it all in again. Seeing as I re-visited "Dragongfly in Amber" while touring the midwest I'm going back to the beginning. I added the audio versions of all the books to my wishlist though...just in case.

SHOW TONIGHT AT GINKGO with Vicky Emerson. Can't wait. See you tonight!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Wild book

Music: NPR
Book: City of Secrets by John Follian

The above book is about the "Truth behind the murders at the Vatican in May of 1998" when the head of the Swiss Gaurd, Estermann, was found murdered along with his wife and supposedly shot by another guard. It is unbelievable. I'm not big on conspiracy theories but Follian backs up some serious ties to Osama Bin Laden and Opus Dei. Wow. No good transition from there other news...

Don't forget my show tomorrow night at Ginkgo in St. Paul with Vicky Emerson...we start at 7:30 and have decided to play off each other in songwriter circle style so whenever you come, the listener will be able to catch a few songs from each of us all night long!! Don't miss it! Chadly is braving the stage with me once again - he's earning his karma stripes.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug

Music: Mary Chapin Carpenter
Book: none...

Finished all my books and a load of driving. I was a little "off" this weekend, still am. Too much or not enough of everything. I'm spent and tired and bland. Gingko is Thursday night with Vicky Emerson and I am REALLY looking forward to playing in my own town again...well, St. Paul is close enough to Minneapolis to be called home. I'm looking for balance.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, "You must have chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star" ....Damn straight...

Tuesday, November 9, 2004


Music: none
Book: Dying to Please - Linda Howard

I'm getting a cold. Last night I went to sleep before 9PM. I did manage to whispher out a song or two before collapsing in bed. It's almost better to be completely sick with the sniffles and an excuse to stay in bed. Fighting off a cold to prevent it from setting up camp in your sinuses is the real trick. My bed is calling. Mr. Manager will be in Pixie land for the next few days and them I'm off to Wisconsin and Illinois for the next several days.

Monday, November 8, 2004

Glowing Review in Face Magazine!!!

Music: Home CD
Book: Blue Moon - Laurel K. Hamilton

I just received a glorious review in Face Magazine for Mulligan! It's number 9 in the column section off to the left on the front page! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Shelby Morrisfor understanding my music and what indie artists everywhere are desperately trying to accomplish in the middle of Clear Channel hell.

I saw "The Incredibles" over the weekend and laughed myself stupid. Rather violent for a cartoon but still funny. I'm rather interested in working on the next Home CD which benefits Children International ....More on that later.

Oh and we had a website mix up and the concert calendar showed a gig from Saturday, November 6th at Four Friends in Grand Rapids, MI. The show was rescheduled for 2005, but the website was confusing. I apologize for those who showed time I owe you a coffee but I will be in Michigan next year. Thanks!

Thursday, November 4, 2004


Music: audio book Dragon Fly in Amber
Book: Burnt Offerings - Hamilton

On to book six for Hamilton. It's cold, but not snowy which ruins the fun of winter in Minneapolis. January through May of 2005 is looking crazy for bookings and I will do everything in my power to reach as many cities as possible. "The Incredibles" comes out tomorrow so if Mr. manager is recovered from another 24 hours of concert chaos...we'll be one of the first in line. I woke up early for some reason and decided to workout out, walk the dog, make breakfast and deposit some checks at the bank all before's only 11:15am and it's been a full day! Bedtime might happen at around 8pm. Hee hee.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Election Day

Music: Holly Williams
Book: Burnt Offerings - Hamilton

Almost finished with the Anita Blake Vampire Series books, I believe they would make a great movie or TV Series. Interesting day...Songs to write. Bye.

Monday, November 1, 2004


Music: Country
Book: Killing Dance - Laurell K. Hamilton

The Dolly Parton concert was wonderful on Friday night. I ran myself ragged over the weekend so I'm sorry for the late post. My only critique of the concert would be the lack of full songs...Dolly's set list was more revue style with only one verse and one chorus of a song bleeding into another song and then another. Her banter with the audience (while scripted) was delightful. She is a true entertainer and a marvelous songwriter. What a treat! If you get the chance - buy tickets to the show.

In other news: I am so tired of political TV/Radio/Mail ads right now I could scream. In one half-hour program on Sunday I saw at least a dozen ads, but I stopped counting at 10. Guess what? If you haven't decided who to vote for by now you could be the dumbest person alive. You know what you believe and what the candidates stand for so make a choice. Is anyone truly swayed by that 10 second radio spots not endorsed by either candidate but just by the party? Harsh, but it's how I feel. We've been bombarded with nothing but politics the entire summer and fall - even if you had wanted to, you couldn't have hidden from the information. My point being - I don't think the ads and brochures are helping; I feel it's wasted money and that makes me a little angry and quite sad. But as long as you vote - I guess you're forgiven. (you probably don't care what I think though and that's okay)

My next show is the Heartland in Chicago on Sunday, November 14th. I haven't played there since I was in college so it will be fun to go back. The last two weeks of November are packed full of shows all over the midwest so you can come out, enjoy the music and start your christmas shopping early by picking up a CD or two or three for family and friends. Now I have to get back to 2005 bookings.