Saturday, September 11, 2004


Music: no clue who the artist is but the music is good
Book: Just finished Dark Horse by Tami Hoag

I'm currently stranded, alone, at my house with no people and even my car is gone - long story. I finished my book, I can't exercise & there isn't even a bagel in the house to get me to lunch. Is my grumpiness showing? Poeple and politics are pissing me off - only because I feel it's being shoved down my throat. Can I ask when the last time a stranger yelling at you on the street about Bush or Kerry changed your opinion of the next election? I can't...I read books and watch the news, I listen to NPR. I like to get things from the source and validate the information instead of relying on hearsay. My grandmother had a friend in Cleveland Ohio who used to host lavish dinner parties and the only rule she laid down was no politics and no religion. I just wish it were true today and that people could respect a person's right to their own opinion.